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Topic: Blood of the Demon / Doom Patrol comic swap (Topic Closed Topic Closed) Post ReplyPost New Topic
Brian Miller
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Posted: 04 January 2005 at 1:03pm | IP Logged | 1  

Any other non-DP readers out there? I'm willing to play.
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Todd Hembrough
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Posted: 04 January 2005 at 1:07pm | IP Logged | 2  

 Mark McKay wrote:
 Jason Powell wrote:
Intriguing ... all right, as non-Doom
Patroller, I'll give it
a try. Mr. McKay (or anyone else), do you read Tom
Strong? If not ... issue 30 just hit the stands a week
or two ago. If someone buys and reads that, I'll pick
up DP7 this weekend!


Even though Todd already beat me to it, I'll still pick up Tom
Strong #30 tomorrow.

I know that still doesn't fulfill the terms the Joe set at the
beginning of this thread though, so I am still open to the swap:
anyone that has a comic they'd like me to purchase and read,
in exchange for purchasing DP#7, let me know.


Mark you have to work less hard and visit here more often  ;).  You can take Tom Strong, since he aimed the post at you.  I will resist the urge to work, and wait around here to pick-up some other book.  (But if Tom Strrong looks good I will get it anyway. Then We can email Jason and tell him he has to buy DP 8 as well.)

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Mark McKay
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Posted: 04 January 2005 at 1:13pm | IP Logged | 3  

 Todd Hembrough wrote:

Mark you have to work less hard and visit here more often 
;).  You can take Tom Strong, since he aimed the post at
you.  I will resist the urge to work, and wait around here to
pick-up some other book.  (But if Tom Strrong looks good I will
get it anyway. Then We can email Jason and tell him he has to
buy DP 8
as well.)


I had to deliver some work to a client and was out for a bit!

I'm going to slack off for the afternoon, though, so the first one of
us who picks up the next book can have that, and the other can
take Tom Strong!

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Thomas Mets
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Posted: 04 January 2005 at 1:18pm | IP Logged | 4  

You may get more non- Doom Patrol readers if you guys try this on other message boards (ie- the Bendis Boards, Millarworld, DC Comics Message Boards) You may get a few creators to check out Doom Patrol, and I'm confident that a few of the Indy creators are desperate enough for new readers that they'll agree with your offer if you check out their stuff. All someone with disposeable income has to do is post on the boards, and say that for everyone who agrees to try a John Byrne issue of Doom Patrol, he'll check out one comic of their choice.

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Joe Zhang
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Posted: 04 January 2005 at 1:34pm | IP Logged | 5  

I post something about DP on many boards at least once a month, but Millarworld and Alvaro's comic boards are off limits to me ( I still have the the skidmarks from the time they tossed my butt out :) If anyone can post an invitation and a link to this thread that would be great. I think the Spider-Girl and She-Hulk forums would really dig this.

P.S: If anyone does post on one of Alvaro's boards, it's best to check with the sub-forum's moderator first. Posting links to threads on other boards is what got me banned there.

Edited by Joe Zhang on 04 January 2005 at 1:50pm
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Rob Hearn
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Posted: 04 January 2005 at 1:55pm | IP Logged | 6  

Just want to say I think this is a good idea Joe.

I am a DP reader but would be willing to pick up a non-DP reader's book if they pick up DP Cheers!.

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Thomas Mets
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Posted: 04 January 2005 at 6:21pm | IP Logged | 7  

I actually just bought Doom Patrol #7 today. Now Dave Pruitt must buy Ultimates 2 #1 ;). Keeping in mind that I've read very few Doom Patrol stories (* a few Morrison, and their JLA Year One apperance- none of which I remember very well.) Good cover. Strong opening.

Spoilers Below

I liked Nudge avoiding cabfare, "That's Rita," the image of Rita decorating a Christmas tree, "Christmas Eve" as the date of the flashback, the Devolutionists expecting the arrival of the JLA, the wolf design- image of Rita with a small dog in her hand.s, Chief's gloves, dinosaurs becoming birds, Nudge's angry brother, Nudge's explanationf or her outfit, the devolved robot, Nudge's attempts to reach the JLA by telepathy, and the cliffhanger. On a 1 to 10 scale I'd give this a 7, which is weaker than most books I buy. If I have money to spend the next time Issue 8 comes out, I'll pick that up, but I won't promise anything yet.

Edited by Thomas Mets on 04 January 2005 at 6:22pm
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Todd Hembrough
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Posted: 04 January 2005 at 8:58pm | IP Logged | 8  

Thanks for playing Thomas.  I hope you check out DP 8, at least to see how it all comes together.

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Thomas Mets
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Posted: 04 January 2005 at 10:14pm | IP Logged | 9  

 Joe Zhang wrote:

I post something about DP on many boards at least once a month, but Millarworld and Alvaro's comic boards are off limits to me ( I still have the the skidmarks from the time they tossed my butt out :) If anyone can post an invitation and a link to this thread that would be great. I think the Spider-Girl and She-Hulk forums would really dig this.

P.S: If anyone does post on one of Alvaro's boards, it's best to check with the sub-forum's moderator first. Posting links to threads on other boards is what got me banned there.

If you want to make this offer on another site, you don't really need to post links to this message board. Just start an account on another board, or use your account on another board and make the offer there. If the moderator deletes it, make a courteous apology, and that's that. is the rules & FAQ for the Bendis Boards. I'd recommend making the offer there, or on Millarworld rather than Alvaro's Boards, or Comic Book Resources, becaue there's a wider variety of posters, and posts as opposed to the subforum oriented message boards.

And don't worry about violently (or softly) defending yourself, or Byrne. Someone else on the sites will probably do that for you, and if you ignore, or briefly acknowledge any possible negative posts, any attackers will look like jerks.

These are all just suggestions, because this comic swap idea jas really interested me. 

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Joe Zhang
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Posted: 04 January 2005 at 10:28pm | IP Logged | 10  

All good ideas, Thomas. Alvaro's board is the most opposed to promoting other boards. Other forums don't care as much. I'm quite familiar with all of the above boards, and many many others.  It's interesting how they all have their own unique character.

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Jason Powell
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Posted: 05 January 2005 at 9:27am | IP Logged | 11  

 Todd Hembrough wrote:

 Mark McKay wrote:
 Jason Powell wrote:

Intriguing ... all right, as non-Doom
Patroller, I'll give it
a try. Mr. McKay (or anyone else), do you read Tom
Strong? If not ... issue 30 just hit the stands a week
or two ago. If someone buys and reads that, I'll pick
up DP7 this weekend!


Even though Todd already beat me to it, I'll still pick
up Tom
Strong #30 tomorrow.

I know that still doesn't fulfill the terms the Joe set at
beginning of this thread though, so I am still open to
the swap:
anyone that has a comic they'd like me to purchase
and read,
in exchange for purchasing DP#7, let me know.


Mark you have to work less hard and visit here more
;).  You can take Tom Strong, since he aimed the
post at
you.  I will resist the urge to work, and wait around
here to
pick-up some other book.  (But if Tom Strrong looks
good I will
get it anyway. Then We can email Jason and tell him
he has to buy DP 8
as well.)


Jeez, how much money is this going to end up
costing me? :)

I like the idea of people posting the reviews here ...
although I would request that Todd and Mark give
Spoiler warnings on TS30 ... I'm a little behind on my
comics reading and haven't picked that one up yet!
(Though issue 29 is awesome, and it's part 1 of 2,
so I still feel confident recommending ish 30.)

Anyway, next time I'm at the store, I'll pick up TS30
and DP7 and read 'em both, then be right back here
for discussion/reviews.

Looking forward to this -- it should be fun!

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Richard Laven
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Posted: 05 January 2005 at 9:45am | IP Logged | 12  

Just read 5 and 6, not impressed. I don't feel empathy with the characters and JB's art, while still better than most of what's out there, just felt off (particularly Rita's enlarged hand). However my nine year-old loved it, so I'll continue buying it for him!
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