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Matt Reed
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Posted: 22 March 2019 at 11:55pm | IP Logged | 1 post reply

 Paul Buchanan wrote:
I'm happy to condescend Matt when it's deserved. Like when you're wrong. But according to you you're never completely wrong because there's always the possibility of something else to get Trump on down the line. Just keep on moving the goal posts and start a new never-ending game.

First off, deal with what I've actually written when you're addressing me and not what you believe I've said.  I haven't moved the goal posts.  I haven't said word one about this report today except in response to you.  You have, as if you've read it, dissected it and know it in its entirety.  That's you, Paul, not me. But thank you for admitting that you're happy being a condescending asshole when you think it's deserved.  Point made and understood.  Just understand that the same can be said when others believe you are just as deserving.

And I'm not the one who diminished the Mueller report by saying that it was only laying the groundwork for non-pardonable offenses- as if that was the purpose all along. Give me a break.

Neither am I.  But you make it sound like everyone is saying that.  Making broad, sweeping generalizations using a misreading of posts like the one made by Charles which in no way diminished the Mueller report, but was explicitly saying what could come after this report. And then you applied that generalization to anyone who disagrees with you regardless of why they have a disagreement. So, yeah, give me a break.    

Sorry for coming into the thread too hot for you. But after reading the untold moronic insults calling myself (and others) nazis, anti-semites, racists, stupid, and uninformed I had enough of the keyboard warriors who I absolutely guarantee wouldn't have the courage to say it to my face. But you have no problem with them do you Matt? Those are just lukewarm right?

Give me a goddamned fucking break, Paul.  I'm a mod.  I can go back to your first posts. I just did, in fact. Your first posts were hot long before anyone took offense to what you wrote.  That some may have painted you in a less than flattering light doesn't mean that you entered here pure of snow, wide eyed as a doe and interested in just "getting to know the fellas" but was, instead, turned away, bullied and called names at every juncture.  Your first post was agenda driven and you've been singular in your interaction on this board ever since. That you want to play the victim of some board-wide injunction against you while simultaneously claiming that dissenting opinions are not accepted is bullshit.  You've never posted in another thread on this board that is not political in nature nor have you taken any sort of time to get to know the personalities on this forum away from politics even though you lurked here for 7-8 years before joining. No.  You're too above it, not wanting to debate in comic book related threads because they're beneath you, but perfectly willing to jump into a political discussion expecting some sort of  automatic "attaboy" because you lean right where the board leans left.  

Seriously.  Michael Roberts summed it up best a year ago when he said that if all you want to do is debate politics, why are you doing it on a comic book board?  A board where you can't be bothered to comment in threads unrelated to politics that ::shocker!:: have to do with the subject of this board, John Byrne. 

Thomas Woods and I don't agree on much.  We're diametrically opposed, actually.  But I give him credit for posting on a wide variety of subjects across multiple boards here on the JBF.  You?  This one.  Singular.  And you took an adversarial position from the jump before you got to know a single person with whom you were interacting.  Shocking that you've received the reaction that you have.
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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 22 March 2019 at 11:56pm | IP Logged | 2 post reply

Trump's been photographed with Russians he denied meeting, been found with written corroborating evidence to have been in contact with oligarchs about Russian building projects past when he said he was and had told others to lie on his behalf about it as well, dictated to his son to lie about a meeting with Russians in Trump tower... these things, and non-disclosures by staff including a son-in-law and a son, are all evidence of collusion during the time we know Russia was doing all sort of things to interfere in the 2016 election. This is what we the general public knows about, there is probably more, and not just the "Russia if you're listening" speech followed directly by Russians hacking Dems. Mueller is a Republican, Rosenstein, the new AG... they believe a sitting president cannot be indicted, and so what's left is impeachment, possibly for other misdemeanors or high crimes. This is where things are right now. The horses left the barn on there being no collusion awhile back, you'd have to be beyond willfully ignorant to turn reality back on it. A man who worked is way up through the Soviet KGB has something on your president as likely as not given his very strange, many are saying un-American, behavior toward this man known to have interfered in the function of the democratic processes of the U.S.A. Something is definitely going to have to be done to correct a situation that has been allowed to co0me down to we can't impeach because he's not indicted because he can't be indicted according to the AG chosen based on his statement of that very position. You can't have it both ways, and you can't deny gravity for long. Better it should hit sooner for someone who has had a lifetime of evading and shifting blame and debt on others than be dragged on much longer when your nation and one of the two main political parties has been stretched all out of shape.

Oh, and I think I mentioned this before. I've not said Trump can't read, I've said he won't read, according to many people very concerned about his unwillingness to do something called necessary work required by the job. he won't read more than a half page or so at a time. He's never had to do real work you see, it'd take away from his executive time watching and commenting on Fox news and reading the front page of National Enquirer and racist and conspiracy and anti-vaccine websites. I'm sure he'll have to find someone to summarize the Mueller report on his campaign.

He seems as thin-skinned about unfairness and name-calling and yet is the biggest name-caller anyone has ever seen and has someone else fire people either for zero reason or absolutely wrong ones, like Comey or sessions explicitly for not ending the Mueller investigation. The man who has never had to apply for a job nor have to work to keep one like most people have. Know that when I call him a racist that is not name-calling, that is fact, and well before the 2016 election. there is no excuse for not knowing that about any candidate. This and his comments about women are also way beyond the pale, what could possibly be worth putting that in the highest office from a zero real experience background? I think this Canadian loved the United States Of America more than many of it's citizens these days. "Sad" to quote the biggest dirty joke upon your government, civil service, military and people since way back when Andrew Johnson practically undid the entire civil war!

Enjoy the victory you think you're having of an us vs. a them, it's just another Trump illusion, aka a lie. Luckily I think there are enough patriots and adults around to eventually bring this huge Putin ass-kissing child to account however incompletely.

Edited by Rebecca Jansen on 22 March 2019 at 11:57pm
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David Allen Perrin
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Posted: 23 March 2019 at 2:51am | IP Logged | 3 post reply

There are still several sealed indictments......

Who’s names are on them?
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Doug Centers
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Posted: 23 March 2019 at 5:34am | IP Logged | 4 post reply

Look for the phrase "underlying evidence" to be bandied about a billion times for about a week!
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Eric Ladd
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Posted: 23 March 2019 at 6:26am | IP Logged | 5 post reply

Robert Mueller's mandate was an investigation of Russian interference in the US 2016 Presidential election. It was not an investigation of 45. It was not a witch hunt or an elephant hunt and to downplay any person's guilt and conviction in aiding Russia with their efforts by calling them a "squirrel" is utterly asinine. I'm ready for the Left to be disappointed and the Right to be subversive, but we didn't need this investigation and report to see the sitting President isn't very good for the country.
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Dave Phelps
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Posted: 23 March 2019 at 8:20am | IP Logged | 6 post reply

 Paul Buchanan wrote:
Reports state that there are "no further indictments".

Sorry to disappoint those who have spouted the Trump/Russia collusion narrative for two years. I'm sure mea culpas will be forthcoming as soon as they can recover from their disappointment at the awful news of not having a US president being indicted over colluding with a foreign country to steal an election.

As I understand it, the Justice Department has a policy that a sitting President can't be indicted. So how does a simple sentence about "no further indictments" mean anything regarding his involvement or lack of same in the Russian's interference in the election?

It's certainly possible the report will conclude there is no or insufficient evidence to conclude there was election collusion but Barr's statement alone doesn't really say that.

(And given the numerous debunked right wing conspiracy theories you still proclaim as gospel, you really need to get off your high horse.)
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Brian Miller
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Posted: 23 March 2019 at 9:00am | IP Logged | 7 post reply

The White House is now a Trump Hotel according to his merchandising. 
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John Byrne
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Posted: 23 March 2019 at 9:15am | IP Logged | 8 post reply

We have a Presidents who gropes women, commits adultery with porn stars, mocks the handicapped, sides with neo-Nazis, preaches White Supremacy, mocks war heroes, talks about having sex with his daughter, staffs his White House with crooks, lies at just about every turn...

But probably didn't collude with Russia.

So everything is, er, golden?

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Brennan Voboril
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Posted: 23 March 2019 at 9:38am | IP Logged | 9 post reply

Although I'm no fan of the president, I have to confess I did enjoy seeing Rachel Maddow tear up last night.  
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Brian Miller
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Posted: 23 March 2019 at 10:30am | IP Logged | 10 post reply

Yes JB. Apparently so. 
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Paul Buchanan
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Posted: 23 March 2019 at 11:13am | IP Logged | 11 post reply

Thank you Matt for your little tirade. Now I'll quickly try to address some of your points. Most non specific to Trump, but unfortunately they're more in response to the personal attacks. 

First, to your personal attacks and in particularly referring to me as a "condescending asshole" (and other language in your post that wasn't necessary). You may disagree with the points I make. That's fine. But I never resorted to the language that you used. You throw around that you're a moderator. I'm pretty sure that if I used that language I wouldn't be on the boards anymore. 

Second, as to why I respond to the Trump posts and not others. That's because aside from myself, Thomas Woods, and a very occasional other poster, there is no one defending Trump. It's the same dozen or so Trump bashers doing the same old echo chamber, back slapping routine over and over. They go unchallenged, no matter how ludicrous their statements. At some point I had enough. That got me to make the move from just years of reading posts to responding to some. After seeing the responses I received it's no wonder more people don't comment on the political posts - unless of course if they agree with you. 

 I'm passionate about comics and politics. I'm not sure why it's any of your business or concern what I choose to take my time to respond to. I don't have the time to spend (that you seem to) posting on numerous subjects. I have too many other positive things in my life to spend time doing. If you look at any of the current subjects at any particular time on the forum generally more than half are not dealing with comics in any way. I'd like to respond to more posts, but most time don't have anything to add that hasn't already been discussed. I feel I have something to add when it comes to the political postings. You may disagree with them, but it's not a perspective you're getting from anyone else here on the forum. And I see why.

As to getting to know people on the forum, I think I have a good idea of who many are just from reading their posts. When people respond like you do I'm not sure I want to know them any better anyway. 

As to JB - I could specifically respond to each of the statements you made regarding Trump. Some I'd even agree with - adultery. The others I find as various degrees of half-truths and over statements. But let's just say for sake of argument that I agree with you. Please tell me why those things actually matter? Why these thoughts and words are of any real importance as opposed to the actual RESULTS achieved? You hate Trump personally. I get that. Personally I don't like him either. But I like the results he's had as President. I like his economic policies, border security, foreign policy, recognizing Jerusalem, VA changes, low unemployment, tax law changes, annihilation of ISIS, jobs added and people removed from food stamps, etc. Disagree with those things. That's fine. They're what matters, But I'm not electing a homecoming king, or looking for a role model. I wish he was, but he's not. I'm looking for political results. The rest is National Enquirer nonsense or selective outrage. 

You want a moral President. You couldn't do much better than Jimmy Carter. I don't want him back- based on his results. Mitt Romney is considered to be one of the better men to ever run for president. Did you vote for him or Obama? Harry Truman was an open anti-semite. But he was also the first leader to recognize Israel- going against the wishes of his cabinet. His actions arguably did more for the Jewish people than anyone else in the 20th century. Should he be judged on what he said or what he did? 

And specifically I don't in any way believe that he sides with Neo-nazis or preaches white supremacy.

**** One other thing I'd like to point out to forum members (who for some reason are masochistic enough to have read this far). Earlier this morning I tried to respond to this post. I found I had been locked out of the Forum. Both Matt and JB have proclaimed that they do not censor those who disagree with them. But somehow I had been forbidden from responding to their posts. Obviously this has been corrected, (unless you're not reading this post) but I found this curious and wanted to mention it. Never had I used any kind of vile language that others have. Just arguing against the consensus opinion of the majority. Perhaps it was just an unusual temporary "glitch" in the system. But I wanted to point it out because it's never happened before.

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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 23 March 2019 at 11:59am | IP Logged | 12 post reply

"Mitt Romney is considered to be one of the better men to ever run for president."

Mister the barbed wire is on the Chinese factories I own to keep out all the people who want the jobs there? Pfft!
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