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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 133740
Posted: 15 July 2007 at 3:55pm | IP Logged | 1
It's like people who have never read Dune saying Lynch's movie version is good.••• Excellent analogy -- and not merely specific to Morrison's work. I caught a few minutes of DUNE on cable the other night, and once again I was frustrated that such a great looking movie could so utterly miss the point of the book. Rather like LOTR and BATMAN. Modern comics have things Chris, Terry and I could only dream about -- superb printing, real paper, an infinite pallette. They can, and often do, look great. Yet another triumph of image over substance. And one of the reasons I have been inclined to call a lot of modern fans "magpies".
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 133740
Posted: 15 July 2007 at 3:58pm | IP Logged | 2
…he did kiss Emma over Jean's grave. With Jean's full permission and approval.••• Now, that's one I wish I'd read. Must have been amazing. Something like Yes, she kidnapped Kitty, tortured Storm, tried to kill us all, messed with your head, and all kinds of nasty things --- she's just the woman I'd want for you! Snog away!!
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Roque Martinez Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 06 May 2007 Location: Spain Posts: 292
Posted: 15 July 2007 at 4:15pm | IP Logged | 3
Not to harp, but is this meaning that comics are so specialized to the
tastes of a "young" readership that the "aging" fanbase is devoid of
understanding the basics of good story-telling and long-time series
character motivations and behaviors? |
I find it amazing that you somehow interpreted that from what I wrote.
But to clarify, no. I never meant anything like that at all. I was replying to a comment about storylines like the ones we've been discussing here from NXM are meant to appeal to the old, aging fanboy base. I simply said that the loudest, most bitter and ardent detractors of Morrison's run were part of that fanbase.
Not many of them, though. Some did liked it, and hailed it as the best X-Men run since the fabled CC/JB issues, and the closest in spirit to them. Just to show just how much the millage can vary.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 133740
Posted: 15 July 2007 at 4:24pm | IP Logged | 4
Some did liked it, and hailed it as the best X-Men run since the fabled CC/JB issues, and the closest in spirit to them. Just to show just how much the millage can vary.••• And this means absolutely nothing. It's like saying my FF run is "second only to Lee and Kirby". These are phrases that some strata of fandom learn, and eventually they get coughed out as automatic responses, no thought behind them. The Image boys dedicated their books to Kirby. What part of Kirby? His professionalism? Fans chirp "This writer loves superheroes" as he trashes them left and right and sometimes even says in so many words that he hates the genre. Once a mantra is in place, it takes an Act of God to shake it loose. "Best X-MEN run since Claremont and Byrne!" Sure. And it's better to be poked in the eye with a dull stick than a sharp one.
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William McCormick Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 26 February 2006 Posts: 3297
Posted: 15 July 2007 at 4:46pm | IP Logged | 5
Curiously, those who seemed to despise NXM the most are part of that 'ever shrinking and aging fan base that should have moved on years ago'
The problem lies in writers who claim to love the old stories and then do everything in their power to destroy them. I despised Morrrison's run because they weren't the X-Men. They were just characters who kind of looked the part but acted completely contrary to 30 years of continuity.
I don't want my comics to be clouded with real world issues. I don't want my superheroes to kill. EVER!
I love comics because they were able to take me away to a better place where heroes did the right thing just because it was right. There were no hidden motives behind their actions. They weren't dark. I still crave that. Which is why I read very few comics anymore. I'll stick with Essentials and Showcase.
The heroes I read about were not rotten people who just happened to do the right thing every once in a while. They did the right thing all the time.
Maybe I should have moved on long ago. Before people who don't get what a comic book should be about started writing them.
Edited by William McCormick on 15 July 2007 at 4:46pm
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Martin Redmond Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 27 June 2006 Posts: 3882
Posted: 15 July 2007 at 5:28pm | IP Logged | 6
Paulo Pereira wrote:
It really annoyed me in New X-Men when Grant had Cyclops cripling some dissident students. |
I'm afraid to ask. |
Some students started a riot because there was a cult killing and terrorising mutants while the X-Men did jackshit about it. Cycklops broke some of the students legs to keep them under control. Then all those students were sent to jail for ever and ever while the White Queen was made headmaster.
That's also when his run started to become random bullshit. I loved the first half of it though and the build up until the last 3 storylines.
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Martin Redmond Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 27 June 2006 Posts: 3882
Posted: 15 July 2007 at 5:34pm | IP Logged | 7
Anyway, in a nutshell, I think Morrison has tons of great ideas but he needs to be reigned in a little because he always ends up getting waaay too random. What he writes is still way more entertaining than 90% of the current stuff but even on his own projects I find he kind of sabotages his own work when it comes to wraping things up.
So I'm a fan when he starts stuff and then halfway through it I'm a hater.
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David Ferguson Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 17 March 2007 Location: Ireland Posts: 6782
Posted: 15 July 2007 at 5:39pm | IP Logged | 8
I think he works better on lesser known characters like Animal Man.
He should steer clear of superheroes in general though.
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Aaron Smith Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 06 September 2006 Location: United States Posts: 10461
Posted: 15 July 2007 at 5:41pm | IP Logged | 9
Sometimes Morrison gets it right, but not enough. I tend to get nervous when I hear that he's been assigned to any established character.
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Joe Zhang Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 12857
Posted: 15 July 2007 at 5:47pm | IP Logged | 10
"Now, that's one I wish I'd read. Must have been amazing. Something like Yes,
she kidnapped Kitty, tortured Storm, tried to kill us all, messed with
your head, and all kinds of nasty things --- she's just the woman I'd
want for you! Snog away!!"
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Zaki Hasan Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 20 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 8105
Posted: 15 July 2007 at 5:58pm | IP Logged | 11
He should steer clear of superheroes in general though.
Personally I'm glad he doesn't, because otherwise I would've missed out on one of my all-time favorite Justice League eras.
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David Ferguson Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 17 March 2007 Location: Ireland Posts: 6782
Posted: 15 July 2007 at 6:03pm | IP Logged | 12
I must admit that I liked his JLA.
Might be due to my being not as familiar with the team before him.
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