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Brian Miller
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Posted: 13 June 2020 at 8:17am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

I should add that Trump actually said that Lincoln’s end result was
questionable. So he’s basically saying “too bad slavery’s over”.
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Eric Sofer
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Posted: 13 June 2020 at 9:01am | IP Logged | 2 post reply

Police should shoot people in the arm or leg instead? Obviously suggested by someone who's never shot a moving target in the dark or rain. People get shot in the chest because it's the biggest target, and because an arm or leg shot is less likely to stop (or even slow down) a dangerous suspect. 

That's regardless of whether they should be carrying guns or not. On the presumption that police need to carry guns and need to shoot people - very few people are sharpshooter enough to hit an extremity. This isn't the Wild West or the Roaring 20s. There are no flawless hit men or snipers. Hitting the target is hard enough IRL.
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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 13 June 2020 at 10:18am | IP Logged | 3 post reply

The U.S. as a ship...

There are two Captains, each promises smooth sailing.

Captain #1 steers hard to port based on an outdated chart. Disloyalty is punishable by being thrown to the sharks.

Captain #2 over-compensates steering hard to starboard, disagreement means you must be loyal to Captain #1.

Either Captain left alone will hit a reef probably breaking the ship in two.

The passengers are sea-sick from zig-zagging back and forth and eyeing the lifeboats, but don't want to be on any boat at all now.
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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 13 June 2020 at 10:25am | IP Logged | 4 post reply

Captain #1 has been yelling all kinds of bizarre stuff all along and not really listening to anyone, when do you stop analyzing and trying to use each delusional utterance as proof that Captain #2 is the better Captain? That fight seemed settled for anyone not totally sea-sick quite some time ago, and to anyone else it seems to them you are just someone else yelling stuff.
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David Miller
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Posted: 13 June 2020 at 4:15pm | IP Logged | 5 post reply

I don't buy the "both sides duz it" fallacy. In the Nineties I considered myself nominally Republican, but I had to face reality, and it wasn't just that politically I'm a loony leftist.

For the past twenty years, when the Democratic party has controlled Congress or the White House, they have governed responsibly. One might reasonably disagree with the agenda or the degree, but Democrats have approached governance with seriousness. And when Democrats were a congressional minority, they still worked with the Bush administration and Republican lawmakers to pass legislation. Work still got done.

Republicans, on the other hand, embraced willful incompetence during the Bush administration -- conservative principals forbade complicating something like an illegal invasion of another country with distractions like strategy or a budget -- and after Bush's accumulated record of overseeing multiple military catastrophes, a torture regime, the destruction of New Orleans, and a massive recession, the only conclusion Republicans could reach was that Bush wasn't stupid, reckless or corrupt enough to p0wn the Dems, and next step was outright nihilism.

The obstruction that characterized Republican legislative minorities ended up characterizing their majorities as well, as each do-nothingest congress in American history is followed by the last, accomplishing naught but an unfunded tax cut as the sole achievement of six years controlling both houses.

Now Republicans have elected a game show host, and righteously defend leadership that's bred depression, disease and disorder. And they insist it's a good thing. They don't want a capable federal government doing federal government things like coordinating an effective national pandemic response.

Don't tell me that Joe Biden, a staid, middle-of-the-road politician who's biggest crimes have been perpetuating the status quo and being serially forgiven for saying stupid things, represents the other side of that coin. He was Vice President in the most operationally effective and well-managed administration of my lifetime. It's a different currency entirely.

Yes, Biden is a stooge of the military industrial entertainment complex but so is everyone.
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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 13 June 2020 at 5:01pm | IP Logged | 6 post reply

It's just that Biden or the Democrats can't be above any criticism, not that there is equivalency. While I might not want anyone to have carte blanche, and I sure don't want Trump with a blank check, I don't think the majority of Obama's tenure where he was obstructed from doing even his basic job at times did anyone any good.

I think Joe Biden is more of a practician than a pie-in-the-sky visionary or revolutionary, so I definitely like that. I still can hope for Amy Klobuchar. I think Kamala Harris is extremely sharp but she did that confrontation in the debate over busing so I didn't expect Biden would be too keen (though maybe he should've been able to put that aside ala Reagan and Bush Sr. calling him on voodoo economics).

It's going to be all hands to rebuild and restore if there is an administration change, and unthinkable really to put many Republicans back given their performances. The Jim Jones special drink does seem to really fit for any working class people who would back some of these epitomes of sold-out and corrupt nest-featherers. Hopefully Biden can offer something to them that Hilary didn't seem to make enough of a point of.

Edited by Rebecca Jansen on 13 June 2020 at 5:03pm
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David Allen Perrin
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Posted: 13 June 2020 at 5:38pm | IP Logged | 7 post reply

What will a Biden/Democratic Administration and Democratically controlled legislature be able to do to drag the nation out of the quicksand/shithole Trump has placed us in?  I am obviously being optimistic in thinking that Biden and Democrats will win big across the board in November.  Yeah, wishful thinking, right?

Will Biden and the Democrats enact progressive measures to get us not only out of the hole...but moving FORWARD?  


If they have control of nearly they coast and not rock to a youngIsh left leaning justice in for RBG and do just enough with an air of competence to make us forget about Trump?

I’m one of those Bernie supporters who still dreams wistfully of free public college, universal healthcare, etc.  But I have a feeling that the taste left in our mouths from Trump will be SO BAD that a Biden Administration simply has to not burn puppies alive in the Rose Garden to be seen as a “success”.

Edited by David Allen Perrin on 13 June 2020 at 5:40pm
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David Miller
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Posted: 13 June 2020 at 6:22pm | IP Logged | 8 post reply

I think the most immediate and effective action a Biden administration could take would be to establish a coordinated 50 state and every territory COVID-19 strategy. The virus is out but maybe with leadership and proper priorities it could be contained within four years. Returning public health to pre-Trump levels isn't exactly forward-thinking progressive change, but I'll take it at this point. That and overall attention to staffing and leadership at all agencies. Plus if Biden was elected but stepped down for health reasons say sometime in late 2021, the US might have its historic first woman president.
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Brian Miller
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Posted: 13 June 2020 at 6:34pm | IP Logged | 9 post reply

It’s not just in the moral sense, Rodrigo.
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David Miller
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Posted: 13 June 2020 at 6:38pm | IP Logged | 10 post reply

I'll also accept not burning puppies alive.
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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 13 June 2020 at 7:12pm | IP Logged | 11 post reply

There could be a lot more of an appetite for spending on healthcare, and a certain amount will be needed because of covid-19. It's a system that will need strengthening and shoring up presuming something survives being overwhelmed and even collapsing in some parts, but also improving access going forward. I would definitely want Bernie Sanders involved somehow. Obama focused on it overly too much in his first brief window of actual power and let the financial system off the hook way too much then, but this feels like a more natural time to really focus on health care as infrastructure. Offering people hope in this area at this time, where maybe you can't offer much in some others after all the damage, could really pay off with gaining a solid footing.

It might be a full time job though for some finding ways to get the many inappropriate people put in by Trump to leave and restore positions to those who were unfairly removed from careers on zero grounds other than Trump's lacking confidence in them. This one's different. Before you had people who served under Nixon or Reagan or Bush Jr. who were still quality even though there were some let's say ugly ducklings of patronage, but under Trump it's been utter recklessness and seeing bias often where there was none, there was only someone doing their job well, and that was "a problem" only to Trump. Everyone retaliated against for doing their job properly or after the failed impeachment should get a formal official apology from the next government!
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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 13 June 2020 at 7:17pm | IP Logged | 12 post reply

I'm probably some kind of nut but I would like to see a U.S. president not pardon those Thanksgiving turkeys and have them butchered. I'm really tired of this silly situation of pretending 80% or whatever of us who eat meat are not going to be capable of honesty about it. If Biden is or turns vegetarian, fine... but me, I'd say nobody really wants to pet these birds in a zoo, I am going to eat them, thankfully, like my ancestors have for hundreds, probably thousands, of years before today.

Bonus suggestion: do not let the turkeys be given names! :^)
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