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Richard Stevens
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Posted: 30 January 2025 at 2:15am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

Mitch cheating Obama out of a Supreme Court Justice sure isn't Legislative ceding power to the Executive.
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John Wickett
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Posted: 30 January 2025 at 5:47pm | IP Logged | 2 post reply

True.  There are many examples of the legislative branch opposing the president, but the overall trend has been a growth of executive power.  And truthfully, that has characterized the evolution of the presidency (and the executive branch as a whole) as an institution since long before Reagan's time, but I was born in '71, so my personal observations don't go back further than that, and its a little late to be outraged over the Louisiana Purchase.
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Charles Valderrama
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Posted: 30 January 2025 at 6:38pm | IP Logged | 3 post reply

UGHHHH... the CLOWN in the White House eliminated the Aviation Safety Committee, forced the FAA administrator to resign, fired the head of TSA - and now he’s blaming the plane crash on Obama, Biden and DEI on national television.

In a moment in which one should lead the nation in mourning and navigating a tragedy, this heartless imbecile finds ways to divide.

It's gonna be a terrible four years.


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John Byrne
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Posted: 30 January 2025 at 7:00pm | IP Logged | 4 post reply

…four years.


If we’re lucky.

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Dave Kopperman
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Posted: 30 January 2025 at 8:17pm | IP Logged | 5 post reply

Is it worth pointing out the brain-breaking cognitive dissonance that is Trump and his enablers blaming this air tragedy (as with so many other things) on DEI?  The formula implied is that the only truly competent individual for any job is a white man, and the further a person gets away from that demographic, the less competent they are.  Meanwhile, the parade of almost exclusively white men who somehow have fewer than zero qualifications for the cabinet posts that he's nominating them for is somehow supposed to be the pinnacle of competence. When it's not terrifying it's so insulting it gives me a physical urge to puke.

And a horrible thought grips me: since the civil service is going to get completely eliminated and replaced, the people who will be selecting all the new hires are the people who are being nominated to head those departments, now.
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Michael Casselman
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Posted: 30 January 2025 at 8:46pm | IP Logged | 6 post reply

The press conference about the plane/Blackhawk crash was an embarrassing test of 'who could kiss Trumps ass better', with each successive speaker going on about how a great leader Trump is. Just give us the updates on the crash as you have them and move the fuck on to the next speaker. Couple that with the unnecessary correlation to the cause of the crash being tied to DEI and it was nauseating.

OTOH, I also find it hard to find a direct correlation between the dismantling of an advisory board to the FAA (that likely only meets once a quarter) and a couple of upper level firings/resignations to what happened. Advisory boards aren't in the towers directing traffic, nor are the bean-counter execs that usually find their way out the door when administrations change. The issues that led to this accident are likely much more 'ground level' than anything a politician directly has their hands into.
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Brian Acuff
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Posted: 30 January 2025 at 8:51pm | IP Logged | 7 post reply

Just all pure chaos, he's basically the guy who runs into every building and yells "FIRE!" To put it mildly these so call business people want the chaos to bring for some kind of opportunity, but this is complete shit show and really all Drumph has to do is read his Project 2025 manual and bring his sharpie marker and sign his EKG looking signature to keep this almost non functioning government going.

Concentration Camps, Offering to give Government workers a severance package so they\he can replace them with loyalists (we all know he has such a great history of paying people...), Freezing funding, tariffs, etc.  even if he sticks with them or rescinds these orders/proposals chaos has already been done and it's only week two now.  I hear rumblings of how we are repeating history with the USA being Rome or the Roaring 20s but it reeks of manufactured repeat history.  If that's the case well March 15th is almost here we'll get to see who's Caesar and who's Brutus.
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Dave Kopperman
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Posted: 30 January 2025 at 9:06pm | IP Logged | 8 post reply

 Michael wrote:
I also find it hard to find a direct correlation between the dismantling of an advisory board to the FAA (that likely only meets once a quarter) and a couple of upper level firings/resignations to what happened.

I can only go by my own experience - the company I work for went through a long restructuring over the last two years with several waves of staff reductions (ie, firings). While I rode it out and am glad to have done so, there's no denying the overall vibe during that period gradually applied an increasing downward pressure on my work. You can't help it; it's human nature.
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