Posted: 12 October 2012 at 12:35pm | IP Logged | 1
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11" x 17" recreation of the "This Land is Mine" splash page from Fantastic Four # 247. The details are:- please include the "This Land is Mine" text - your choice on a recreation of the metal texture's on Dr. Doom's armor or using your recent cross-hatching style on the armor, but please keep the strong play of light and shadow as in the original - please keep the original (smooth, non-textured) cape on Dr. Doom - please draw Dr. Doom's mouth grid as you originally intended (i.e., fix the printing error that caused the "Cecil the Sea Serpent" tooth in the comic) 
Elected not to do the cross-hatching since, with the heavy blacks preserved from the original, I felt it would get kinda muddy. Proportions are slightly off from 11x17, as I extended the piece to eliminate the indicia at the bottom of the page, and expanded it slightly northward for balance.