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Stéphane Garrelie
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Posted: 16 September 2005 at 5:02am | IP Logged | 1  

Please everything may not be accurate on wikipedia but they are ready to correct what his wrong. Galamiel did an error in talking of "actual fact", but who is perfect? Before everybody condemn her and the wikipedia project maybe we should think that there's not so many sources of info about comics creators as complete as wikipedia. I didn't read the whole Byrne article, and it's very probable that anti-byrnians edited it to had bashing, bad rumor, etc... Well, give the editors a chance to remove what is false and help them to do it.

And if you read Galamiel's message you saw that she have herself a collection of more than 100 comics by John Byrne. She doesn't sound like anti-Byrne to me.

Don't mistake about who are and who aren't Byrne-bashers.

Give Galamiel and Wikipedia a chance. Help them to make the article accurate. It will be more constructive. If John Byrne may have a reason to be upset, since the article is about him, we at least should try to help them to improve the article.

And thanks to Galamiel to come here and talk about this with us. There's enough Byrne-haters on the net without us acting in a way that could add members to their side.


Edited by Stéphane Garrelie on 16 September 2005 at 5:22am
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John Byrne
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Posted: 16 September 2005 at 5:57am | IP Logged | 2  

Gamaliel Snapdragon: I think we're doing fairly well all things considered.


On the contrary, you fail first step out of the gate, when you present as an "encyclopedia" something which can be "edited" by anyone who can access the site. Consider Merriam-Webster's definiton of the word:

Main Entry:     en·cy·clo·pe·dia
Variant(s):     also en·cy·clo·pae·dia
Function:     noun
Etymology:     Medieval Latin encyclopaedia course of
general education, from Greek enkyklios + paideia
education, child rearing, from paid-, pais child
: a work that contains information on all branches of
knowledge or treats comprehensively a particular
branch of knowledge usually in articles arranged
alphabetically often by subject

The key word is "information". Opinion, rumor and innuendo (not to mention falsehoods) do not qualify as "information".

By dubbing itself an "encyclopedia", Wikipedia has placed itself in some pretty lofty company, and has, implictly, accepted the responsibilities that come with belonging to that particular "club". Responsibilities which are not in any way met by the struture of the site. As it presently stands, Wikipedia is a source of disinformation. Nothing on the site can be trusted as written.


G.S.: Jimbo removed most of your article on your request and you apparently didn't even tell him what specific problems you had with it.


It is not my job to annotate drivel. The entry purports to be about me. If I have a problem with it, it should be corrected without my needing to "present my case". Already this morning I have had to delete a new "biography" that was shot thru with opinion, assumption and complete falsehoods. I have told "Jimbo" the opening paragraph (as originally presented) is all that is needed. It sums up as much as anyone would ever need to know about my career, especially with the attached bibliography. Those who wish more information can consult the latter, without having to wade thru biased opinion first.

As it should not be necessary to point out, the word "biased" would never be usable in describing a vaild "encyclopedia".

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Eugene Nylander
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Posted: 16 September 2005 at 6:18am | IP Logged | 3  

Would it be possible to simply put block on having a 'John
Byrne' listing?
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David Uzumeri
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Posted: 16 September 2005 at 6:34am | IP Logged | 4  

From what I understand, the article can be "voted for deletion" if there's a consensus that JB is not "notable" - that only the people who know him personally would care about who he is, that he's minor, that he's had no effect on anything, that he's irrelevant.
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Arvid Spejare
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Posted: 16 September 2005 at 6:37am | IP Logged | 5  

Technically yes. I've seen a few other articles being locked. However, I have no idea what criteria the mods use for such act, or how long they usually last.

edit: Whoops, I though you meant locked from further changes


 Gamaliel Snapdragon wrote:
IANAL, but I'm not terribly concerned.

I had never seen that acronym before, so I goggled it. First hit: Its Wikipedia entry! :-D

Edited by Arvid Spejare on 16 September 2005 at 6:38am
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Roger A Ott II
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Posted: 16 September 2005 at 7:03am | IP Logged | 6  

Mike Tishman: If you don't want to have any part in it, then don't. Just don't expect to see the things you would like to see things go in or come out reflected in the entry.

I won't.  Simple and to the point, John said it best above: "Opinion, rumor and innuendo (not to mention falsehoods) do not qualify as "information"."  I'll defer to reliable sources for information as I always have, and not give it another thought.

If you don't vote, you can't bitch about the guy who ends up in the White House.

I didn't like either of the major candidates in the last election, so I would be bitching no matter who got to be President, regardless of whether I voted or not (I did, though, but wasn't at all happy about the choices.  I hate having to choose the lesser evil).

By the bye, I have no interest in getting into a political discussion, so just take the above as my only statement ever on politics.

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Mike Tishman
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Posted: 16 September 2005 at 7:05am | IP Logged | 7  

 John Byrne wrote:
The key word is "information". Opinion, rumor and innuendo (not to mention falsehoods) do not qualify as "information".

Yes, actually, they do. The trustworthiness and accuracy of any piece of information do not affect it's status as information. It might be (in your view) bad information or misleading information, but even that is still information. You're confusing the terms "information" and "fact."

Moreover, the assessment of its trustworthiness and accuracy is an inherently subjective process, and such assessments will vary from user to user. You may not find it accurate or trustworthy in your experience. Millions of others do, however, and their experience can't be waved off out of hand.

 John Byrne wrote:
By dubbing itself an "encyclopedia", Wikipedia has placed itself in some pretty lofty company, and has, implictly, accepted the responsibilities that come with belonging to that particular "club".

Sorry, JB, but that's simply not true in the way that you mean it. It explains what it is and how it works. People can choose to use it or not use it on that basis. That's the sum total of its responsibilities.

 John Byrne wrote:
Nothing on the site can be trusted as written.

Millions of people disagree.

 John Byrne wrote:
It is not my job to annotate drivel. The entry purports to be about me. If I have a problem with it, it should be corrected without my needing to "present my case".

That's not how the system works. It's participant driven. If you elect not to participate, you have no right to complain. Even you are not above the system.

 John Byrne wrote:
I have told "Jimbo" the opening paragraph (as originally presented) is all that is needed.

That's your opinion, and I'm sure your input is noted, but you don't get to make that decision alone. There's a process in place and you have to abide by it just like everyone else.

 John Byrne wrote:
As it should not be necessary to point out, the word "biased" would never be usable in describing a vaild "encyclopedia".

That's completely untrue. All information is explicitly or implicitly biased. It's a process that's inherent to discourse.

I'm sorry, John, but you're totally out of line here. Gamaliel Snapdragon is doing you a favor by providing personal attention to your issue, and you're pissing on him for doing so.

The Wikipedia people are trying to help, and you're not being receptive. This isn't going to work the way you're trying to do it, and you'd get better results if you simply abided by the Wikipedia terms of service just like everybody else.

You're basically demanding that Wikipedia stop functioning as an open-source project and stop accepting contributions from the general public. That is to say, to stop being Wikipedia. That's a totally unreasonable demand, and I thought you were better than that.

Edited by Mike Tishman on 16 September 2005 at 7:11am
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James C. Taylor
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Posted: 16 September 2005 at 7:21am | IP Logged | 8  

 Mike Tishman wrote:
All information is explicitly or implicitly biased.

You do realize that this is wrong. What, pray tell, is the bias in "James C. Taylor was born on 11 July 1961 in Lorain, Ohio"?
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John Byrne
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Posted: 16 September 2005 at 7:28am | IP Logged | 9  

Or 1 + 1 = 2?
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Dave Carr
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Posted: 16 September 2005 at 7:32am | IP Logged | 10  

"This isn't going to work the way you're trying to do it, and you'd get better results if you simply abided by the Wikipedia terms of service just like everybody else."

In other words:  JB, if you're finding your rape to be unpleasant, stop struggling.

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John Byrne
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Posted: 16 September 2005 at 7:32am | IP Logged | 11  

John Byrne: Nothing on the site can be trusted as written.

Mike Tishman: Millions of people disagree.


Millions of people dine at McDonald's. Does that make it a fine restaurant?

If I have a mode of conveyance with a means of locomotion on each corner, which requires I put fuel into it on a regular basis, and which can be used to haul great weights, it does not matter how many people call it a car, it will still be a horse.

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Jason Fulton
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Posted: 16 September 2005 at 7:34am | IP Logged | 12  


Similarly, slander, libel, or defamation of character is not to be tolerated on Wikipedia; true instances of such writing, that might legitimately expose Wikipedia to legal sanction, should immediately be called to the attention of an administrator and/or the community at large. Disagreements as to the identity of a person, their motivations for a given action, opinions of third parties about them, etc. do not fall under slander, however, and you will not be permitted to use legal threats as a bludgeon to get your POV enshrined in an article.

I'm confused....defamation of character is tolerated if it involves the opinions of third parties?

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