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Brian ONeill
Byrne Robotics Member

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Posted: 27 July 2024 at 4:17pm | IP Logged | 1  

Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate, got more than 4 million votes in 2016. Apparently a protest vote for those Warren/Sanders supporters who didn't just stay home.
He is remembered only for a creepy 'What IS Aleppo? Why should I CARE?' soundbite, during a TV interview, when questioned about his (and Libertarians in general) ignorance/apathy toward foreign affairs

Edited by Brian ONeill on 27 July 2024 at 4:18pm
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Jason Czeskleba
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Posted: 27 July 2024 at 11:40pm | IP Logged | 2  

Jill Stein received 51,463 votes in Michigan, where Trump's margin of victory over Clinton was just 10,704 votes. And she received 31,072 votes in Wisconsin, where Trump's margin of victory was 22,748 votes.  And she received 49,941 votes in Pennsylvania, where Trump's margin of victory was 44,292.  I would guess that there is not one Jill Stein voter who wanted to see Roe V. Wade overturned, but those idiots handed Trump the election because they think voting is about making a statement rather than influencing policy. 
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Matt Reed
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Posted: 27 July 2024 at 11:57pm | IP Logged | 3  

 Jason Czeskleba wrote:
I would guess that there is not one Jill Stein voter who wanted to see Roe V. Wade overturned, but those idiots handed Trump the election because they think voting is about making a statement rather than influencing policy.

Couldn’t agree more.  
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Mark Haslett
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Posted: 28 July 2024 at 2:31am | IP Logged | 4  

Excellent point, Jason.

We need a coalition and now is the time to come to the aid of fact friendly
government over fascist leaning cultism.
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Kevin Brown
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Posted: 28 July 2024 at 3:35am | IP Logged | 5  

Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate, got more than 4 million votes in 2016. 


In comparison, in all of the US in 2020, there were 2,891,441 votes that didn't go to either Biden or the other guy.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 28 July 2024 at 1:11pm | IP Logged | 6  

Trumf has now said if he’s reelected there will be no need to vote again in four years.

This is the same Trumf who has declared he will be a dictator on day one.

Papa Don.

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Mark Haslett
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Posted: 28 July 2024 at 4:20pm | IP Logged | 7  

He also promises to deport 20 million “illegals.”

What would that look like? 20 million men women and children rounded up…
hunted down by violent special police… moved into ghettos and then into
camps. Railroads built. Cattle trains filled and packed and taking them

20 million people. Large percentage of them born here or living here almost
their entire lives. Estimates say only 10 million are actually here illegally— so
10 million would actually be US citizens.

Years and years of this. Until, one may suppose, our leader comes up with a
final solution?
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Peter Hicks
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Posted: 28 July 2024 at 7:52pm | IP Logged | 8  

Florida’s employers pushed back on their Governor’s new law requiring them to get documentation of workers’ citizenship status.  Not surprisingly, people who were illegal immigrants departed Florida, leaving the workforce under staffed.

Now imagine that on a national basis.  No one doing farm work in the southwest.  Back of house cooks and cleaners disappearing from restaurants.  Inflationary pressures on every low level job.

It will never happen.  Just like “build the wall”, it’s a slogan for the base that the party’s corporate owners’ would never tolerate.
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Mark Haslett
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Posted: 28 July 2024 at 11:26pm | IP Logged | 9  

A significant portion of that idiot wall was built.

A significant amount of immigrant interment, abuse and deportation should
be expected if Trump wins.
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John Young
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Posted: 29 July 2024 at 1:13am | IP Logged | 10  

here is a link to how much wall was built. mp/how-many-miles-of-border-wall-did-donald-trump-bui/
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Mitch Denoyer
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Posted: 29 July 2024 at 4:50pm | IP Logged | 11  

Jason Czeskleba wrote:
I would guess that there is not one Jill Stein voter who wanted to see Roe V. Wade overturned, but those idiots handed Trump the election because they think voting is about making a statement rather than influencing policy.

This is also how Ralph Nader allowed George Bush to sneak in the back door in 2000.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 29 July 2024 at 5:16pm | IP Logged | 12  

This is also how Ralph Nader allowed George Bush to sneak in the back door in 2000.


Back door?

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