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Phillip L Lightfoot Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 23 February 2015 Location: United States Posts: 109
Posted: 20 July 2018 at 11:43am | IP Logged | 1
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Wow. I have no idea where we're going with this, but I'm having a blast getting there.
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Rebecca Jansen Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 12 February 2018 Location: Canada Posts: 4635
Posted: 20 July 2018 at 11:44am | IP Logged | 2
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All I can say is... YAY!
Oh, and maybe "we're not worthy".
Yes, I'd definitely trade-in what we got in post Byrne X-comics in 'our' world for this (and the 22 1/2 issues of Hidden Years naturally).
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Robert Shepherd Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 30 March 2014 Location: United States Posts: 1268
Posted: 20 July 2018 at 11:45am | IP Logged | 3
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Clearly these are not rough pencils but I include that just for the sake of the next question.
How would you classify these pages - rough pencils, loose pencils, tight pencils, very tight? If this was a real project, are these pages you would ink yourself and thus maybe looser or send to another inker and rely on their experience to tidy things up?
Are you drawing with a blunt pencil often or are all those thicker lines draw with the "side" of the pencil lead?
I ask so I have an idea how thin/thick my own lines should be on my practice pages. I have a feeling I'm making my own lines too thin.
What is the thinnest line that should be used on comic book art? Do .3 mm lines reproduce ok or are they too thin when reduced?
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Robert Shepherd Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 30 March 2014 Location: United States Posts: 1268
Posted: 20 July 2018 at 11:47am | IP Logged | 4
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I was away a couple days and came back to this....i feel we have an entire comic book unfolding and get to see everything in progress. So much eye candy to absorb.
Thank you JB. Or I should say thank you J...;-)
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Rebecca Jansen Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 12 February 2018 Location: Canada Posts: 4635
Posted: 20 July 2018 at 11:53am | IP Logged | 5
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"Something occurred to me as I was adding the sunbeams in the first panel: the Savage Land is in Antarctica. The sunlight there must be coming in nearly horizontal, when it come at all."
You are by far your own best critic. All the Ka-Zars I've had and never thought of this either. There could be some kind of explanation in the Bruce Jones/Brent Anderson run where part of the Savage Land was an Atlantean theme park (going on old memories here) and had maybe a light source/booster set up by those Atlanteans (or whatever they were). I only have #1-6 of that run of comics before they got to that stuff.
I love the little Wolverine down in the jungle at the bottom of that one page! Makes the world seem so big. I'm imaging that panel with nice Joe Sinnott inklines on the foreground figure and Austin/Chic Stone for the rest.
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Joe Smith Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 29 August 2004 Location: United States Posts: 6688
Posted: 20 July 2018 at 12:02pm | IP Logged | 6
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Oh my stars and garters!
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Peter Martin Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 17 March 2008 Location: Canada Posts: 16079
Posted: 20 July 2018 at 12:45pm | IP Logged | 7
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I like the way the 'camera' is getting closer to our heroes on the page where they are scrabbling through the jungle. Good dramatic build up, nicely played.
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Gundars Berzins Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 14 March 2012 Location: United States Posts: 1566
Posted: 20 July 2018 at 12:57pm | IP Logged | 8
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Can I believe this, wow, awesome JB. I'm so glad that this is escaping from your head through to your pencils! Lucky us.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
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Posted: 20 July 2018 at 1:19pm | IP Logged | 9
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"Escaping from my head." Stealing it!!
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 133994
Posted: 20 July 2018 at 1:58pm | IP Logged | 10
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How would you classify these pages - rough pencils, loose pencils, tight pencils, very tight? If this was a real project, are these pages you would ink yourself and thus maybe looser or send to another inker and rely on their experience to tidy things up?••• No.
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Fabrice Renault Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 15 April 2004 Location: France Posts: 3094
Posted: 20 July 2018 at 2:02pm | IP Logged | 11
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So glad to see that Hidden Years connection !
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Brian Miller Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 28 July 2004 Location: United States Posts: 31459
Posted: 20 July 2018 at 2:15pm | IP Logged | 12
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Ok. XM:HY is now in the queue. It’s been too long. I think I’ll read the Thomas/ Adams issues first. I’ve never read them even tho I’ve had the ESSENTIAL volume for years.
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