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Topic: Amazing Spider-Man now with spoilers (Topic Closed Topic Closed) Post ReplyPost New Topic
Stephen Robinson
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Posted: 26 November 2005 at 10:26am | IP Logged | 1  

As I've said before, depictions of violence have differing effects on children. A demon ripping out the face of a bad guy, while intense (and probably not for kids anyway) is not comparable to a bad guy ripping out the eye of a hero with whom most kids identify. There's also over-the-top violence (Alderaan being destroyed in Star Wars or Luke's aunt and uncle being vaporized) and graphic violence that lingers in the mind (someone being tortured... oh and having someone's eye ripped out).

Yes, Luke has his hand cut off in ESB (though a "cleaner" injury than what Spider-Man endured), but Lucas made pains to show that it was "good as new" by the end of the film.

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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 26 November 2005 at 11:32am | IP Logged | 2  

For years, those who are opposed to movie-style "Ratings" on comics have insisted, among their many dubious arguments, that people should be able to "tell" which comics were suitable for which audience.

If anyone would compare BLOOD OF THE DEMON to AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, I think we have the proof in a nutshell why this scenario doesn't play out!

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Joe Zhang
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Posted: 26 November 2005 at 11:37am | IP Logged | 3  

"With Marvel it is the whole organization."

And Marvel should be held most responsible. Because where they lead, the rest of the industry tends to follow, even if it is straight into the gutter.
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Ronald Pegram
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Posted: 26 November 2005 at 12:51pm | IP Logged | 4  


I respect your opinion vastly more than my own because you are the pro. I do have a question for you, however, that may seem like I am trying to be a wise-ass (but I am not).

You brought up the topic of comic ratings and used my argument comparing BOTD to Spider-man as proof that this is needed. Without being snarky at all (and I am truly sincere), would you be willing to tell me why you think BOTD is obviously an older comic if all-ages characters appear within it. From my perspective, which is admittedly limited not being in an industry, if I see Batman, I immediately think 'all-ages' despite the title character being a demon because comics have always had monsters of various ilk running through their pages.

So, from my perspective, Batman's guest-shot in BOTD makes it an all-ages book despite the lead character's origin just as Spider-Man's gruesome villian doesn't change that comic into something that isn't all-ages.

Where am I messing up and am I being too anal in thinking that once all-ages characters appear, the comic should be all-ages in tone? My own dividing line for comics has to do with the characters. If BOTD never had guest shots from all-ages characters, I'd have no issue with it being classified as something more mature but when Batman pops up, I think the distinction is less clear.

Respectfully yours,

Ron Pegram

P.S. Before anyone jumps me, please allow JB to answer, if he so desires. I am asking an honest question from the perspective of a fan and I acknowledge JB as the pro that he is. If he tells me I am full of beans, I will accept the answer and this will be the last post from me on the topic. Despite some of the kooks who have come through here stirring shit in the past, I am a genuine fan of the man's work and my goal isn't to snipe him as I'd be a hypocrite for doing so.
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Rob Hewitt
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Posted: 26 November 2005 at 12:54pm | IP Logged | 5  

And Marvel should be held most responsible. Because where they lead, the rest of the industry tends to follow, even if it is straight into the gutter.

Right. I mean it is not like DC has the most recognizable comic characters in the world (this side of Disney anyway), is backed by one of the largest media companies in the world, and is in an approximately 50/50 tie for Marvel in current sales.

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Joe Mayer
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Posted: 26 November 2005 at 1:10pm | IP Logged | 6  

Wow Rob, sounds like DC should have quite a bit of power...and with great power....

Ah screw it, lets blame Marvel because they are big bad meanie heads.

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Joe Zhang
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Posted: 26 November 2005 at 1:15pm | IP Logged | 7  

Outside of the LCS, Time Warner is surely greater than Marvel.

Within the LCS market, Marvel has been the leader for decades and still is.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 26 November 2005 at 1:27pm | IP Logged | 8  

Without being snarky at all (and I am truly sincere),
would you be willing to tell me why you think BOTD is
obviously an older comic if all-ages characters
appear within it.


You seem to have missed my point. I am arguing IN
FAVOR of ratings.
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Darren De Vouge
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Posted: 26 November 2005 at 1:41pm | IP Logged | 9  

A starting over from Day'1' in the Marvel Universe is looking better and better to me all the time.  There's no point in doing this however unless there is a complete change in management at M*****.
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Mig Da Silva
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Posted: 26 November 2005 at 1:46pm | IP Logged | 10  

Assuming you are referring to who I think you are, they write the best selling comics at the place.

You mean 1/10 the sales that Spider-Man used to do for decades? 1/10 the sales the Avengers did for decades? Or the sales with which Daredevil would've been cancelled in any other decade?

It's not that i'm not positively impressed by these "Milestones", it's that some of them, spectacular as they already are, are achieved with alternate covers and hype that makes informationals look honest.

Everything said about Marvel could be said about DC.

Feel free to open a thread about DC...?

Then again, Superman still has it's eye, and there's no Lobo on the JLA. Geoff Johns seems to not have killed half the JSA by wardrobe malfunction and substitute them with Judge Dread & Pals, 'cause Dan Didio's got a pal that wants to play fanfic on a company with a 2 billion dollar market cap.

I really don't care about DC. I was a marvelhead for decades. I extremely badly read on the DC universe. Which it's why the M***** current situation is particularly repugnant.

DC isn't perfect, but it's the first time in my life i read more DC than Marvel. Let that mean whatever it means. Simply put Marvel no longer exists. So i've got to settle for what i got, at least their cross over has nice art, was thought about, and doesn't promise to break the internet, like so, on it's knee, yet pleases me more than those who do.

And, dear lord, it's only normal than on a thread about a M***** book, it's M***** the theme of the thread... again, when Superman loses it's eye to Lex's stomach i'll be the first to call it repugnant and extremely damaging to comics as a medium.
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Rob Hewitt
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Posted: 26 November 2005 at 2:33pm | IP Logged | 11  

You mean 1/10 the sales that Spider-Man used to do for decades? 1/10 the sales the Avengers did for decades? Or the sales with which Daredevil would've been cancelled in any other decade?


Whatever they are, no one else is doing better-no other company, no other books at the company.

The books that are done "right" according to many, are doing even worse than the books that are done "wrong."

Distrubution problems? Again, no one, outside of Archie, is doing any better

Edited by Rob Hewitt on 26 November 2005 at 2:34pm
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Frank Brannan
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Posted: 26 November 2005 at 2:43pm | IP Logged | 12  

So at least they're on the prow of the sinking ship?
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