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Topic: Morrison on Batman (and Frank Miller) (Topic Closed Topic Closed) Post ReplyPost New Topic
Stanton L. Kushner
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Posted: 28 August 2006 at 1:23pm | IP Logged | 1  

I'll be really curious as to whether or not this ALL-STAR concept has legs.  BATMAN AND ROBIN is incredibly late.  ALL-STAR SUPERMAN, a book I really enjoy, is now months late.  ALL-STAR WONDER WOMAN, as per threads on this board, won't be solicited until 12 issues are in the can which is a good thing. 

* * *

I think it's a killer.  Obviously the books are still selling well, but any momentum DC might have had toward building a brand name (like the Ultimate line) is shot.

It's particularly sad since these series were pretty clearly intended, again like the Ultimate line, to appeal to people who saw the movies but don't have any interest in continuity-laden comics.  Marvel did it right - start the series six months or a year before the movie, and have 1-2 trade paperbacks in bookstores when the movie debuts.  DC's completely dropped the ball on that goal - at this rate they might not have an ASB&R trade out until the NEXT Batman movie.

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Dave Carr
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Posted: 28 August 2006 at 1:24pm | IP Logged | 2  

Unless they were downloaded off a torrent site or something.
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Jason Fulton
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Posted: 28 August 2006 at 1:26pm | IP Logged | 3  

A buddy who shares different tastes will send me stuff in the mail from time to time, if asked. Better luck next time.
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Andrew Bitner
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Posted: 28 August 2006 at 1:41pm | IP Logged | 4  

I thought the premise was pretty interesting until I saw All-Star Batman etc etc #1. All-Star Superman's been better but I think I'm yanking both of them from my pull list at my LCS-- they aren't good enough to make me overlook the chronic lateness.
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Darragh Greene
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Posted: 28 August 2006 at 2:02pm | IP Logged | 5  

The lateness of All*Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder is
incredibly irritating. I haven't heard of any apology for or explanation of
the delay from Bob Schreck, Frank Miller or Jim Lee. Maybe Mike Marts's
appointment to the line might turn things around.
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Joe Zhang
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Posted: 28 August 2006 at 2:15pm | IP Logged | 6  

None of them will ever need to apologize because most of the retailers and perhaps all of the "news sites" will turn a blind eye.
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Andrew W. Farago
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Posted: 28 August 2006 at 2:49pm | IP Logged | 7  

A buddy who shares different tastes will send me
stuff in the mail from time to time, if asked. Better
luck next time.

So you ask him to go to the post office and mail you
copies of comic books that you don't like, or do you
ask him to scan and e-mail panels that are going to
annoy you? I'm just curious about the whole system

Anyway, the Animal Man pages posted are nearly 20
years old, so I wouldn't be surprised if Morrison's
attitudes toward superheroes have changed a bit
since then. Or not. If Morrison's writing isn't for you,
or if you don't like his attitude, there are dozens upon
dozens of other superhero books published every
month that are completely serious, straight-faced
and reverent throughout. If you're determined to be
angry at the guy every time he writes something, just
stop buying his work (or having your friends
photocopy his work and mail it to you, or
downloading it or borrowing it or whatever).

Was All-Star Superman ever solicited as a monthly
title? I think that it's always been intended as a
bi-monthly book, since they didn't give Quitely
enough lead time to do otherwise, given his drawing
speed and other commitments, and it seems to be
hitting the comic shop every two months or so. I'm
not a Previews reader and don't do have a pull list,
so I really don't know if it's making its ship dates or

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Matt Reed
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Posted: 28 August 2006 at 2:55pm | IP Logged | 8  

 Andrew W. Farago wrote:
So you ask him to go to the post office and mail you
copies of comic books that you don't like, or do you
ask him to scan and e-mail panels that are going to
annoy you? I'm just curious about the whole system

So he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, eh Andrew? I remember you complaining quite a bit about people judging ALL-STAR SUPERMAN before it came out, saying that people should read it first before forming an opinion.  So Jason, whether he bought the issues himself or was loaned them from a friend, reads them, thus forming an opinion on the work (as it looks like he did with quite a bit of Morrison's work)...and he gets raked over the coals for that too?  Where does one win in this scenario, Andrew?  If Jason comes back and says "Boy was I wrong!  That Morrison is a genius!"  I'm just curious about the whole system here...

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Matt Reed
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Posted: 28 August 2006 at 2:57pm | IP Logged | 9  

 Andrew W. Farago wrote:
I think that it's always been intended as a
bi-monthly book, since they didn't give Quitely
enough lead time to do otherwise, given his drawing
speed and other commitments, and it seems to be
hitting the comic shop every two months or so. I'm
not a Previews reader and don't do have a pull list,
so I really don't know if it's making its ship dates or

It's not.  The next issue will ship at least four months after the last one was published. 

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Jason Fulton
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Posted: 28 August 2006 at 3:00pm | IP Logged | 10  

I'm just curious about the whole system

Eh, it's usually more like 'Hey, I know you're into such-and-such, and I never bought that stuff way back when, so mind FedExing me some of those so I can check them out? In return, I'll send you blah-blah-blah.' We have different tastes, so everyone wins. Bonus - I like getting packages in the mail.

And I don't know why I keep trying the 'new' stuff - I'll give just about any creator a one-issue try-out, just to see what happens (most recent 'success story' with this method was CASANOVA). Maybe I'm waiting to see if my preferences change, or if they can convince me / win me over. Maybe I just like throwing away money on a hobby that still makes me feel like I'm 12, even when it's trying its absolute hardest not to.

If you need more than that, I guess I could take some snap-shots of my driver's license, my last girlfriend, proof-of-insurance, and my penis and email (or FedEx!) them to you.

I wouldn't want Sir Andrew W. Farago Esquire to think less of me.


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Jason Fulton
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Posted: 28 August 2006 at 3:05pm | IP Logged | 11  

Oh yeah, and I thought ANIMAL MAN was decent (when it wasn't being too preachy), even after the examples I pulled out of it - probably because I had no prior connection to the character. Morrison's FANTASTIC FOUR:1234, on the other hand....not so good.

I also re-read the first three issues of ALL-STAR SUPERMAN, and decided they weren't horrible, provided I turned off the part of my brain that said 'he's making fun of the characters'. It's possible that I'm just predisposed to seeing this stuff in his work at this point.

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David Whiteley
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Posted: 28 August 2006 at 3:19pm | IP Logged | 12  

Whatever the intent of the creators may be, the indicia in All-Star Superman 1 says monthly. Not sure what the later issues may have said.
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