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Eric Ladd
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Posted: 09 July 2019 at 10:21am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

 Brennan Voboril wrote:
I was concerned, that if this was published...

Brennan, I squashed my concerns by also wishing it would be published in a pencils only artist edition by IDW. However, at least one of the pages; Issue #1 pg17, is made up of two different physical pages. This would not be a problem for an artist edition to handle when a page of art is constructed out of a reduced image, but it does present a decision that isn't normally taken when building a book like that at IDW. It is actually neat to see how JB leveraged what initially fell out of his pencil into issue #1.
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Steve Gumm
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Posted: 09 July 2019 at 11:17am | IP Logged | 2 post reply

Off to a great start on issue two. Masterful art, I love seeing the perspective grids. You didn't originally create this to be in a page a day serialized form, but the pages do work great delivered a page a day. 
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Mark Haslett
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Posted: 09 July 2019 at 11:29am | IP Logged | 3 post reply

Loving the new pages, I want to comment on how I feel about the
presentation. There is something vague, but undeniably positive about this
unusual presentation -- online, one page a day, in pencil -- that suits this

Your career's been marked by unexpected developments, many imposed on
you by outside forces. I mean a variety of things from the unforeseen
impact of "killing" Phoenix and "rebooting" Superman (not your plan or
term, I know), to filling in Marvel's "Lost Generation" and X-Men's "Hidden
Years"; designing props and sets with computers and eventually doing
whole comic books in reinvented "Foto-novel" style. Changes in the
industry have impacted your career and influenced your creative/career
choices and it's fascinating to track.

So it feels strangely appropriate that your long hoped-for return to the All-
New, All-Different X-Men should be so unorthodox. The purity of getting
your stories with literally no input from anyone else is something that would
be hard to achieve any other way. It's often said that your run on X-Men was
a happy result of collaboration, but there isn't any obvious reason why
collaboration on this return to the X-Men would improve it. I am happy and
grateful that it's happening at all and I'm growing to appreciate that it may
be happening in exactly the right way, thank you!
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Matt Hawes
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Posted: 09 July 2019 at 1:27pm | IP Logged | 4 post reply

 Mark Haslett wrote:
...The purity of getting 
your stories with literally no input from anyone else is something that would be hard to achieve any other way...

I agree.  With this method, we get unfiltered JB! What we read and see in the art is the way he intends, with no problems from "production gnomes," or unreasonable editorial interference. From a fan perspective,  the series being released like this is very awesome and special.  Seeing the full pencils is also a big treat. The only drawback is that JB doesn't get financial compensation for all his efforts. I greatly appreciate that he is generous enough to share the work with us fans.

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Eric Ladd
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Posted: 09 July 2019 at 2:41pm | IP Logged | 5 post reply

Mark, well said.

I think we are currently getting JB filtered by JB, which is fantastic. John mentioned that when interest and the possibility of publication started he did constrain himself to format (# of pages in a comic book) and was perhaps also mindful of what could and could not be published by Marvel. However, I wonder if issue #2 was scripted before or after the decision to release the work as fan fic seeing as there are civilian casualties on page 4. I don't know if there will be any perceivable difference to the stories written and scripted after June 5th, but the gloves are definitely off for content created after that date.

My guess is this will be the pinnacle of most comic book memories for those of us that frequent the JBF. We all have a list of comic book issues or runs that profoundly shook us as readers and fans, but this one is shaping up to be the grand daddy of them all. Isn't it nice to see characters, art and stories respected by the person going the work?! No gimmicks, no pandering, no off model art, etc. Makes me feel like a kid again.
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Matt Hawes
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Posted: 09 July 2019 at 3:17pm | IP Logged | 6 post reply

What I really get a kick out of knowing is that this series, like the STAR TREK: NEW VISIONS series,  is born out of a genuine affection and love for the characters,  and not dictated by sales, or marketing,  or the like.  Because JB remains a real fan at heart, it comes through in the stories. I get extra enjoyment from the works because I know there is this sincere enthusiasm from the creator that shines through the art and stories. JB isn't doing this because he has to do it, but because he wants to do it. That makes it all the more fun for the reader, I believe. 
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Rod Collins
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Posted: 10 July 2019 at 4:47am | IP Logged | 7 post reply

There's an energy to the art in this series that I really like.  JB do you think all that time photoshopping in New Visions has had an affect on your pencilling?
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 10 July 2019 at 5:04am | IP Logged | 8 post reply

JB do you think all that time photoshopping in New Visions has had an affect on your pencilling?


Absolutely! STNV got me thinking more in layers than I really ever have.

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Brian Miller
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Posted: 10 July 2019 at 5:27am | IP Logged | 9 post reply

Man, there’s just so much to like. Nice nod to 139-140. Love Nightcrawler’s reaction to learning Wolverine’s first name. These pencils are some of, if not THE best of your career. One can definitely see the growth you’ve made with faces since you were last on the series, but each face is still identifiable as the same character. That drapery in the first couple of panels while Kurt and LOGAN are just walking and talking is fantastic  This is just gorgeous work. 
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Matt Hawes
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Posted: 10 July 2019 at 5:58am | IP Logged | 10 post reply

Once again, the best way to describe these pages is fun... pure FUN! It's nice to be able to experience such fun again with a comic book story. I also love all the detail!
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Steve Gumm
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Posted: 10 July 2019 at 6:26am | IP Logged | 11 post reply

Your mastery of interiors like the mansion's is simply outstanding. The close up of Logan is impressive and as for the action...these pages just sizzle with energy. These two pages are so much fun, WOOHOO! 

Thanks JB!

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David Schmidt
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Posted: 10 July 2019 at 7:12am | IP Logged | 12 post reply

First the art is amazing! It struck me when I looked at Wolverine's face.

And it's so good to care for these characters again!

Wolverine is a bully and not a samurai, Nightcrawler is funny and not a would-be catholic priest anymore!

Can't wait for the next pages!
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