Mike Rouse Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 23 May 2006 Location: United States Posts: 4
Posted: 11 July 2023 at 6:35pm | IP Logged | 6
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On page 1 for this topic, I asked the question, “Can anyone imagine what the comic book industry would have been like without John Byrne?” JB’s response included the following. “Maybe no Dark Phoenix? Maybe a lot less Wolverine. A different Superman reboot for sure.” This got me thinking about JB’s published work. I put together a list below of just some of the comic book characters that JB either created, cocreated and or designed, I know I missed some characters. There are some very big names on the list. I will always be a fan. JB, thank you. Sabretooth, Dark Phoenix, Kitty Pryde / Sprite, Emma Frost / White Queen, Dazzler, Guardian / Vindicator, Sasquatch, Aurora, Northstar, Shaman, Puck, Marina, Talisman, Nova, Scott Lang / Ant-Man, White Vision, Herbie the robot, Karma, Jim Rhodes, Bishop, Malcom, Randall, Avatar, Nathaniel Richards, Heather Hudson, Gardener, Daughters of the Dragon, Union Jack 3, Great Lakes Avengers, Mister Immortal, Dinah Soar, Doorman, Big Bertha, Flatman, & Next Men. Amanda Waller, Bloodsport, Terrax, Sebastian Shaw, Hellfire Club, Mastermind, Shadow King, Titania, D’Spayre, Chthon, Dark Scarlet Witch, Silver Banshee, Wild Child, Diamond Lil, Smart Alec, Proteus / Mutant X, Phoenix 2, Pyro, Destiny, Avalanche, Omega Red, Maverick, Master of the World, Gilded Lily, Pink Pearl, Tundra, Terminus, Malice, Elements of Doom, Aunt Petunia, Kristoff Vernard, Gormuu, Ootah, Mother Superior, Smasher, Sleez, New Metallo, Checkmate, Magpie, & Rampage.