Posted: 25 March 2007 at 6:31am | IP Logged | 5
Darragh Greene wrote: "Dar-rah or Da-rah, and the final 'e' is silent in my surname."
Thanks Darragh. That's actually how I would have pronounced it spontaneously, so I guess I'm fairly up to snuff on me Irish.
JB wrote: "Writing superheroes for a living is a good way to vex even the best spellchecker. Or is that spell checker?"
I would've thought "spell-checker"... Seriously though, however we spell that infernal thing, vex it to death, no mercy!
Brian Sherwin wrote: "Every time someone spells my name as 'Brain', I die a little bit inside."
There are worse things to be called than "Brain" though, Brian. Wouldn't you agree?