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Robert Oren Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 23 March 2006 Location: United States Posts: 1209
Posted: 27 June 2006 at 2:34pm | IP Logged | 1
When i was young the 70's new god and eternals were some of jacks late works. of course being 10yrs old i didn't get it. i just took the time to reread both books. i think even in twilight of his career he was so ahead of his time pure genius!!!!.......what do you guys think!!!
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
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Posted: 27 June 2006 at 2:41pm | IP Logged | 2
Slightly behind the times, really. Even the most staunch Kirby-boosters (of which I am definitely one!) admit he cribbed most of this from "Chariots of the Gods". That book was already eight years old (and largely discredited) by the time Kirby launched THE ETERNALS (original title "Return of the Gods".)
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Chad Carter Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 June 2005 Posts: 9584
Posted: 27 June 2006 at 3:00pm | IP Logged | 3
Don't know about the core concept, but I still believe the Reject was one of the first "hardcore" characters to come out of Marvel in the 70s. One that was willing, happy, to kill his enemies, a pretty boy with Wolverine's killing rage. Aside from Deathlok and Conan, Dracula, maybe Annihilus, there weren't too many of these legitimately scary bloody-thirsty types running around. The Reject also had a unique bond with Kharkis, an ugly mutate with the soul of a poet. That relationship was the only thing in the ETERNALS that really elevated it for me.
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Wallace Sellars Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 01 May 2004 Location: United States Posts: 17718
Posted: 27 June 2006 at 3:37pm | IP Logged | 4
I gave issue #1 of the new ETERNALS series a shot because of John Romita, Jr.'s art, but wasn't grabbed enough by what I found inside to look forward to the second installment.
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John OConnor Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 01 August 2004 Location: United States Posts: 1111
Posted: 27 June 2006 at 3:42pm | IP Logged | 5
Wallace - pick up this week's entertainment Weekly -- there's a one page blurb about Gaimen & the Eternals, drawn by JR Jr.
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John OConnor Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 01 August 2004 Location: United States Posts: 1111
Posted: 27 June 2006 at 3:42pm | IP Logged | 6
JB -- no one ever offered you the choice of working on the Eternals?
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Jonathan Weiss Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 26 October 2005 Location: Canada Posts: 178
Posted: 27 June 2006 at 6:39pm | IP Logged | 7
I picked up issue 1 of Gaiman's Eternals and thought it was interesting
enough. Not original mind you – but interesting. I saw the Entertainment
Weekly piece too and it was far too "cute" for my liking.
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Darren De Vouge Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 04 December 2004 Location: Canada Posts: 3586
Posted: 27 June 2006 at 9:30pm | IP Logged | 8
Slightly behind the times, really. Even the most staunch Kirby-boosters (of which I am definitely one!) admit he cribbed most of this from "Chariots of the Gods". That book was already eight years old (and largely discredited) by the time Kirby launched THE ETERNALS (original title "Return of the Gods".)
My older brother had that book once, but I was too young to have read it at the time.
Eternals also seems like an inferior imitation of Kirby's own New Gods work.
Edited by Darren De Vouge on 27 June 2006 at 9:32pm
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Pierce Askegren Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 18 April 2005 Posts: 254
Posted: 27 June 2006 at 9:48pm | IP Logged | 9
Not only did the book's content derive from von Danniken, but the original logo (for the RETURN OF THE GODS title, noted by JB) was in the same font as the one used on most editions of CHARIOTS OF THE GODS. It was featured in some advance publicity.
Kirby also incorporated elements of the "Shaver Mystery," famous during the 1950s flying saucer flap. Richard Shaver, writing what purported to be non-fiction articles in various science fiction magazines, posited a hidden super race -- the Deros -- who lived underground and caused many of mankind's ills. The Deros were very much templates for the Deviants.
Marvel did another von Danniken knock-off in MARVEL PREVIEW, "Man-Gods from the Stars" or some such. Very nice Neal Adams cover.
Edited by Pierce Askegren on 27 June 2006 at 9:54pm
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Chris Durnell Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 26 February 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1234
Posted: 27 June 2006 at 11:56pm | IP Logged | 10
What interested me about the Eternals was the interaction of humanity between our two brother races of man. Although it seemed shoehorned into the Marvel Universe, it actually managed to fit nicely for most part except the redundant godly pantheons.
To be honest, I'd be more excited if Mike Mignola was doing an Eternals/Deviants story than Gaiman. I have the first issue, and am not very interested in the core mystery of why they don't remember.
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Simon Matthew Park Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 12 January 2006 Location: Australia Posts: 2156
Posted: 28 June 2006 at 4:34am | IP Logged | 11
Possible Spoiler in inviso-text -
Isn't it because of the Celestials - that whole amnesia thing, I mean? I can recall the 12 issue series from the 80's, and the Celestials were the cause of everyone's amnesia.
Anyway, that's what I can remember. It may be different this time around, though.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 134007
Posted: 28 June 2006 at 5:19am | IP Logged | 12
JB -- no one ever offered you the choice of working
on the Eternals?
Couple of times. But I declined the first time
because what I really wanted was the New Gods,
and I declined the second time because I had just
done a run on the New Gods.
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