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Topic: Superman Original art by John Byrne - sketch comic art Post ReplyPost New Topic
Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 03 June 2018 at 1:56pm | IP Logged | 1 post reply

It seems when they put something like that on ebay with a 'recreation' tag ebay is fine with it. I've seen such listings and wondered what purpose could they possibly have for anyone that isn't planning to try and dupe someone at a convention with it. If you just want b&w versions of most anything in comic art you can scan it, up the contrast a little and drop the color out completely. A real recreation would not involve tracing, light-tabling or art-o-graphing, like some artists do with their old covers. Plus at a different size from the oriignal as when students are given permission to copy a painting in the Louvre.

Okay, if I keep thinking about this stuff I am going to remember a Neal Adams Spectre cover original for sale in the early '80s and what it would be worth now. :^(
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Eric Ladd
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Posted: 03 June 2018 at 2:18pm | IP Logged | 2 post reply

I think the auction was pulled. It disappeared before the end date. Here is my correspondance with the seller.

My Email: You state this auction is for "Original art by John Byrne", but this is not original art by John Byrne. This image is obviously traced from the attached page of a book John Byrne wrote and did the art for, but this hack tracing didn't even correct the miscolored piece of cape in Superman's right hand.

Kaboom-20: hey mate, thanks so much for the heads up. I was trusting this agent for the Byrne piece. The picture you attached made me furious on the agent and immediately ceased all deals with him. He gave his explanation obviously but I won't believe a word. I'll be careful next time, thanks again.

My Email: Give me some info about this agent. The name, location, contact info (email or phone) so I can avoid them as well.

Kaboom-20: kaboom-20 is out of the office until 06/04/2018 and may not be able to respond to your message.
Message from kaboom-20: Hi, thanks for your message. We are out of office for three days and will be back on June 5

You be the judge, but my guess is the seller's account will disappear soon so this hack can dupe others with a new account.
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Matt Hawes
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Posted: 03 June 2018 at 4:34pm | IP Logged | 3 post reply

Here is what the guy responded to my message through eBay:


hey sorry mate, thanks so much for the heads up. I was trusting this agent for the Byrne piece. There was another message I received and after some research I found out the piece is fake, made me furious on the agent and I immediately ceased all deals with him. He gave his explanation obviously but I won't believe a word. I'll be careful next time, thanks again. It has left me embarrassed to disappoint people like you, I have been replying to messages like yours whole evening. Sorry for this one seriously...."

Followed up with this other message:


I ended the listing early and canceled the order for the highest bidder at 67 dollars. Shame."

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