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Michael Cross
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Posted: 30 September 2007 at 6:54am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

Is this too soon to begin this thread again?  If not, here's my newest acquisition...Mignola Lobster Johnson..</P>


Edited by Jeff Fettes on 12 February 2013 at 6:05pm

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Martin Arlt
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Posted: 30 September 2007 at 8:08am | IP Logged | 2 post reply

That's a nice piece.  Shortly before the last thread was locked down, I posted this Lee Elias BLACK CAT page (I'm posting it again to prevent people having to jump between two threads):</P>


Some questions were posted about it.  It is the art to page 8 from BLACK CAT #11, published in 1948.  What I find particularly remarkable about it, is that it's practically in perfect shape.  While it's trimmed away from this scan, there are some smudges along the left margin of the page, and some fingerprints along the top.  Also some whiteout here and there to touch up panel borders.  But all of it looks like it is the result of production work, not mishandling, so it doesn't count.  No trimmed edges, rips, holes, etc. anywhere.  </P>

I love Elias' art, and I'm intrigued by how much ahead of its time Black Cat was as far as superhero storytelling goes.  Panel two, as an example, is wordless as Black Cat sees Turner being tied up.  In most '40s superhero stories, that panel would be filled with a thought balloon like, "Uh oh! Those two men in cowboy hats are tying Mr. Turner to a chair and gagging him!  I'd better save him!"</P>

Martin Arlt..................................</P>

Edited by Jeff Fettes on 12 February 2013 at 6:06pm

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Brad Brickley
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Posted: 30 September 2007 at 8:13am | IP Logged | 3 post reply

Those are both nice pieces guys.  Really like the Black Cat.  Very exciting work. Don't know anything about the character, but really like the style!  Congratulations!
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Michael Arndt
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Posted: 30 September 2007 at 8:19am | IP Logged | 4 post reply

Very nice art from Michael and Martin. The BLACK CAT is very nice. I love seeing comic art that has survived this long.
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Aric Shapiro
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Posted: 30 September 2007 at 8:39am | IP Logged | 5 post reply

my first contribution to this thread, Portacio

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Chris Abel
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Posted: 30 September 2007 at 10:13am | IP Logged | 6 post reply

I'm reposting my piece. The comment on it and my response led to the previous thread getting locked down. It's a pinup of the WildCATS that Tom Raney did in 1993 from WildCATS Special #1. I won it on eBay yesterday.

Edited to add-
Nice Pieces everyone. The Lobster Johnson, Black Cat and Portacio Batman are all pieces I would be proud to own.

Edited by Chris Abel on 30 September 2007 at 10:16am
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Paul Greer
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Posted: 30 September 2007 at 10:18am | IP Logged | 7 post reply

Martin, thanks for the answer. I am amazed what great shape that near sixty year old page is in. I've got stuff from the 90's that were yellowed and I bought them directly from the artist.
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Martin Arlt
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Posted: 30 September 2007 at 10:33am | IP Logged | 8 post reply


I was also surprised by the quality of the paper and the condition of the piece.  I have another Black Cat page that was reprinted in the Silver Age.  To make the art fit the Silver Age page dimensions, it was extended vertically, which involved cutting the page and inserting new paper. Of course, since this was post-Comics Code, Black Cat's breasts had to be made smaller with white out.  Other than these changes, this page was also in great shape, as are a couple of 1950s horror pages from the same publisher, Harvey Comics.

I'm guessing that these pages have been stored in some Harvey warehouse until recently, and the environmental conditions must have been just right to preserve them.

Martin Arlt....................................

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John Mietus
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Posted: 30 September 2007 at 10:40am | IP Logged | 9 post reply

Tom Raney was a '88 graduate of the Joe Kubert School. Methinks in '93 he
was riding the current trends in order to get work.
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Martin Arlt
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Posted: 30 September 2007 at 10:40am | IP Logged | 10 post reply

For what it's worth, here's the second Black Cat page I own, from issue 65:

The issue itself came out in 1963, so the alterations to the art date to that year.  However, this is a reprint from an earlier issue (either 8 or 21, I believe).  You can see on the scan where the original page was cut and extended vertically in the top row of panels.  Also, in addition to reducing the breasts to post-Code standards, the woman with the gun was originally holding a knife, which has been replaced with a gun.  Rather than do all the changes to a stat, they used the original art, so the art on this page dates to the late 1940s and the early 1960s.

Martin Arlt...................................


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Gerry Turnbull
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Posted: 30 September 2007 at 10:49am | IP Logged | 11 post reply

Is there a Frank Robbins vibe there as well? (i love Frank Robbins)

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Brad Brickley
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Posted: 30 September 2007 at 10:57am | IP Logged | 12 post reply

Like that 2nd page, amazing how you can follow the story!  Nice clean page, very nice.
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