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Eric Sofer
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Posted: 09 June 2020 at 11:33am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

Brian M. - To which Eric are you referring? I think both I and Eric L. have made some cogent points of discussion recently.
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Brian Miller
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Posted: 09 June 2020 at 11:44am | IP Logged | 2 post reply

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Andy Mokler
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Posted: 09 June 2020 at 11:46am | IP Logged | 3 post reply

I used to think I was somehow wrong because of all the backlash but I see now that there are many here who are not interested in debate or discourse.

I have been nothing but polite, as reasonable as I can be, willing to support my opinions with research and examples and never claim anyone should not be allowed to voice their opinion.  Maybe my research is heavily flawed?  I don't think it is but it's never enough.

People say I need to consider the black perspective and when I offer the many different black perspectives by people who have made it their business to study the topic at hand, I'm told I have to go out and find black people to get their anecdotal experiences.

I don't really see any way to make any progress.  And this is on a non-political board where the consequences are virtually nil.  If this even remotely represents the lack of discourse going on then there really is no hope and there really isn't any point.

What I see are sanctimonious liberals who refuse to tolerate any opinion other than their own.  A deliberate refusal to even hear an opinion that opposes their own.  Downright anger at someone who won't see their truth.

I know, I'm probably wrong for a million reasons but why fight it?  I'm adopting the same set of rules and declaring my way the right way and I'm just going to ignore those who disagree.

I'm beyond frustrated and have been driven to just throw up my hands and give up.  Too many are simply unreasonable as far as I'm concerned.

In the spirit of the times, I suppose it only appropriate to smash and burn the soap box I'm stepping off of.
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James Johnson
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Posted: 09 June 2020 at 12:51pm | IP Logged | 4 post reply

There is no bottom to Trump.
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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 09 June 2020 at 1:00pm | IP Logged | 5 post reply

It's sad, genuinely sad. I try to stay to a solid middle which has it's own inherent downside, but the extremes are really not helping, not progress. I'm obviously a lot closer to the left most of the time but not because I've moved at all, the right has really gone so far down a strange revolution path stating with Rush Limpdick thundering about "America Held Hostage Day No.___" back when Bill Clinton was in. The left taking up revolutionary slogans back and sometimes playing dress-up with every minority voting block seems to feed them. Not that it's wrong to paint Black Lives Matter on a Washington D.C. street, but there is sooooo much stuntism, so much provocation. Again, if what you hate about the 'enemy' is name-calling and boiling things down to severely simplified contrasts, why are you doing any of it back in reaction? Sure there is truth to some of it, but it's often still peddling in half truth... Michael Moore versus Sean Hannity is not my idea of balance. And let me make it clear... Mother Jones over Fox News Channel obviously, but I do require more than polemic and intentional misdirection and simplification to manufacture outrage. I have zero enjoyment in being outraged. I truly see no end to it among others as if that's all they are, an outrage machine ever reacting, ever easily manipulated.

I guess I think if you could pull back some it might just break the cycle sufficiently and leave the looniest of the neo-con or right out there way off the cliff like Wile E. Coyote. As long as you feed them more and more of what they intend to provoke they won't go down. Counter-puncher Trumpo without anyone to fight and make allies over is what I would most love to see. Definitely a media creation and they can't see how they are still creating him right now, every single thing he says (and he doesn't do a whole lot more than shoot off his mouth) endlessly enlarged upon and analyzed. He isn't worth of that, yet you keep doing him honor after honor.

I can see something in operation I wish I could communicate better, but it seems like you criticize or ask for moderation of many people at the extremes you just cease to exist because it doesn't fit on a hat or a sign. Drumming up the apathy, a lot of people not talking at all and not voting at all is part of the game plan for the extreme right. Not listening for generations is an art form for some, so not listening back onto freezes things further.

Talking about getting ones hands dirty; that is what you have to do in the world, live and work with people you don't like or agree with. The internet may allow the illusion of friend lists and blocked lists but who sees most of what's on it as very functional, progressive or even worthwhile?

Edited by Rebecca Jansen on 09 June 2020 at 1:05pm
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Michael Roberts
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Posted: 09 June 2020 at 1:44pm | IP Logged | 6 post reply

I used to think I was somehow wrong because of all the backlash but I see now that there are many here who are not interested in debate or discourse.

The problem Andy, is that because you rely on YouTube videos for your talking points, all you are offering are the same tired arguments that many people who are more politically inclined have heard and debunked before. It's tiring. People are frustrated because they've seen it before.

I have been nothing but polite, as reasonable as I can be, willing to support my opinions with research and examples and never claim anyone should not be allowed to voice their opinion.  Maybe my research is heavily flawed?  I don't think it is but it's never enough.

Well, no. You have given as much as you have taken. You went all ad hominem on me for something Peter said. You continually ignore the fact that chain link enclosures are called cages and  have always been called cages, instead blaming that as an invention of the media. Your "research" are just some tired talking points backed by an interpretation of statistics from someone who clearly doesn't understand how statistics work.

People say I need to consider the black perspective and when I offer the many different black perspectives by people who have made it their business to study the topic at hand, I'm told I have to go out and find black people to get their anecdotal experiences.

Because you do? What you are doing is not considering the black perspective, you are just posting YouTube videos of contrarian voices that happen to be black who conform to your bias. I'm not white. I know that POC are not one big monolith that all have the same perspective. You are not showing me something that I'm not aware of. The point in asking you to listen to the black perspective is to understand the long history of oppression that is fueling the current anger, because you seem to be ignorant of it and keep trying to claim that it is media driven. It's not.

Contrarian voices are interesting, and I'm not saying they aren't worth listening to, but there's also a benefit to being a contrarian voice that can drive one to continue being contrarian. So understand that when someone asks you to listen to black voices, and your response is to throw out someone that people from both the left and right accuse of being an opportunist and someone a recent Ivy League graduate who writes for Quillette and is a member of the Intellectual Dark Web, you are just showing people who have a vested interest in being contrarian and entirely missing the point. We're not playing black perspective Pokemon. You are being asked to see past your privilege.

What I see are sanctimonious liberals who refuse to tolerate any opinion other than their own.  A deliberate refusal to even hear an opinion that opposes their own.  Downright anger at someone who won't see their truth.

Again, the issue isn't people willing to hear an opinion. We've heard these opinions. Several times. We've argued these opinions. Several times. Of course people are angry.

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Peter Martin
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Posted: 09 June 2020 at 1:53pm | IP Logged | 7 post reply

When the hell did being anti-fascist, or antifa, become a bad thing????  Fascism is Nazism!

Just because Antifa calls itself by that name does not mean that anyone who is anti-fascist has to be aligned with Antifa.

Nor is fascism nazism, because fascism is a broader category than nazism. The Nazis were fascists, but not all fascists are Nazis.

Edited by Peter Martin on 09 June 2020 at 1:53pm
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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 09 June 2020 at 4:10pm | IP Logged | 8 post reply

That routine of Trump being a victim in any way has been a joke really since before he was running for office. It's bizarre he could seriously inspire anyone to take up such a cause on his behalf. There just is nothing more to be said about unfairness to him. Unfairness to his supporters is maybe a little less ludicrous in that they continue to support someone so flawed. Whatever your legitimate issue you don't pick the biggest clown to lead you or be the poster child for an issue, and also one who is so often ready to say the exact opposite of something just for some benefit in the moment.

Trump himself has been indefensible outside of what someone thought he was... what was thought, one's "opinion", being not very diligent or deep throws that out as any kind of continuing defense. Confidence tricksters help you to fool yourself because you want to believe for that "great" payoff, and once you are bought in it costs too much for many to get out. You bought in for a wall because you think immigration is lax and that he promised and gave you this wall is not irregardless of whether such a wall has any actual use (plus he still lied about who was going to pay for it). It remains a useless stunt, another symbol.
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Eric Sofer
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Posted: 09 June 2020 at 6:58pm | IP Logged | 9 post reply

I don't believe anti-fascists call themselves Antifa, because I don't know of any organization of anti-fascists. I think this is being blown out of proportion by SOMEONE who wants a target at which to focus people's hate. Just one man's opinion, mind you...
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James Johnson
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Posted: 09 June 2020 at 7:05pm | IP Logged | 10 post reply some way like an, "I am Negan!", chant....

But then again, some Trumpets may co-op the phrase for Dear Leader.

Edited by James Johnson on 09 June 2020 at 7:07pm
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Rodrigo castellanos
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Posted: 09 June 2020 at 10:53pm | IP Logged | 11 post reply

Rorschach's Journal, June 9th, 1985

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Neil Lindholm
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Posted: 09 June 2020 at 11:03pm | IP Logged | 12 post reply

Seams reasonable to me. Pardon while I adjust my tinfoil. Head getting itchy. 
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