Posted: 29 March 2019 at 1:02am | IP Logged | 1
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JB, Hi! Following you from Marvel Team-Up to FF was more of a factor of how old I was at the time and how much money I had to spend on comics.
In grade school, the 5 or so titles I regularly followed (and could afford to follow) were Amazing Spider-Man, Marvel Team-Up, Marvel Two-In-One, Detective Comics, and The Brave and The Bold. (I liked Spidey, Batman, and Team-Up books).
By the time you were starting your FF run, I was getting more allowance and I could afford to pick up another title. It was an easy choice because you were drawing it and it also featured the Thing (who I loved from MTIO).
So I'm someone who read your FF run *first*, became a die-hard fan, and then went *back* and collected all of your X-Men run. By the time I was a senior in high school, I was one of your "Faithful 50", reading everything you were currently putting out at that time, and had raided every back issue box I could find of *anything* you'd drawn and that I'd missed. Including WHEELIE AND THE CHOPPER BUNCH. ;-)
I get similar accounts from Spidey fans who hopped on board with Superior Spider-Man and have gone back to catch up on my earlier Big Time and Brand New Day runs. Every comic is somebody's first, and everybody comes to a creator's body of work in their own way and time. And it's all good. :)