Posted: 25 February 2025 at 6:39pm | IP Logged | 9
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"The Dead Zone has to be one of his finest books. "
Agreed. I re-read it this summer and while it scared the hell out of me for reasons that it did not in when I read it in 1986, it was so good. King really spends his time developing the story. I mean, how many pages are devoted to the roulette wheel scene? And the hospital stay as well.
After that, I re-read "Firestarter" and was impressed by it in a way I hadn't been at 14. I sent it to a friend for his re-read and he said the same thing about how well-written it is.
Just finished Nick Hornby's "Funny Girl" which I liked a lot. Good book, terrible title. I mean, I know titles can't be copyrighted but come on...
Now I am reading "Endless Love" by Scott Spencer. I never saw the Zefferelli film but have heard for years that the film is mediocre at best but the book is quite good.