Posted: 28 August 2008 at 12:12pm | IP Logged | 5
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Jodi with 'Roid Rage is a chilling thought! She might run to New York to throttle Bill O'Reilly instead of just thinking of doing it!
So there are good things about Roid Rage. LOL
Jodi, I will be more then willing to retract my double dog/cat dare until your shoulder gets better
I never back down from a double dog/cat dare. But that was nice of you. :0)
Ouch ! How did you hurt your shoulder?
I saw this little girl walking out into traffic and yanked her back in just enough time, I did it so hard and quick it tore my shoulder, but it was worth it, I saved her life................... I wish.
OK this is the sad part, I beat my husband in Wii bowling and of course being the gracious winner that I always am, I did my usual victory "in your face" dance (same one I'll do if Obama wins, but in a less arm swinging way) while humming out loud this song. (look for the girl at about 11 seconds in, that was pretty much my dance)
needless to say, I get no sympathy at all.
Edited by Jodi Moisan on 28 August 2008 at 3:05pm