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Topic: Marvel wins Kirby lawsuit (Topic Closed Topic Closed) Post ReplyPost New Topic
Rob Ocelot
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Posted: 01 August 2011 at 12:48pm | IP Logged | 1  

I always wondered what happened to those original Kirby Spiderman (note the lack of a hyphen) pages.  We all know where the final AF#15 Spider-man pages ended up but these Kirby pages are conspicuous by their absence (keeping in mind that a LOT of Jack's pages from that era are 'missing').  I've never seen nor heard of any pages coming up for sale or trading hands.  Many years ago I asked Mark Evanier if he knew of them and he came up empty.

It's possible the pages were destroyed or given away but I have my doubts.  The minute the Ditko Spider-man character took off you would think they'd hang onto what technically is a prototype of the character, if not for historical purposes then at least to recycle the costume design or the character as a villain.

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Knut Robert Knutsen
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Posted: 01 August 2011 at 12:59pm | IP Logged | 2  

I don't think it's too far fetched that it went in the trash. Larry Lieber, in his deposition, testified to picking up some early Kirby Hulk pages from the trash at the Marvel offices, where Kirby put them after Stan Lee rejected them and refused to pay for them.

If unused pages were saved back then, it was usually because someone was a fan of the artist in question (like Lieber) or because they wanted to use the back of the paper.

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Andrew W. Farago
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Posted: 01 August 2011 at 1:05pm | IP Logged | 3  

Here's Steve Bissette's take on the lawsuit.

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John Byrne
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Posted: 01 August 2011 at 1:31pm | IP Logged | 4  

Here's Steve Bissette's take on the lawsuit.


Extraordinarily naive, for one who has been floating around the business for as long as Steve.

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Pascal LISE
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Posted: 01 August 2011 at 2:31pm | IP Logged | 5  

From Steve Bissette's blog :

… Stan Lee
’s Secrets of the Comics pamphlet, which asserted that Martin Goodman alone created Captain America.


RIP Jack.

Edited by Pascal LISE on 01 August 2011 at 2:34pm
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Andrew W. Farago
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Posted: 01 August 2011 at 5:30pm | IP Logged | 6  

Kurt Busiek weighs in, during a lengthy, ongoing conversation on The Beat:

"But the people saying Kirby was employed by Marvel so Marvel owns everything are making bad assumptions. Employees aren’t paid on a piecework basis. Employees have taxes deducted from their checks. My agreements with Marvel and DC make it very clear that I’m _not_ an employee, but a “supplier.” The work-for-hire provisions of those agreements have nothing to do with the idea that I’m an employee (I’m not) but with specific contract terms spelled out and agreed to in advance — stuff that, we’re told, has to be signed before work commences because otherwise DC and Marvel don’t own the WFH material we do. And no such agreements were apparently signed before Kirby commenced his various Marvel works.

"This isn’t as simple as “they paid you money so they own everything forever.” That’s not how copyright works in the US (and most other places). In the absence of an agreement that says differently, if you get paid money for the publication rights to something you wrote or drew, the guy who paid gets first-printing rights in English, and nothing more.

"So before you say 'He was working for them so they own everything forever,' study up a bit. If that’s what the law said, there wouldn’t have been a case to begin with."

Edited by Andrew W. Farago on 01 August 2011 at 6:33pm
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Dave Phelps
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Posted: 01 August 2011 at 6:10pm | IP Logged | 7  

Rob Ocelot: "The minute the Ditko Spider-man character took off you would think they'd hang onto what technically is a prototype of the character, if not for historical purposes then at least to recycle the costume design or the character as a villain."

The problem is that "the minute [the] character took off" was probably four months after the pages were tossed...

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John Byrne
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Posted: 01 August 2011 at 6:14pm | IP Logged | 8  

"…there wouldn’t have been a case to begin with."


There wasn't.

Or is the title of this thread too subtle for some people?

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Paul Kimball
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Posted: 01 August 2011 at 9:02pm | IP Logged | 9  

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Pete York
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Posted: 02 August 2011 at 2:46am | IP Logged | 10  

 Andrew quoting Busiek wrote:
...And no such agreements were apparently signed before Kirby commenced his various Marvel works...

This is clearly explained in the decision. What's also clear is that Kirby needed better representation. Like say the guy who wrote that crafty assignment of copyright in 1972 that Kirby signed: assigning all rights Kirby might have had in the works to 'Marvel' without explicitly acknowledging Kirby actually had any rights to assign, while also getting Kirby to agree that all work he had done for 'Marvel' up to that point WAS work-for-hire. As the decision says, the assignment 'talks out of both sides of its mouth'. That the Kirby Heirs were trying to use this document to make their case suggests there really wasn't much of a case, at least in this specific claim. Why is the anger over what's 'fair' or not being concentrated at Stan? I mean 'burning in Hell' seems a bit misplaced.      
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John Byrne
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Posted: 02 August 2011 at 3:48am | IP Logged | 11  

Why is the anger over what's 'fair' or not being concentrated at Stan?


Over the years, attending conventions, I have found myself the target of all manner of fan ire that had nothing at all to do with myself or my work. (In one extreme case a guy started lecturing me most intensely about the way Gil Kane drew NOSES, and how much the guy didn't like it!) It has to do with who's available -- and for some of these people, I happened, at that moment, to be the only one available, so I got all their complaints about Marvel, or DC, or the industry, or anything else that was bugging them.

By making himself such a visible representative of Marvel -- the face of Marvel, if you will -- Stan has of course opened himself to attack from the microbrains who are unable to distinguish between the system and someone who works within the system. And it should never be forgotten that Stan, for much of his career, was the latter. He did not create the system, he worked within the system. Just like Jack Kirby.

Years ago, Peter Sanderson summed it up best, when he pondered what might have happened if it had been Stan who left Marvel, and Jack who stayed. Who then, Peter asked, in the minds of the fans, would be "good Marvel daddy," and who "bad Marvel daddy?"

(Keeping in mind, yet again, that Kirby had run his own company according to the extant rules of the system, so we have no reason to believe that sweeping reforms would have come to Marvel under his watch, any sooner than they did under Stan's.)

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Pascal LISE
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Posted: 02 August 2011 at 5:40am | IP Logged | 12  

JB said :
Just like Jack Kirby


Not exactly.
Unless I'm mistaken, Kirby was a freelancer which wasn't the case for Stan Lee.


JB said :
Kirby had run his own company according to the extant rules of the system, so we have no reason to believe that sweeping reforms would have come to Marvel under his watch, any sooner than they did under Stan's


Who articulated such a thing?
Many of us just pointed out the fact that creators and especially Kirby have been screwed by the "system".

What makes Kirby UNIQUE is that he's the corner stone on which modern Marvel house has been built.

No other single creator comes close to how much valuable he has been to Marvel or the whole industry.

For this, he got rewarded with the contempt of a soul less corporate?
Blind suits.
They wouldn't know where to look at for real values outside the cash figures they are so eager to stick their tongues over.

The value of a so called creative compagny is in the people and creators working for it.

The existence of such a system doesn't necessarily justify its continuation, especially one based on such bad practices.

But I know better.
As a reader, I know what Kirby's creations meant for me.
I know from whom the Ideas of the House of Nothing came out.

Marvel means nothing anymore.
Creatively, they slowly dried up years after years from the moment Kirby quit them. To the point where I have only been buying reprints of Kirby and Ditko works since a couple of years.
Soon I will happily leave this corporate entity behind me.
They got nothing of value to propose me anyway.

Edited by Pascal LISE on 02 August 2011 at 5:56am
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