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Jason Schulman
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Posted: 14 December 2005 at 3:37pm | IP Logged | 1  

Tony now created armaments that were used in Desert Storm, I think  -- I don't feel like going to look at the issue at the moment, this is what I remember. The origin itself doesn't take place in Kuwait. It supposedly now takes place in Afghanistan. I suspect that this will be ignored in the future -- Tony just talks about it with that reporter (the explosion, the shrapnel, etc.) but we never see him think about it. Could be explained away as a cover story or something. 
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John Byrne
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Posted: 14 December 2005 at 3:42pm | IP Logged | 2  

Desert Storm ---- 12 years ago.
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Ian M. Palmer
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Posted: 14 December 2005 at 4:04pm | IP Logged | 3  

I think I've posted this before, but I think it's appropiate here. This is the only way for Iron Man to look:



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John OConnor
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Posted: 14 December 2005 at 4:06pm | IP Logged | 4  

I've seen alot of Iron Man choices -- how about his early "foe" Hawkeye? Throughout his condsant bitching & obvious chip on the shoulder, he was always about one thing -- getting it done
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Ian M. Palmer
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Posted: 14 December 2005 at 4:59pm | IP Logged | 5  

Or like this:


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Roger A Ott II
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Posted: 15 December 2005 at 7:11am | IP Logged | 6  

Rob Hewitt: In the case of Professor Yinsen, you just ignore him. Unlike others who sacrificed or been killed to make it possible for the hero to be, Yinsen is almost never mentioned, except in re-telling the origin.  Tony doesn't mope about Professor Yinsen. You drop Wong-Chu similarly.

And then you have a completely different set of circumstances leading up to the origin of Iron Man, which is the point I'm bitching about.  There was nothing wrong with the original origin, or the characters in it.  No need to ignore or drop anyone.  Simply don't mention Vietnam and you're set.

(Oh, and both Yinsen and Wong-Chu were part of an atrocious Iron Man storyline a few years back.  They're really better off dead, but they shouldn't have to be forgotten)

Rob Hewitt: I'm not sure the Mandarin is really effected.

Yes, he is.  Our own esteemed John Byrne retold the Iron Man origin back in 1991, working the Mandarin into the story.  I have to wonder what the Mandarin would be doing in Afghanistan during the current origin.

Rob Hewitt: Personally, I would have just let it be an unnamed Asian country at an unnamed time.

Which is exactly what JB did back in 1991, and as he stated upthread, he left 99% of the original Iron Man origin completely untouched.  I'm taking it you haven't read those stories?  Issues #267 and #268 if you have a desire to check them out.

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Rob Hewitt
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Posted: 15 December 2005 at 8:20am | IP Logged | 7  

Maybe I did read those stories and that is where I stole it from.  I can't remember-although I liked Iron Man in the Avengers, his book always was hot and cold for me. When it wasd good it was good, but when it was bad.....  Probably the character in my mind of all the biggies who has the most inconsistent stories this side of Dr. Strange.,

Plus, when I started reading, Iron Man was being a bit of a jerk to Cap.

I guess my only point was that it wasn't like Uncle Ben where Yinsen was constantly mentioned as a source for inspiration or guilt or revenge or anything. 

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Eric Lund
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Posted: 15 December 2005 at 9:11am | IP Logged | 8  

You guys needed to read Iron Man from the 70's with Tuska he was very cool! Very hands on very tough.....not at all the alcheey that Layton turned him into.....

Iron Man 86-100 was some great, great stuff! Issues 95-99 with Iron Man vs Ultimo, Sunfire, The Guardsman, and The Mandarin were just AWESOME!


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Roger A Ott II
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Posted: 15 December 2005 at 10:16am | IP Logged | 9  

Eric Lund: Issues 95-99 with Iron Man vs Ultimo, Sunfire, The Guardsman, and The Mandarin were just AWESOME!

Among my favorites is this issue...

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Steve Lyons
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Posted: 15 December 2005 at 10:24am | IP Logged | 10  

I didn't have a major problem with the alcoholism storyline. Given the jet-set circles in which Tony travelled, compounded by the inevitable stresses of running a multi-national corporation and having Ultron try to kill you, it seemed natural that Tony would at least tip a few. And Layton was the first artist to convince me that the armor was metal, not cloth.
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Eric Lund
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Posted: 15 December 2005 at 10:46am | IP Logged | 11  

I love the Layton stuff on Iron Man too....That was the character he was born to do.

His first run on Iron Man 116 -153 is CLASSIC and a must own for any comics fan.

On his website he has pics were he inked Tuska and for me that is the Best of Both Worlds


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Darren De Vouge
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Posted: 15 December 2005 at 11:46am | IP Logged | 12  

John Byrne wrote:
It was well on its way, even then. In the issue for which I did layouts, around the same time as the above cover, I was instructed to start with Tony in his lab, with his different Iron Man suits on display behind him. His "underwater" suit. His "outer space" suit. Etc. "Huh?" I said. "But he's flown thru space and underwater in his regular suit! He's not Batman! He doesn't have a winter outfit, and a rainbow outfit..." But I was shouted down by the powers that were, and drew what I was told.


That was Iron Man # 118, one of my favourites.  The caption for that splash page indicated that the displayed suits were "experimental forges and electronic prototypes",  if I remember right.  So maybe they did listen to you (sort of) after all.
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