Posted: 31 August 2020 at 8:41am | IP Logged | 10
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Speaking of hard. . . As you know, I am three or four issues ahead of what you've all seen, but, I must confess, for the past couple of weeks I have been struggling to get the story to "flow". Yesterday morning, I realized what the problem is: a major subplot that simply was not working as I had hoped. So, time to bite the bullet and start pulling pages and redrawing panels. Which I spent most of yesterday doing, and am continuing today. So far, about eight pages removed, panels redrawn and rewritten on about the same number. Some cutting and pasting to turn two pages into one. Etc. Hopefully, when it's all done, it will be seamless and you will not be able to spot what has been excised! When we get on past where those pages would have been I'll share them here.