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Richard Stevens
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Posted: 23 October 2017 at 7:42am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

I don't see how anyone could *not* miss Obama at this point.
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Charles Valderrama
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Posted: 23 October 2017 at 8:37am | IP Logged | 2 post reply

Still, the bigger question is about what went on in Niger and why -- will the Republicans in Congress actually take up the investigation with the same vigor they pursued Clinton over the faux Benghazi story??

Of course not. And will their base care? 'Course not. It comes down to tribalism and as far as these folks are concerned, their tribe can do no wrong, regardless of how wrong they do.


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Eric Sofer
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Posted: 23 October 2017 at 12:21pm | IP Logged | 3 post reply

C! - the Republicans will take up this investigation with the same vigor that they pursue gun control. That should about sum it up, I think.
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James Johnson
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Posted: 25 October 2017 at 2:22am | IP Logged | 4 post reply

Has 45 sunk so low that anything that President Obama touched, he has to change?

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Robbie Parry
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Posted: 25 October 2017 at 3:24am | IP Logged | 5 post reply

Vile, egotistical, thin-skinned, immoral, useless, stupid and horrible man. 
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Eric Sofer
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Posted: 25 October 2017 at 4:20am | IP Logged | 6 post reply

I am brought to wonder... now that 45 seems to be focusing his ire on a veteran's pregnant widow*, how much love, respect, even consideration can our armed forces be giving him? I know that the vast majority of military strictly follow the chain of command, which ends with the president... but his actions violate the expected behavior of the top commander of the military. I am almost certain that they will never enact a military coup... but they might be resentful, and that might affect their actions and reactions slightly. It's human nature.

*A pregnant war widow. Trump knows how to pick 'em. All this lady needed was to have a medical condition and be out selling matches in a blizzard on Christmas Eve to be a more "perfect" target. Slimy moron.

James J. - Trump technically didn't sink so low, I believe, because he was pretty much there from the campaign and from Day One. But he does have to set himself up as superior to every action, every word, every single thought - and had Clinton been president recently enough, I'll be Trump would be fighting against him too.

This egotistical ass has to prove himself superior to everyone in everything at all times, to prove himself faultless and superior constantly.

Hell, I'll bet Trump's golf handicap is worse than Obama's too. But at least Trump is constantly working to improve that.
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James Woodcock
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Posted: 25 October 2017 at 4:26am | IP Logged | 7 post reply

It has to be said. Trump has some weird obsession with reversing every single thing that Obama did. There is definitely a weird psychology driving his decisions in this area.

After reading a few op ed pieces about Trump and thinking about the subject for a while, I think he should be made to take an Alzheimer’s test. There are starting to be too many instances of him showing no recollection of what he has previously said either through changing what he thinks was said, just repeating it or flat out denial.

We are saying this is just ego. I’m thinking it is looking too much like my mother in law 10 years ago when we started to twig she had early on set Alzheimer’s.
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Koroush Ghazi
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Posted: 25 October 2017 at 4:37am | IP Logged | 8 post reply

His behavior has already been assessed, and doctors have warned us that Trump seems mentally ill:

Donald Trump has a “dangerous mental illness” and is not fit to lead the US, a group of psychiatrists have warned during a conference at Yale University.

Mental health experts claimed the President was “paranoid and delusional”, and said it was their “ethical responsibility” to warn the American public about the “dangers” Mr Trump’s psychological state poses to the country.

Speaking at the conference at Yale’s School of Medicine on Thursday, one of the mental health professionals, Dr John Gartner, a practising psychotherapist who advised psychiatric residents at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, said: “We have an ethical responsibility to warn the public about Donald Trump's dangerous mental illness.”
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Brian Miller
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Posted: 25 October 2017 at 4:56am | IP Logged | 9 post reply

It has to be said. Trump has some weird obsession with reversing every single thing that Obama did. There is definitely a weird psychology driving his decisions in this area.


Nothing weird about it. He hates black people and has the idea that anything done by a black president is inherently bad. If Obama had somehow been Republican, Trump would still be a Democrat and he’d still be trying to reverse everything Obama did. He’s so pissed off at the democrats for running a black man for and electing him president, he has to do everything he can to undo it. 
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Doug Jones
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Posted: 25 October 2017 at 5:22am | IP Logged | 10 post reply

In addition to his vicious, dishonest attack on Rep. Wilson, it should not be forgotten that Gen. John Kelly (of whom it has been suggested is one of the adults in the room bringing order to the daily chaos in the White House) not only poured gasoline on the fire, but most disturbingly, asserted that only a small percentage of people could ask him about it: 

"At the end of the briefing, he said that he would take questions only from those members of the press who had a personal connection to a fallen soldier, followed by those who knew a Gold Star family. Considering that, a few minutes earlier, Kelly had said most Americans didn’t even know anyone who knew anyone who belonged to the “one per cent,” he was now explicitly denying a majority of Americans—or the journalists representing them—the right to ask questions."

These are the gatekeepers, and they couldn't even manage a simple phone call.
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Don Zomberg
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Posted: 25 October 2017 at 6:19am | IP Logged | 11 post reply

how much love...can our armed forces be giving him?

Would this be the same armed forces that threw their love and support behind draft dodgers Bush and Cheney and shunned a military hero named John Kerry?
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Eric Sofer
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Posted: 25 October 2017 at 8:05am | IP Logged | 12 post reply

Don Z. - I don't recall Bush and Cheney working over the armed forces during B II's tenure in office, nor John Kerry ever assaulting their honor and character.

Let me say it plainly; Trump is showing contempt and disrespect for at least part of the military, and I believe he is very irritated that they are not subject to his complete control. I can't remember any other president who had this attitude toward the armed forces. That's my point. I may be mis-remembering, but I don't recall Bush, Cheney, or Kerry acting this way - nor receiving disfavor from the military in return.
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