Posted: 24 August 2022 at 12:46am | IP Logged | 7
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From my personal list of (literally) dozens of all-time-favorite John Byrne books ever produced --- the one that stands at the absolute tip top for me is none other than JBNM #29.
Beyond a doubt, one of the best slow burns in the annals of comicdom.
Earlier in the series, like around issue 3 or 4-ish, Willis Ducummen had a little heart to heart with Aldus Hilltop where he told him something to the effect of, "One day you're gonna slip, Hilltop -- and when you do, I'm gonna be there to make sure you don't get back up again."
Many months later when I saw the cover of #29 on the stands, I probably shrieked out loud in the bookstore. That was from the giddiness. Later still, in the privacy of my studio, I did let out a fulsome roar once I got to the page of that o-so satisfying reveal.
Catharsis? *double-check*
Greatly appreciative for that.
There was a similar moment here in ELSEWHEN -- issue #9 -- not with the same slow burn, but such a fun storytelling nugget nonetheless...
Shaw was ranting at Gyrich, saying, "You are the last one who has any hope of stopping me!" -- and very much like with Ducummen and Hilltop, Shaw spoke the prophetic truth.
Mr. Byrne, I'm a lifelong fan. I don't know how you do what you do. The artwork is one (significant) element, but you've got a quiver of clever stuff at your disposal, and we here -- the Byrne Victims -- have profited from your work in ways that can't be fully expressed.
Real glad to have picked up X-Men #114 back in the day. Grateful for your time, your dedication, and your work.
2 thumbs up, man.