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Topic: Do you think Tic-Tok should be banned? Post ReplyPost New Topic
Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 04 May 2024 at 5:11pm | IP Logged | 1 post reply

It's the bio-weapon claim that it was designed specifically to target Caucasians I find unbelievable, but I would never have had anything much to do with communist China beyond diplomacy and maybe very cautious trade. Regular air travel... no more than with Iran or South Korea, but I'm 'extreme' that way I suppose. Lately more people are trying to escape red China!

The trumping up of all Chinese as to blame/the enemy (like there haven't recently been so many other groups also targeted for blame and reprisals) is awful stuff that can destroy civilization. maybe they need to hand out those Mark Waid Captain America comics? The ones where a Skrull takes his place and gets everyone seeing Skrulls everywhere, telling them as Cap, standing proudly with the flag, to show them no mercy, 'this is war'.

If people do escape red China I would hope they don't get physically attacked by North Americans blaming them across the board in a stupid racist 'movement' to take back their white Christian nation.

Edited by Rebecca Jansen on 04 May 2024 at 5:12pm
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John Cole
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Posted: 05 May 2024 at 1:54am | IP Logged | 2 post reply

I Still don't even have a cell phone to be able to participate in this nonsense.
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Bill Collins
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Posted: 05 May 2024 at 7:06am | IP Logged | 3 post reply

I don't have Tik Tok, Instagram etc and from what i've seen
elsewhere they're full of vacuous people doing vacuous
things for attention or self appointed experts spreading
false information or telling us stuff that's patently
obvious, and don't get me started on "influencer's"!
I have Facebook and that's more than enough for me.
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Peter Martin
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Posted: 05 May 2024 at 2:34pm | IP Logged | 4 post reply

 Jim Burdo wrote:
The deliberate release claim is a strawman designed to stop discussion about the evidence that COVID was created in a lab. The validity of that is widely accepted

There are two theories. One is the lab-related theory that a portion of the US intelligence community seems to have warmed to. The other is a zoonotic origin theory. Which is the theory the scientific community says the science points to (and a portion of the US intelligence community also).

Let's talk about the evidence.

In Wuhan there is an Institute of Virology (WIV) in the Jiangxia District of Wuhan . There was also a live animal food market, known as the Huanan Seafood Market in the Jianghan District of Wuhan.

They are separated by the Yanghtze River and are some 30 minutes apart by car. WIV is on the east bank of the river. The Huanan market is on the west bank of the river.

Early cases in Wuhan occurred across the city, but most were clustered in one area: the west bank of the river, with the highest density being near to (or surrounding) the Huanan market.

From WHO data of the earliest cases:


You can read the full-blown analysis in this peer-reviewed paper published in Science:

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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 05 May 2024 at 5:18pm | IP Logged | 5 post reply

Early on there was a story of someone eating a raw or even live bat from that Huanan market as starting the covid thing off. There was bungling by most people in not taking it seriously enough quicker... a few people could've been quarantined on arrival from China and paid for lost wages and more and it would have been far simpler and less costly, certainly in lives. By which I mean China itself wasn't the only one asleep at the levers, and they could legitimately claim ignorance of it's severity for the first couple of weeks until deaths there started to really mount.

I remember a news story awhile ago about a rapper and his girlfriend being shot and killed in a restaurant; the girlfriend had taken a pic of their food and posted it on one of these Instagram or Tic-Tok things and the gang bangers or rival rapper crew traced them through that and they were still there to be done in. Lots of other stories of people posting their vacation pics 'live' and their homes then getting burgled while they were away.

I used a Yahoo messenger with voice and (stuttering) video for a few years way back (like twenty years ago); there were some amazing singers I heard through a Yahoo music chat, should have taken notes. The video would never work for more than a minute however before crashing, at least for me. I see video still stutters, freezes, and even fails totally going by whenever Zoom or Skype are used in some tv programs.
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Jim Petersman
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Posted: 05 May 2024 at 6:54pm | IP Logged | 6 post reply

I think all major social media platforms should be required to be a walled garden, preventing unfriendly countries from bombarding our citizens with propaganda. Domestically, they should be required to verify that anyone posting is doing so under their actual name or, if they don't, that they are liable for anything posted on their platform.
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Michael Murphy
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Posted: 05 May 2024 at 9:32pm | IP Logged | 7 post reply

A data broker would never give the PRC the kind of information that a company in their own country that they can control can. Data brokers wouldn't track or spy on individuals.
There is no reason to think data brokers wouldn't supply the PRC with any information they were willing to pay for. Non-Chinese companies bow to the will of the PRC all of the time in the pursuit of profit. A data broker wouldn't even be bowing to the will of the PRC, they would just be performing business as usual to make a profit. Since data brokers aren't regulated no law is broken so they don't have to worry about doing anything "wrong".

Data brokers don't track or spy on individuals, they purchase info from companies who do. Whether it's info collected because you use a frequent shopper card at the grocery store or from your social media account to any number  of other sources your data is available and for sale. This includes both raw data (your name, address, age, etc) and aggregated data.
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