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Topic: Why Not “Free Range”? Post ReplyPost New Topic
Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 25 February 2024 at 8:43pm | IP Logged | 1 post reply

If it's going to depend on an ineffable entity from beyond to suddenly or even gradually 'fix' us, the track record on that hasn't been so great the past couple thousand years.
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Dale Lerette
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Posted: 25 February 2024 at 8:49pm | IP Logged | 2 post reply

Fred, the audience I am talking to are those who love the song "In My Hour of Darkness" by Gram Parsons, Emmylou Harris, & Linda Ronstadt. 

But I've been writing philosophy since I was about 21 years old. I am 54 now. Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven goes way higher than we know. It's like Boston's More Than a Feeling. I may sound way too nebulous. But I am trying to keep it tight.

This is related to an essay Gram Parsons submitted to briefly become a theology student at Harvard. Parsons was accepted into Harvard University in 1966, largely on the strength of his application essay since his grades were sub-par. I suspect if Gram were still alive today he would have been just as influential as John Lennon. In his interview with Playboy in 1980, Lennon specifically criticized the romanticization of artists. 

Based on the beautiful lyrics in Gram's song, I wrote something 'universal' that I think Grams' theology would have submitted to Harvard. The song, "In My Hour of Darkness" by Gram Parsons, Emmylou Harris, & Linda Ronstadt is so very holy in my opinion. 

Strange ethereal flames burn through the astral plane of music echo-luminated by the three-fold cords of St. Elmo's Fire.❤️‍🔥 
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Brian Miller
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Posted: 25 February 2024 at 8:57pm | IP Logged | 3 post reply

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