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Joe Zhang Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 12857
Posted: 15 September 2005 at 11:08am | IP Logged | 1
Maybe it originated with the very first slanderous dumbass.
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Frank Strysik Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 19 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 911
Posted: 15 September 2005 at 12:06pm | IP Logged | 2
I notice the JB entry has been revised over at Wikipedia.
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Dave Pruitt Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 6172
Posted: 15 September 2005 at 12:15pm | IP Logged | 3
Well, well, I haven't had occasion to visit wikipedia very often in the past, but looking at the entry for JB, it looks like nothing more than a weblog where any Tom, Dick, or Harry can post trollish BullSh!t to their pathetic delight. I assume that it's open season for editing on this listing:
Can one simply request that they have no editing, or even no listing on Wikipedia, or do the owners of the site have absolutely no control over what happens there?
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Dave Pruitt Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 6172
Posted: 15 September 2005 at 12:18pm | IP Logged | 4
Things sure happen fast at Wikipedia. Blink and you'll miss it.
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Frank Strysik Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 19 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 911
Posted: 15 September 2005 at 12:19pm | IP Logged | 5
I know! Who knows what the next JB entry will look like.
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John W Leys Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 29 April 2004 Posts: 1143
Posted: 15 September 2005 at 12:35pm | IP Logged | 6
Some have said that the innacurate information is sparse. Okay, but
how do I know what is and isn't accurate information? If I was to
go looking something up there it's probably because I don't already
have an encyclopedic knowledge of the subject, so I'm not going to know
what is and isn't accurate.
This is exactly the problem I have with it. When you view any given
article at any given time there is no way to tell how accurate the
information is because somebody could have just posted false/inaccurate
information and the "responsible" users may not have had a chance to
fix it yet. This makes it pretty much worthless as a source of
And all the cries that JB and the rest of us should just edit the pages
like anyone else ring false, because thats exactly what several members
have tried to do for quite some time with no results due to the fact
that wikipedia is a useless free for all.
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Gamaliel Snapdragon Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 14 September 2005 Posts: 11
Posted: 15 September 2005 at 12:54pm | IP Logged | 7
What part of "serious problems" and "if the matter warrants it" are you having trouble with? |
What part of "I am willing to help you with this problem if you just
tell me what specific problem you have" are you having trouble with?
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Gamaliel Snapdragon Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 14 September 2005 Posts: 11
Posted: 15 September 2005 at 12:56pm | IP Logged | 8
I know that many people who use the internet like to
maintain a measure of privacy, and that's fine. We just don't like
talking to total cyphers. Isn't that a crazy concept? |
My user name is not as fake as people here think, but if my name is a problem, I'll gladly change it if someone shows me how.
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Todd Hembrough Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Posts: 4171
Posted: 15 September 2005 at 12:58pm | IP Logged | 9
So here is what is up now. I hope this is someones idea of a joke...That's it, nothing but this and a bibliography.
A controversial writer/artist known for his use of the "N-Word" and
hatred for blonde latino women, Christopher Reeves (who Byrne believes
should not be considered a "hero" for the way he dealt with his
crippling injuries substained in a horse riding accident) and
anatomically correct robots, Byrne is imfamous for his hatred for
anything not done by him. Many fans blame his widely beloved Superman
reboot for starting this, as John Byrne took on a jihad in the wake of
the reboot's success to "fix" all comic books and comic franchises that
didn't need fixing, leaving a trail of damaged characters, who thanks
to Byrne's pointless meddling, have been rendered so utterly defiled so
as to prevent any further writers from using them.
List of victims of Byrne (called "Byrne Victims") include:
- Donna Troy (erased from existence and replaced with a clay statue doppleganger)
- Vision (castrated, vivisected, mind erased)
- Wonder Man and Wasp (turned into mean-spirited bastards who plotted to destroy Vision and Scarlet Witch's marriage)
- Scarlet Witch (children killed by the devil who's powers were used to conceive them, driven insane, marriage dissolved)
- Spider-Man (past perverted, wife murdered off),
- Sandman (Marvel Comics version, revealed to have faked his turn to
the side of good, which created such hatred from fans that Marvel
imeadiately retconned Byrne's retcon so that Sandman was instead
brainwashed into becoming evil instead of faking his reformation
- Doom Patrol (purged from existence)
- The New Teen Titans (who had huge chunks of their history erased
due to the team's past history working alongside the Doom Patrol
members Robotman and Mento, and it's roster featuring former Doom
Patrol member Changling)
- The Demon (all non-Jack Kirby storied declared never of happening), Wonder Woman (killed off)
- The second Spider-Woman Julia Carpenter (crippled)
- Mary Jane Watson-Parker (turned into an obnoxious bitch and killed off)
- J. Jonah Jameson (turned into an uncaring bastard, complete with huge chunks of his past erased from canon)
- Dr. Octopus (disfigured, backstory connected to Spiderman's), Vulture (given a crappy costume)
- The Incredible Hulk (turned into a murderer and had his backstory
changed needlessly to make the Skrulls responsible for Banner becoming
the Hulk).
In the world of John Byrne, only he knows what good comic books and
has his own message board (Byrne Robotics) where he holds court and has
a gaggle of twelve drooling fanboys syncophanticly worshipping him and
buying into Byrne's hatespeach. Those who call Byrne out on his evil
often are banned and any sort of non-company line discussion is
promptly deleted into the void.
Byrne is currently working as artist for Action Comics, after his
controversial Doom Patrol reboot failed miserably saleswise and a new
Demon series, which has proven Byrne once again a fraud by featuring
graphic violence, which Byrne has criticized other writers of doing in
non-Byrne penned books.
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Jason Fulton Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Posts: 3938
Posted: 15 September 2005 at 1:01pm | IP Logged | 10
My user name is not as fake as people here think, but if my name is a problem, I'll gladly change it if someone shows me how.
Well, you could have started by reading the rules of the board before you signed up to make your generous offers to help 'clear' JB's name. But hey, the rules only apply to the non-self-absorbed.
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James C. Taylor Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 4705
Posted: 15 September 2005 at 1:01pm | IP Logged | 11
It's been removed, by JB once and by me twice.
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Brian Miller Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 28 July 2004 Location: United States Posts: 31459
Posted: 15 September 2005 at 1:01pm | IP Logged | 12
From Wikipedia:
" He is currently working mainly for DC Comics, much to the horror of DC Comics fans who revile the way tha Byrne ruins characters left and right with senseless retcons and blatant contempt for any writer who isn't him."
This isn't very impartial. I'm a DC Comics fan and I don't feel that way.
Buy, that entry sure has changed since this time yesterday, hasn't it?
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