Posted: 25 May 2006 at 6:23pm | IP Logged | 8
Fairly heavy week for me
JSA Classified #12: story has been relatively slow, and not sure I like the take on Alan Scott here, but next issue's wrap-up could save the thing.
Birds of Prey #94: consistently a good read from Gail.
Teen Titans #36: at least Elasti-Girl and Mento are back, but I preferred the JB version. I thought that Geoff Johns's run on the title has been very good, but not sure how much I like the OYL relaunch up to this point.
Catwoman #55: This one might get dropped next time out. I like the story somewhat, but the whole thing is moving so slowly that I'm not sure it's worth a long-term purchase.
Green Lantern #11: I really like this book, and the art is fantastic, but I sure wish it were more regular
Checkmate #2: much as I love hard-core espionage, this is still just a build-up sorta issue.
52 #3: this is a good book. I'm enjoying the experiment, and think that it's been well crafted overall.
Secret Six #1: I think this could be a fairly good book overall, and I think Gail's revamp of the characters has been great.
Batman #653: simply one of the best portrayals of the characters in the last several years. I am really digging Robinson's efforts here.
Hawkgirl #53: good old school superheroics.
Did anyone pick up that Fantastic Four: A Death in the Family one-shot? I flipped through it at the store (my LCS doesn't necessarily mind as long as you don't abuse the privilege), but I must say that I could not put this thing back on the shelf fast enough.