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Mark McKay
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Posted: 31 October 2019 at 8:45am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

This. Is. Fantastic! I am loving this series.
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Peter Martin
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Posted: 31 October 2019 at 8:53am | IP Logged | 2 post reply

I like how you included the highlight showing the bump of Madrox' lower ear. A nice detail -- the ears don't just disappear when you pull on superhero attire!

The Blob is a personal favourite. Would be cool to see him, if he does appear.
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David Schmidt
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Posted: 31 October 2019 at 9:04am | IP Logged | 3 post reply

Mr Byrne, what do you think of Mystique's Brotherhood? Is there any chance we meet again for the first time Avalanche, Pyro and Destiny?
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Scott Barnett
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Posted: 31 October 2019 at 9:14am | IP Logged | 4 post reply

Moira: Scott, they gave me the feeling...


What, Moira? What? What's the feeling!? 
I have to know!

Seriously, I don't mean to simply reiterate everyone's sentiments without bringing something new to the discussion, but with each issue, I keep saying, 'Yep, THIS one is my favorite so far!'

I can see what you mean, JB, when you've said as you shook off the rust, the work was getting tighter. I thought the first issue looked gorgeous, but as you've continued on, your pencils have tightened to the point of not needing an inker to finish them. If the perspective grids, 'X' and 'BWS' designations weren't present, these pages look like they're not supposed to be inked.

And with the guest appearances you've already included and those you've hinted at for future issues, THIS is MY Marvel Universe! Thank you!
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Richard Stevens
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Posted: 31 October 2019 at 10:29am | IP Logged | 5 post reply

This book is cool as hell and as far as I'm concerned, it's the "real" reality. 
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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 31 October 2019 at 10:59am | IP Logged | 6 post reply

Jah mon, Jamaica Bay!* I am going to have to keep living for this. Also to see The Avengers cross-over we saw glimpses of.

I always thought multiple man Madrox's costume looked a bit like he shopped at the same place The New Gods did.

Has Magneto ever become 'super-charged'? He could be zapped with so much power he overloads like an electro-magnet and can't control everything metal coming at him... fast and then sticking. Cyclops' power beam wouldn't charge him like that, but maybe some other source. But then he'd probably find a way to reverse, and all this material would come exploding out from him like he was a larger version of Unus The Untouchable for a moment.

* yes, I know it's not in the Carribean, but maybe we could hitch a ride to Rockaway Beach?
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Eric Sofer
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Posted: 31 October 2019 at 11:50am | IP Logged | 7 post reply

Ms. Jansen - has Magneto ever become super-charged? Um... does Not Brand Echh count? Mag-Neat-Oh started pulling every metallic item in sight...

He did need to recharge his powers from mostly gone after the first Sentinels saga, in the Savage Land. Does that count?
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Paul Go
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Posted: 31 October 2019 at 12:25pm | IP Logged | 8 post reply

Crazy thought—what if THIS is the real timeline, and everything after the Death of Phoenix (for all of Marvel) is “alternate”?

I like that idea!
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Joe Murray
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Posted: 31 October 2019 at 12:54pm | IP Logged | 9 post reply

Crazy thought—what if THIS is the real timeline, and everything after the Death of Phoenix (for all of Marvel) is “alternate”?



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Mark Haslett
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Posted: 31 October 2019 at 1:52pm | IP Logged | 10 post reply

Crazy thought—what if THIS is the real timeline, and everything after the Death of Phoenix (for all of Marvel) is “alternate”?


Multiple timelines... but does this one lead to the Federation Star Fleet? Or to the Empire?

I was toying with the idea that this might be the timeline that leads to Rachel being born for Days of Future Past -- but I can't bring any sense to it.
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Steve Coates
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Posted: 31 October 2019 at 3:21pm | IP Logged | 11 post reply

I usually don't compliment people or their work. I was never exposed to it much growing up, so I don't have a good frame of reference, but I'll try...

I'm really liking the page layouts and panel shapes, they are really adding to the flow of the story and are very dynamic. The splash page with its single image has energy and movement with the opposing lines and repetitive circular shapes bouncing along.
All the elements are just pushing you to the next page. Which adds to the cliff-hanger aspect of a page a day exposure. The anticipation and desire to see what is next is very strong. This directing of attention is masterfully accomplished using various methods. Sometimes the characters are directing our attention, like Wolverine on page 2, or repetitive elements , like the flying knives on page 5, or the panel shapes themselves like on page 13, 14, 16 and 17. 

The use of square and rectangular shape panels is calming and used very well before and between the action sequences. The irregular panels provide added tension and dynamics to the action sequences and move the viewer through the page at breakneck speed. 

The perspective and "camera" angles are always changing and never jarring. I really liked the switch of view between the two communication centres on page 6.

Almost all the panels have the characters or something moving, the Blackbird through the sky or with billowing dust clouds as it lands, open hands and mouths, bent knees and out stretched arms, expressions on faces, one hip higher than another or the way a teenager might slow their movement as they round a corner into the kitchen. 

The everyday stuff like the kitchen scene or the Scottish mainland, ground the reader into the story by showing and demonstrating those familiar everyday aspects we have experienced. Like working in a kitchen with a child doing homework or crafts of shopping and walking down a street. It tells the reader that the story is happening in their world. A good storyteller does not forget to relate the reader to the fictional world and to make them a part of it.

Some panels I must mention: 

Panel 2, page 3, I'm getting a very strong Neal Adams vibe from the Cyclops image.

Panel 3 page 3, Wow! Such power, only one (artist) better.

Panel 2 page 6, Captain America, its good to see you again.

Panels 1, 5 and 6, page 11, picture postcards.

Panel 3 page 15, he's not mis-understood, he's evil.

Panel 3 page 19, the falling Multiple Man.

Panel 6 page 20, a clear concise recap.

As an eight year old or a ten year old, I might not take much notice of the technical aspects of the story, but I would want more just like it. As a mature reader, the technical aspects just add to my enjoyment.

This is the only new comic book series I have read in many, many years. Thank you! John.
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Scott Sackett
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Posted: 31 October 2019 at 6:52pm | IP Logged | 12 post reply

Thank you for bringing back the Cyclops I liked when I was a kid. I'm not sure if it was the fact he wore glasses or our similar names, but my favorite X-Men growing up was Cyclops.

Now I realize it was his leadership of the x-men, his 'never say die' attitude and his ability to handle any situation that I really admired (and tried to emulate.)

It's been a long time since the character has exhibited any admirable traits and it's nice to see the guy back.
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