Posted: 15 October 2005 at 9:13pm | IP Logged | 5
Earlier, I said that I revoked my feeling that John Byrne was conceited citing that it probably isn`t the right word that at times can describe him. I just feel that at certain times Byrne sounds like a jerk in that interview. Take a gander at these examples;
MDT: What was the reaction from DC on your work on Wonder Woman?
JB: I understand they have pretty much undone everything I did. Perhaps they want her a much-less-than-second-rate character.
MDT: You returned to write the new series and then within the space of 7 issues were cut from the book. Can you talk a little about what happened in that situation?
JB: No.
JB: DC hired me to revamp Superman, and then immediately chickened out. They backed off at the first whiff of fan disapproval, which came months before anyone had actually seen the work. During the whole two years I was on the project, although nothing happened that was not approved by DC editorial, there was no conscious support. They even continued to lisence the "previous" Superman. At one point, Dick Giordano said "You have to realize there are now two Supermen - the one you do and the one we lisence." Seemed counter-productive, to say the least, since far more people saw the lisenced material. After two years of this nonsense, I was just worn down. The fun was gone.
If you're asking if I would work with Chris again, the answer is "Nothing". There's nothing that would make me go back there. It would just be too frustrating. He and I were miles apart even when we were working on the book the first time. That gulf has only grown with the years. If you're asking what would get me back there on my own, without Chris, again, I can't really think of anything that would serve as an enticement. The characters have been taken too far from the ones I know and like. The storylines have become too convoluted. Frankly, I would not be interested in doing all the homework necessary jut to catch up!
i hope these quotes can convey how i feel