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Topic: Blood of the Demon / Doom Patrol comic swap (Topic Closed Topic Closed) Post ReplyPost New Topic
Joe Zhang
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Posted: 03 January 2005 at 11:16am | IP Logged | 1  

These days almost all new comic titles have trouble finding its audience. JB's new Doom Patrol also seems to have also encountered this problem. Though most of us who frequent this board are JB fans, its likely not all of us are currently reading Doom Patrol. Let's try to create a win-win excercise that will help D.P. and any other comics which would benefit from more readers.

Post up the name of your favorite "in need of more readership" book. Doesn't matter which genre or publisher, so long as you think it deserves more people enjoying it. Then one of us Doom Patrol readers will agree to try out an issue of the book*. In return you try an issue of Doom Patrol or the Blood of the Demon.

Let's use this thread to also say how we liked the other's comic, and whether we will continue on with it.

A few more rules to keep things fair (which also apply to BotD)

- Current readers of DP cannot suggest a book to other DP readers.

- Non-DP readers can suggest only one title. If you want other titles to be considered then please ask friends or fans on other boards to participate and suggest those titles here.

- A DP reader cannot accept a suggestion of a title he / she is already reading.

- The "comic swap" is a one-to-one exchange. For example if Jim suggests MutantMan and Frank accepts the suggestion first, then Jane cannot also accept Jim's suggestion later on. A different person will have to propose MutantMan for Jane to accept.

* "Try out"  and "reading" means buying it from a retailer. Not from the secondary market, reading it at the shop, or downloading a bootleg !


** There has been a troll posing as "Joe Zhang" on other forums, trying to disrupt trading. Please note that Byrne Robotics the only board I post on as Joe Zhang.

Edited by Joe Zhang on 06 March 2005 at 10:12am
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Zoran Bekric
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Posted: 03 January 2005 at 5:19pm | IP Logged | 2  

 Joe Zhang wrote:
- Current readers of DP cannot suggest a book to other DP readers.

How many non-Doom Patrol readers are there likely to be on this board?

I would have thought that seeking out and registering on a board named "Byrne Robotics" would self-select for people likely to already be buying Doom Patrol. Ditto with the upcoming Bood of the Demon.


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Moyer Hall
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Posted: 03 January 2005 at 5:38pm | IP Logged | 3  

I didn't start buying DP until after reading the threads...
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Peter Hicks
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Posted: 03 January 2005 at 7:21pm | IP Logged | 4  

I bought all the JLA DP issues, and was not impressed enough to buy the ongoing series.  Sorry, but I just did not care about the characters who were involved.  Now, Demon, I will try!

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Paul Greer
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Posted: 03 January 2005 at 7:34pm | IP Logged | 5  

 Peter Hicks wrote:

I bought all the JLA DP issues, and was not impressed enough to buy the ongoing series.  Sorry, but I just did not care about the characters who were involved.  Now, Demon, I will try!

Just try one issue of Doom Patrol, and suggest a book that someone on the board hasn't tried and we'll make a swap. What have you got to lose besides three bucks? I'm willing to try something new if you guys are.

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Rob Walker
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Posted: 03 January 2005 at 8:27pm | IP Logged | 6  

Shouldn't this thread be started on another board where most of the posters are not already reading Doom Patrol?  I don't really go to other boards but I think there are several other comic boards where this 'swap' would be more effective in increasing DP readership.
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Tim O Neill
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Posted: 03 January 2005 at 8:34pm | IP Logged | 7  

Peter H: "I bought all the JLA DP issues, and was not
impressed enough to buy the ongoing series.  Sorry, but I just
did not care about the characters who were involved."


I would suggest you buy the latest issue and give the series a
try on its own. It's a really fun and interesting. I really liked the
JLA storyline, but the characters get to shine more in their own
title. I don't think you can judge Doom Patrol by the JLA arc.
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Jason Fulton
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Posted: 03 January 2005 at 8:36pm | IP Logged | 8  

DP seems to get better as it goes along, each issue better than the last. And it looks sweet, check out the pencil galleries if you have doubts.
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Marc Foxx
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Posted: 03 January 2005 at 8:53pm | IP Logged | 9  

 Paul Greer wrote:
 Peter Hicks wrote:

I bought all the JLA DP issues, and was not impressed enough to buy the ongoing series.  Sorry, but I just did not care about the characters who were involved.  Now, Demon, I will try!

Just try one issue of Doom Patrol, and suggest a book that someone on the board hasn't tried and we'll make a swap. What have you got to lose besides three bucks? I'm willing to try something new if you guys are.

And don't forget that you are getting a much "purer" JB product with DP than you were with Claremont scripting and Hazlewood's inks are far more faithful to JB's pencils than Ordway's were!

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Brendan Howard
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Posted: 03 January 2005 at 9:00pm | IP Logged | 10  

I have to give Joe Zhang credit ... he is truly passionate about making sure
non-believers take a look at this book! Thanks for your efforts, Joe!

Brendan Howard
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Joe Zhang
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Posted: 03 January 2005 at 9:02pm | IP Logged | 11  

 Rob Walker wrote:
Shouldn't this thread be started on another board where most of the posters are not already reading Doom Patrol?  I don't really go to other boards but I think there are several other comic boards where this 'swap' would be more effective in increasing DP readership.

I'll be inviting folks from other boards to take a look here. All part of the plan ;)

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Joe Zhang
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Posted: 03 January 2005 at 9:03pm | IP Logged | 12  

 Brendan Howard wrote:
I have to give Joe Zhang credit ... he is truly passionate about making sure
non-believers take a look at this book! Thanks for your efforts, Joe!

Brendan Howard

I've just too much time on my hands, that's all !

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