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Brennan Voboril
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Posted: 07 November 2024 at 4:18pm | IP Logged | 1 post reply

Harris got more votes than Hillary.  Perhaps that is because there are over 20 million more Americans now than in 2016...

Harris was an extremely weak, flawed candidate - one that was out of touch with the majority of concerns Americans had/have.  "Turning the page" didn't resonate with people, as she had been in power for the past four years, and didn't distance herself from Biden.  "Joy" was a meaningless slogan.  The media turned her into some kind of rock star, but she wasn't.  No one picked her either - the party leaders did.  I'm surprised anyone thought she could win.
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Mark Haslett
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Posted: 07 November 2024 at 4:32pm | IP Logged | 2 post reply

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and no one can argue that you don’t
believe she was a weak candidate.

But before we can agree that she was objectively “extraordinarily weak”
there ought to be at least one objectively true statement you can make to
distinguish her from all the real life actual potential candidates who would
have been so much better by merely being of average weakness.

Her campaign message is not her. Your claim that her charisma and rock
star quality were manufactured (as if extraordinarily weak candidates can
just be turned into ‘rock stars’ at will) is not backed by evidence or tethered
to reality.

Objectively she did better than Hillary and is widely adored by her voters.

These simple facts deny any possibility of considering her weaknesses to
be “extraordinary.” All candidates can lose. This one did and her opponent
drove a far more effective (if repugnant and hate fillled) campaign. The
voters decided what message to embrace— not some imaginary weakness
in Harris.
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Rodrigo castellanos
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Posted: 07 November 2024 at 5:15pm | IP Logged | 3 post reply

You are getting close...

So the same Democrats that supposedly stole the last (ultra-audited) election while out of the White House couldn't be bothered to steal this one when they were in power?

First, Democrats overplayed their hand, by characterizing Trump as an existential threat to Democracy.

The other side did the same thing, to be fair. 

Musk and his acolytes were ranting non-stop that this could be the last "fair" election and Kamala will turn every state into California for the next one.

Everything is "extreme" now.


My take: it was mostly Biden that blew it.

They forced his candidacy last time when it should've been Bernie.

Then he tried to stay as the candidate for this one (when he had said before he would be a one term President) and only stepped down after crashing and burning in the debate, giving no time to find a legitimate substitute.

With hindsight, what ended up happening was completely obvious but everybody was too busy cheerleading their favorite to wake up.


Edited by Rodrigo castellanos on 07 November 2024 at 5:25pm
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Fred J Chamberlain
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Posted: 07 November 2024 at 5:27pm | IP Logged | 4 post reply

Trump is a very real threat to democracy.

History has shown that all empires fall and most don’t realize that it’s
happening. No way to know when, but the factors playing out now could
lead to it.

My significant other was 9 when her family fled Iran. The single reason that
they were able to do so was because her father was a successful
businessman and had contacts who warned him. That said, it was falling
apart around them and they barely got out.

One day it was the shah and the next …. The ayatollah.

Americans have become careless and taken their eye off of the ball. Unless
all of us hold our government accountable, this is experiment will fail.
Maybe not in our lifetime, though anyone who believes that individual rights
being stripped away to the point that 15 years down the road this country is
unrecognizable, is either not paying attention or is kidding themselves.

A house divided, indeed…
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Michael Penn
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Posted: 07 November 2024 at 5:40pm | IP Logged | 5 post reply

> Her campaign message is not her. <

How do you mean that, Mark?
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John Wickett
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Posted: 07 November 2024 at 6:18pm | IP Logged | 6 post reply

"This one did and her opponent drove a far more effective (if repugnant and hate fillled) campaign."

That's part of my point. Trump was an enormously flawed candidate, but he still beat her.  And not just with his base.  As you said, in this election his performance improved among almost all demographic groups.

In just my state, the fact that the ballot initiative to create a constitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion rights overwhelmingly passed, and Dems won the congressional and senate seats (except for one popular Republican incumbent in northern Nevada) is evidence that some people voted for Trump who otherwise had liberal political leanings.  Why did she fail to get those votes?

"But before we can agree that she was objectively 'extraordinarily weak' there ought to be at least one objectively true statement you can make to distinguish her from all the real life actual potential candidates who would have been so much better..."

Fair enough.  I wasn't suggesting she is objectively weak...just stating my own opinion.  But I think its objectively true that she was tremendously unsuccessful when she ran in 2020.  Under normal circumstances I don't believe she would have been capable of securing the Democratic nomination.  And I don't see anything from her tenure as VP that makes her a substantially better candidate than she was in 2020.

Edited by John Wickett on 07 November 2024 at 6:20pm
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Casey Sager
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Posted: 07 November 2024 at 6:58pm | IP Logged | 7 post reply

I voted for Harris, just as I voted for Biden in 2020, but those were votes against Trump. I was not excited FOR either candidate, the last one that I liked / voted for was Bernie in the 2020 primary.
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Mark Haslett
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Posted: 07 November 2024 at 6:59pm | IP Logged | 8 post reply

John: That's part of my point. Trump was an enormously flawed candidate,
but he still beat her.


You think voters don’t want Trump, his word salad policies and hate, but
just saw the other option of bi-partisan supported, clearly established and
articulated foreign and domestic goals from a clearly serious and normal
politician as just too awful to consider as an option?


The voters WANT TRUMP. All the evidence is there on the score board.
Candidate A drove good turnout and got a lot of votes. Candidate B just got
more. This evidence does not lead in any logical way to your conclusion that
it means Candidate A was “exceptionally bad.”

At this point, with no evidence to back up your opinion, I have to wonder
just what it is about Harris that you find so personally offensive?
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ron bailey
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Posted: 07 November 2024 at 6:59pm | IP Logged | 9 post reply

It's pointless arguing how strong a candidate Harris was. 
This election was successfully framed about whether people felt like they were better off now then they were four years ago, and who was responsible for it. The electorate overwhelmingly said they felt they were not, better off, and that the incumbent party caused their problems, or didn't do enough to prevent or correct them. 
People in that mood assume that staying the course is the one thing NOT to do, anything else could only be better. Any candidate would have had an uphill battle under those circumstances. 
Again, broken record here, but there needs to be some actual effort actually addressing the problems these people are having and doing a better job of communicating to them what they are doing AS they are doing it, instead of waiting to play catch up every couple of years to explain something that can't fit in a sound bite. 
As the hard work that has been done over the past few years only now comes to fruition, Trump and the Republicans will take credit for that too, same as he did in his first term, and the cycle will continue.
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Charles Valderrama
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Posted: 07 November 2024 at 7:00pm | IP Logged | 10 post reply

The country's issue (evidenced by the election results) is an increasing lack of EMPATHY. if something's not going to effect them directly, it doesn't matter.

This nation got the government it deserves.

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Mark Haslett
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Posted: 07 November 2024 at 7:04pm | IP Logged | 11 post reply

Me: > Her campaign message is not her. <
Michael: How do you mean that, Mark?

All campaigns have to identify a message to run on and it is in no case and
by no means decided on exclusively by the candidate. Professionals are
hired to run campaigns, test messages, pick the best ones and adjust on
the fly.

Harris’ campaign went for a “contrast”— new vs old, young vs. aged,
prosecutor vs. felon, joy vs. carnage.

This choice was universally greeted as smart. But, in the end, it failed.

They could have gone another direction because the campaign message is
chosen to market the candidate. The message is not just the candidate.
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John Wickett
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Posted: 07 November 2024 at 7:16pm | IP Logged | 12 post reply

"You think voters...saw the other option of bi-partisan supported, clearly established and articulated foreign and domestic goals from a clearly serious and normal politician as just too awful to consider as an option?"

No.  I think the majority of voters didn't see Harris the way you do.
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