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Michael Roberts
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 11:46pm | IP Logged | 1  

And now because I'm laying my beliefs out there that children who suffered in death may find some peace in death...I'm sick.  


If a devout person were in mourning, and someone used that death as a platform for talking how about there is no afterlife and that person in mourning should just move on, it would be inappropriate and ill-timed. Similarly, trying to comfort non-believers with empty platitudes about heaven and God's plan is equally insulting and inappropriate. I understand that believers have trouble comprehending that what may be comforting to them is insulting others, but it is. Just offer your sympathies and move on.
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Stephen McGrath
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 11:52pm | IP Logged | 2  

Consider me "move on'd".

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Jeffrey Langford
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Posted: 15 December 2012 at 1:02am | IP Logged | 3  

Australian Gun laws seem to be fairly effective.
No were near the population but Terrible things like this happening are few and far between.

Edited by Jeffrey Langford on 15 December 2012 at 1:05am
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Bill Collins
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Posted: 15 December 2012 at 1:49am | IP Logged | 4  

Guns are BIG business in the U.S. so it will be very hard to be rid of your gun culture with so many fingers in that pie.Over here in the U.K. the main gun problem is black on black gang related in the inner cities.It is frightening to see how things are slowly becoming more like the U.S.

I remember going to Florida on holiday around Oct 2005 and being told as we landed in Sanford that a new state law had come in to force that month that meant if a member of the public felt `threatened` they were legally allowed to shoot you.So we were warned not to get into any road rage incidents or arguments with locals.Over here if you get into a road rage situation or altercation the worst you can expect is a punch up,or rarely a stabbing,the chances of being shot are minimal.Also,if you fall out with your parents,as most teenagers do,the chances of a shooting incident are virtually nil.

I wonder if second term Obama will have the liberal testicular fortitude to ban the public ownership of guns? If he does,it will be a very difficult thing to implement.I hope he does,for the sake of all U.S. citizens.

Edited by Bill Collins on 15 December 2012 at 1:52am
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Leigh DJ Hunt
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Posted: 15 December 2012 at 1:53am | IP Logged | 5  

As has been mentioned before here in the UK we rarely see guns. Even our police don't usually carry them so when I do see one its quite an odd sight. I have never seen a gun in the hands of anyone other than a police or army officer.

I was contemplating what I would do if I suddenly went postal. If I snapped and decided to kill my boss and co workers what would I use? I wouldn't have any possible way of getting hold of a gun. No way. So I guess the most lethal thing I'd have would be a kitchen knife. What is the most number of people I could kill with one of those before I was stopped? 

Gun control is the answer. If it doesn't happen now with Obama not needing to worry about re election, will it ever?
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Trevor Phillip
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Posted: 15 December 2012 at 1:59am | IP Logged | 6  

But Jeff -- Australia never had a revolutionary war where "rights to bear arms" were needed for the civilian militia
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Philippe Negrin
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Posted: 15 December 2012 at 3:48am | IP Logged | 7  

I would be so glad if Obama were remembered and celebrated in US History as the President who finally put an end to the right to bear arms in the constitution. Come on B.O., now is the time !
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Trevor Phillip
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Posted: 15 December 2012 at 4:34am | IP Logged | 8  

I was discussing the notion of citizens being allowed to easily buy guns, etc with my father -- and he made a pretty good argument for carry permits, etc -- but then I just simply asked him to make the same argument for citizens being able to easily buy these insane automatic weapons -- not just concealable handguns -- but AR-15s etc.  Asked him to support citizens owning dozens of hunting rifles (my father was a hunter who has owned dozens of rifles over his 78 years, but only 3 or 4 at a time).

He couldn't find the same support for his argument.

It makes no sense.

I think:

Each citizen should be allowed to own one non-sporting hand-gun for which they must be LICENSED and REGISTERED for before the possession.  This is easily achievable in today's world through computer data bases and creating some jobs in each state within Federal Law Enforcement agencies.  The license must be renewed each year and the handgun licensed/registered must be produced at the time of renewal.

If you want a new or different gun, your old gun must be surrendered before purchase/license/registration of the new gun.

Special licensing will apply for sporting pistols and sporting pistols.

Hunting rifles should be handled similarly, with restrictions of the quantity owned by the individual.

Sporting rifles / shot guns handled similarly to sporting pistols.

No military grade assault weapons will be legal for ordinary citizens to own or possess.  These weapons will be limited for military and law enforcement use only.

I can not think of a single reason why the ordinary citizen needs to own a military grade assault weapon like an AR-15, AK-47, M-16 etc etc

THEN -- really, really regulate the sale and manufacture of ammunition.

This won't prevent the true psychos of America from shooting people -- but it's a good start.

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Jodi Moisan
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Posted: 15 December 2012 at 4:55am | IP Logged | 9  

Alot of "Little Angels" made it to Heaven today. (This is the only thought I can muster out of my brain today that helps.)

Thanks for that helps to think of it that way .


The above is a couple posts I saw on a news site in their comments section about the mass murders of those babies in Newtown. I was repulsed by it, I honestly don't mean to slam anyone's religion or make them feel bad. But, this type of thinking, that when something like this tragic happens, those that are religious want to justify it, so they can feel happier or less upset, is offending to me. It is exactly like the Richard Murdock's rape comment, when he ran for office in Indiana. That even though something horrible and stoppable happens, there is a silver lining.

Instead of seeing these events as man made and get pissed off and actually do something to stop it, like banning guns. They make it more "OK" by saying God has this secret plan for us or even though our time on earth is horrible, in the end we will be rewarded. These babies that died and every person who heard the news, will forever be changed by this. And not for the better, I fear the ripple effect this will have.

But let's say there is a god, it is my understanding those that believe in him say he gave man free will, what if he allows man to do all these mass shootings and instead of saying "they are in heaven now" and go about your life. What if this is God's way of saying "Wake the hell up, stop letting your children get slaughtered. Stop making me your clean up guy. How about you look at the ten commandments and that "thou shall not kill thing" yeah I meant it. Stop using me as a pacifier and stop protesting Gay Marriage, who hurts no one. Preach from the pulpit, fire up your parish about gun violence and picket gun stores, write your elected officials to pass gun laws or an outright ban. Encourage every member of your flock to turn in their gun. Because I am sick and tired of bringing these wonderful souls into heaven, I gave them life because they are precious and it is you that is f-ing it up, now stop it!!!! " 

Some people who are christian will do just that and I admire them. But I know,  there will be no line outside the gun store protesting, like we saw outside of Chik-fil-a supporting the owners anti gay views. And that is why the comments at the beginning of this post makes me sick and angry.

Edited by Jodi Moisan on 15 December 2012 at 5:11am
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Robbie Parry
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Posted: 15 December 2012 at 5:18am | IP Logged | 10  

Here in England, gun laws are very tough. It meant that the Olympic shooting team couldn't even train in England, they had to go elsewhere. There are guns, of course, but shoot-outs are very rare. 

On my local news bulletin the other day, a jewellery store had been robbed. The robbers entered with hammers and smashed quite a bit and left the owner with a black eye. They actually showed the footage on the news. Now, whilst gun incidents do happen over here from time to time, they aren't as easy to get hold of. Of course, this didn't change the intent of the robbers, but because it's harder to get hold of guns, they entered the store with hammers. That's no consolation to the store owner (and his bruises looked awful), but he is at least alive and was able to fight them off because they only had hammers.

I could probably understand someone wanting to own a gun if they lived in a failed state where there'd been a complete breakdown of law and order. However, I fail to understand why the gun laws of the US. Years ago, in WCW Magazine, a wrestling publication, Teddy Long, a manager, wrote a column that wasn't much about wrestling, but he said something about guns. He said something like, "If you parents own a gun, tell them to get rid of it responsibly because it can lead to tragedy." That comment always stuck in my head and makes sense now.

On the issue of God, I wouldn't attack anyone's religious beliefs (I'm not saying anyone here has), but this is hard to take. I'm not sure what I believe or which, if any, religion is true. We often read about miracles in the Old Testament and New Testament. When I hear of a news story like this, and think about, say, Moses repelling the Egyptian army with God's help, I think about why couldn't anything be done yesterday. Why couldn't God make the shooter's car crash? It is times like this that I question whether there is a God.
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Clint Ludwick
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Posted: 15 December 2012 at 6:26am | IP Logged | 11  

I have been an Infantry Paratrooper for over 13 years, with multiple combat tours. I have never owned a personal firearm in my life. Terrorist generaly don't come to our houses.

Edited by Clint Ludwick on 15 December 2012 at 6:37am
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Aaron Smith
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Posted: 15 December 2012 at 6:50am | IP Logged | 12  

I made the mistake of reading some of the comments posted below a Yahoo article about this terible event yesterday. Are these people really that stupid? Myaor Bloomberg of NYC urges President Obama to do something about the availability of guns. Good for Bloomberg! He's absolutely right. And these morons are suggesting that Bloomberg is a hypocrite if he doesn't give up his armed security detail. Do they really not see the difference between the mayor of a huge city having trained armed guards and ANYONE being able to acquire automatic weapons?   
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