Posted: 15 December 2005 at 7:11am | IP Logged | 6
Rob Hewitt: In the case of Professor Yinsen, you just ignore him. Unlike others who sacrificed or been killed to make it possible for the hero to be, Yinsen is almost never mentioned, except in re-telling the origin. Tony doesn't mope about Professor Yinsen. You drop Wong-Chu similarly.
And then you have a completely different set of circumstances leading up to the origin of Iron Man, which is the point I'm bitching about. There was nothing wrong with the original origin, or the characters in it. No need to ignore or drop anyone. Simply don't mention Vietnam and you're set.
(Oh, and both Yinsen and Wong-Chu were part of an atrocious Iron Man storyline a few years back. They're really better off dead, but they shouldn't have to be forgotten)
Rob Hewitt: I'm not sure the Mandarin is really effected.
Yes, he is. Our own esteemed John Byrne retold the Iron Man origin back in 1991, working the Mandarin into the story. I have to wonder what the Mandarin would be doing in Afghanistan during the current origin.
Rob Hewitt: Personally, I would have just let it be an unnamed Asian country at an unnamed time.
Which is exactly what JB did back in 1991, and as he stated upthread, he left 99% of the original Iron Man origin completely untouched. I'm taking it you haven't read those stories? Issues #267 and #268 if you have a desire to check them out.