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Victor Rodgers Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 26 December 2004 Posts: 3508
Posted: 03 January 2005 at 9:05pm | IP Logged | 1
The only book I read is Dragonball. I try to tell people how good it is, but they look at me like I farted in church. They do this because they saw one or two episodes of the American dub..
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Tim O Neill Byrne Robotics Security
Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 10952
Posted: 03 January 2005 at 9:17pm | IP Logged | 2
I agree with Brendan H. - major props to Joe Z for spreading
the word. I want more people to read this title for selfish
reasons - I want to keep reading beyond 18 issues! I'm getting
the same feeling I did when Fourth World was runnning - I
couldn't wait for the next issue so I could learn more about
these characters who were new to me.
And Jason makes a good point about checking out the pencils,
but I still think you have to read an issue to get the full effect of
the storytelling. One issue is all you need and the latest is a
perfect example.
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Todd Hembrough Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Posts: 4171
Posted: 03 January 2005 at 9:25pm | IP Logged | 3
Let me add my thanks to Joe as well. I think that most of us just
buy the books and enjoy them. But short of buying 10 copies each,
the best way to make sure that there is a DP 19, woudl be to spread the
I think that I might have to try and start doing this. Only
problem is that I dont know any "fellow travellers". My
father-in-laws friend has a 10 year old, who I have on occasion sent JL
and Titans Go books to.
Do you think that DP is appropriate for a 10 year old? I dont
want to get into hot water with my Father in law or his neighbor.
If it is OK, then I will buy the whole run and send it off to
him. Wont help the sales #'s but every little bit helps, i guess.
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Joe Zhang Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 12857
Posted: 03 January 2005 at 9:30pm | IP Logged | 4
Peter Hicks wrote:
I bought all the JLA DP issues, and was not impressed enough to buy
the ongoing series. Sorry, but I just did not care about the
characters who were involved. Now, Demon, I will try!
I think it be a very unreasonable thing to expect everyone here to read DP - that's certainly not the idea.
When I picked up Plastic Man in a "swap" on another board, I really
thought I was throwing three bucks away. I never liked Kyle Baker's
inking and his pencilling even less. But I was suprised when I found I
really enjoyed his Plastic Man. The guy who was supposed to pick up DP
never replied, but that's OK, I found a funny, zany book I
would have never considered otherwise.
I'm one of those guys who have had his fill of the spinoffs about
Wolverine's cousin's mutant hairdresser and the 40-part Batman
crossovers. I want to find new books to read and I think this is one
fun way to go about it.
BTW, I think Doom Patrol is a $2.50 book, not $3.
Edited by Joe Zhang on 03 January 2005 at 10:36pm
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Joe Zhang Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 12857
Posted: 03 January 2005 at 9:33pm | IP Logged | 5
Tim O'Neill wrote:
I want more people to read this title for selfish reasons - I want to keep reading beyond 18 issues!
That's exactly my reason too.
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Joe Zhang Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 12857
Posted: 03 January 2005 at 9:35pm | IP Logged | 6
Victor .R. Rodgers wrote:
The only book I read is Dragonball. I try to tell people how good it is, but they look at me like I farted in church. They do this because they saw one or two episodes of the American dub.. |
Victor, I'll pick up a Dragonball this Wednesday then, if you will a Doom Patrol (and the latest issue #7 seems to be the best yet, though I haven't had a chance buy a copy so far.) Which publisher is it by?
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Mark McKay Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 2272
Posted: 03 January 2005 at 9:39pm | IP Logged | 7
I'm reading DP. If anyone who isn't reading wants me to check
out a book they like in exchange for purchasing and reading an
issue of Doom Patrol, I'm in.
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Victor Rodgers Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 26 December 2004 Posts: 3508
Posted: 03 January 2005 at 9:55pm | IP Logged | 8
Viz publishes it. They sell it in eight dollar trade paperbacks. They are currently at volume #32. But thats the equivilent of five normal books. Viz use to do it in a normal comic format, but the direct market wouldn't support it.
Though one thing the series is divided into two parts Dragonball and Dragonball Z (due to the tv series popularity). The Dragonball half is all good, but DBZ becomes slow around the Androids storyarc. Geez im making this more complicated than it is.
I will pick up an issue of Doom Patrol soon. I've been looking for a monthly comic to read.
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Thomas Mets Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 05 September 2004 Location: United States Posts: 898
Posted: 03 January 2005 at 10:35pm | IP Logged | 9
I'm game. I'll buy and read Doom Patrol #7if someone who has never read it buys and reads Ultimates 2 #1.
Edited by Thomas Mets on 03 January 2005 at 10:36pm
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Joe Zhang Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 12857
Posted: 04 January 2005 at 8:12am | IP Logged | 10
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Brendan Howard Byrne Robotics Member
FAQ Master Supreme
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Posted: 04 January 2005 at 8:22am | IP Logged | 11
Todd Hembrough wrote:
I think that I might have to try and start doing this. Only
problem is that I dont know any "fellow travellers". My
father-in-laws friend has a 10 year old, who I have on occasion sent JL
and Titans Go books to.
Do you think that DP is appropriate for a 10 year old? I dont
want to get into hot water with my Father in law or his neighbor.
Depends on the 10-year-old and the parents. If the kid plays lots of
bloody video games, watched BUFFY and ANGEL on TV and is allowed to
watch PG-13 movies, then you'll have nothing to worry about. If the kid
still watches POKEMON, then you may want to rethink it.
Your best bet is to hand the comics to the father-in-law's friend and ask
him/her to make the decision. Just say "I thought your kid would enjoy
these; please page through them to see if you think they are appropriate."
Brendan Howard
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Dave Pruitt Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 6172
Posted: 04 January 2005 at 8:29am | IP Logged | 12
Thomas Mets, you're on. I had no intention of buying and reading Ultimates 2 #1, but I will if you try DP.
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