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Michael Penn
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Posted: 14 June 2024 at 2:09pm | IP Logged | 1 post reply

Biden comes off as such a zombie at times that it's too easy to be distracted from how much Trump has lost a step -- or fifty.
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John Byrne
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Posted: 14 June 2024 at 2:11pm | IP Logged | 2 post reply

Found a humorous church sign:



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Peter Martin
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Posted: 14 June 2024 at 8:06pm | IP Logged | 3 post reply

Found this quite interesting: LINK to CNBC article.

Backs up Michael Penn's point above about how Trump has lost a step (or fifty). He's long been a bit stream-of-consciousness, but it sounds like it's shifted gear.
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Casey Sager
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Posted: 15 June 2024 at 10:25pm | IP Logged | 4 post reply

Trumps greatest ability among his followers ( cultists ) is to repeat the same ridiculous things over and over until his followers start repeating them and not even realizing they're the victim of a relentless ad campaign similar to Coke or McDonalds.They're inundated with nonsense like "most secure border in the history of the world", "best economy in the history of the world" etc.

  If you try to refute any of this factually with statistics, it does not matter, they are cultists and those stats were made up by the "deep state" to make Trump look bad.

In my lifetime Reagan was probably the most polular US President and I don't recall Republicans worshipping him at the altar. It's silly and scary at the same time.
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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 15 June 2024 at 11:24pm | IP Logged | 5 post reply

Jonesville had the best bananas (and sugar drink) anyone ever tasted, mm-mmm! What they actually subsisted on was rice, every day, bought with a tiny fraction of all the wealth they'd handed over... and as for the vaunted equality he preached, the blacks did all the heavy labor and the hierarchy under Jones was all young white gals. Same old con really, just with Trumpville they'll be his daughters/daughters-in-law.

If a Trump building has 60 floors he will claim 80, if he has access to two billion maybe, he will claim ten. Everyone he's wronged he suddenly forgets ever knowing no matter how much proof of him knowing them there is, so I doubt he ever knew the black people he smiles with in a few photos. He distributed/tweeted b.s. stats of how they're behind violence more than others before he ever even ran! What motivation can there be to that which would make anybody smile?

I hope those CEOs know what the health care workers who tried to save him said about business head Herman Cain and what he got from a proudly maskless Trump rally in 2020 just before he died. That many of the Republican controlled states are actively and specifically trying to redistrict black voters, and make it as arduous as possible for them to vote, makes them the people most responsible for keeping the U.S. from sliding totally down the poop chute by now! The vast majority of people have a lot more in common with black Americans than with the kind of televangelist-used car salesmen and Chinese factory owning folks the Republican party and many churches seem to naturally select as leaders.

Is there really no way to hold judges like Alito and Cannon to account at all? Can anyone theoretically be made a judge or are there some qualifications required (even if there are none for Presidents who nominate them)? Over two hundred years and nobody thought to put such things in writing? I'm hearing how "traditionally" certain practices were simply honored, assuming only people with a sense of honor would gain power, but after at least Andrew Johnson... oh wait, the clean up after him is still going on. Practically undid the entire civil war of the 1860s, pushing the black population back down, all those Americans dying for little beyond a shift from outright slavery to share-cropping. Makes one quietly proud?

I sure hope Mr. Trump goes the way of Rev. Jones, and the sooner the better... in terms of declaring himself God and the ultimate authority while mocking and threatening his followers outright, the more tv channels then the better!

Edited by Rebecca Jansen on 15 June 2024 at 11:29pm
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Brian Floyd
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Posted: 15 June 2024 at 11:51pm | IP Logged | 6 post reply

Besides Alito and Cannon, don't forget Thomas! He's been taking `gifts', aka bribes, for years.

Herman Cain was an idiot and an asshole - aka a typical Republican politician. His 9,9,9 tax idea was stupid, because 9% to the rich is nothing, but its a problem for the other classes. And he once said something to effect of it being everyone's own fault if they aren't rich.

Let me remind everyone that when Rick Perry ran for President, he actually called Social Security an entitlement program. That pretty much sums up the GOP's feelings toward the non-wealthy.

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