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Mikael Bergkvist
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Posted: 16 October 2005 at 8:50am | IP Logged | 1  

" who post and post and post" and yet never comes to the point..
(reminds me of a certain riddle, it does...)
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Mikael Bergkvist
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Posted: 16 October 2005 at 9:01am | IP Logged | 2  

The internet was generally insane at that point in time with greed and shortsightness - as was most of the western world.
It hurt the comic business as well, in a bad way.
It was that kind of revolution where all old school thinking was to be thrown out, either it was right or wrong, and be replaced with the latest "new & shiny stuff".
- So, now we have internet papparazzis/rapists, worldcom scandals, Paris Hilton, and a peculiar international political situation..and a damaged comic bizz.
And I think it's fair to say that JB took some of that heat..
The world 'lost it' there for a while, and we can only hope that it will regain some of it's sanity during the upcoming months.

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Trevor Curran
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Posted: 16 October 2005 at 9:01am | IP Logged | 3  

My problem with collecting back in the 70's was that I just couldn't keep the books wrapped up and purty.   I simply had to slip those babies out of the protective sleeves, smell that "old-book" smell, and dive into the pages reading , reading, reading.   My education about how characters, storylines and such had changed came from reading the books.  Actually it was pretty exciting.

And trolls.  Well, they are another annoying development along with phishing and spamming on the net.  I participate in a couple of widely different interenet forums and those trolls, they be everywhere.  It's annoying as all hell, especially if you're trying to have a serious conversation.  Contrary is too mild a verb to describe such creatures and the extra-annoying habit of anonymous names, or as you point out, multiple personalities, just ramps up the level of anxiety.

As hard as it is to do, ignoring trolls and the spin-off threads they spawn when the numbskulls who are too dumb to check the facts join in the convo, is really the only healthy course of action.  But DANG! it's hard to do!

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Trevor Curran
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Posted: 16 October 2005 at 9:03am | IP Logged | 4  

contrary:noun.  (yah, I told you I was a dumbass!)
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John Byrne
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Posted: 16 October 2005 at 9:03am | IP Logged | 5  

- So, now we have internet papparazzis/rapists, worldcom scandals, Paris Hilton, and a peculiar international political situation..and a damaged comic bizz. And I think it's fair to say that JB took some of that heat..


Well, if you're going to toss me in the same sack as Paris Hilton --- I'd just like to say, I appreciate it!

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Trevor Curran
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Posted: 16 October 2005 at 9:07am | IP Logged | 6  

Rog, yes, 197!   thanks for the comp!

And JB, if you're gonna get tossed in with Paris, why not go all the way?  How about a JB "Apprentice" show?  woot!

(wondering how you would say, "you're fired!")
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Rob Hewitt
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Posted: 16 October 2005 at 9:25am | IP Logged | 7  

I personally just didn't care for Chapter One overall. I didn't think it was necessary.  I prefer to just not refer to the early stuff that doesn't work anymore.  I remember Mark's Remarks saying, to the effect, that Marvel shouldn;t need a Crisis or some such.  Just stop referring to Vietnam with Iron Man, WWII with Reed and Ben etc. 

 My little cousin really liked it, and hunted down the issues at a comic store on his own, after I gave him like the first seven or so.

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Steve Horton
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Posted: 16 October 2005 at 10:10am | IP Logged | 8  

I kinda miss Reed and Ben being in WWII. I think it improves their character for them to both be war veterans, whether it's WWII or another war.

The last comics to refer to the pair being in WWII were FF Annual #11, the bicentennial issue; and an issue of Sgt. Fury right around that time.


Edited by Steve Horton on 16 October 2005 at 10:10am
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John Byrne
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Posted: 16 October 2005 at 10:13am | IP Logged | 9  

World War II ended 60 years ago last August. How old do you think these guys are?

That's something that caught up to the FF even while Stan and Jack were still there, necessitating Stan saying Reed's temples were "prematurely" white, and that he had been "only 18" back when he "teamed up" with Nick Fury and the Howlers.

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Sean Stoltey
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Posted: 16 October 2005 at 10:24am | IP Logged | 10  

JB, I have to say your pencils on Action have been astoundingly great.  I did drop the book, however, because the inks were astoundingly horrible.  Thanks again, for posting the pencils here so I could still enjoy your work.  I hope you and Gail team up again soon.  You were the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups of Comics: two great tastes that taste great together. 

Also, sad to see DP go.  I felt it really gathered steam and was becoming one of my "top of the pile" books each month.  I hope that doesn't seem backhanded praise, I only tried DP because of you, was never a big fan of the team.  The JLA lead in, as discussed here before, made for a rocky start.  You did however surpass that.  With flying colors.

And Blood of the Demon is fantastic!!

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Andrew Kneath
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Posted: 16 October 2005 at 11:07am | IP Logged | 11  

Here's the cover to Gail and Johns final issue... s/ActionComicsCv835.jpg

The character is new to me but I think she and Firestar have something in common.

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Anthony J Lombardi
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Posted: 16 October 2005 at 11:11am | IP Logged | 12  

Some odd number of years ago back in 1991 approximately. memory serving correct of course I met John Byrne in New York at  the Jacobs Javitz center  during a convention.
Here is my Byrne story...Not only did he  have the gaul to  sign the books i asked him to sign the man had the nerve to takr the time to view my work and offer me advice. Oh my god what a f__kin nightmare.

Mind you when he did this he wasn't alone there were many people looking for him to sign his stuff. He asked me to hang around for a few to give me his thoughts. His advice was to vary MY FACES and BODY TYPES . It seems to me that if he was aware of it to tell me he was aware of it himself knowing he had gonna thru the same thing and needed to work on that.

Ok you know lets say he still does draw the same face well so what. So does Jim Lee  so do alot of artist it's just their particular style of art. so those people who don't like byrne...who seem to continue to buy his work tocomplain sabout it ? So what if he does. get over it move on...

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