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Topic: Another school shooting (Topic Closed Topic Closed) Post ReplyPost New Topic
Stephen Robinson
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 8:33pm | IP Logged | 1  

JB: Remember, the Right to Bear Arms overwrites the rights of any people, including children, to live their lives in full.

Just ask any chickenshit congressman or sentator.


SER: If you consider the relative success of the anti-gun lobby to the anti-abortion lobby, this is especially true and not merely hyperbole.

Last year, there were several mass shootings but our politicians discussed whether abortion should be allowed in cases of rape and there were proposed laws requiring "transvaginal probes."

Perhaps gun control groups consider it to be "stooping" to "bullying," but whenever I pass by Planned Parenthood, I see people outside marching with signs. I've yet to encounter that at any gun shop in the U.S. And why shouldn't that occur? Aren't we angry enough? Aren't we as sick of what happens in a gun shop as anti-abortion groups are at what happens in an abortion clinic?
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Shaun Barry
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 8:37pm | IP Logged | 2  

"The ONLY solace, if there is to be ANY, that I can find in all this is that those twenty precious angels, whose last moments on earth were filled with such TERROR are now safe in the arms of the Lord in Heaven. Twenty sets of Moms and Dads who tucked their babies into bed last night won't be able to tonight, or ever again."

Sorry, Steven, but this irks me:  Where exactly was God's Fickle Finger of Fate when these children were being sprayed with bullets in the first place?  He'd rather torture 20 children's families for the rest of their lives, rather then give the killer a flat tire on the way to the school?


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Monte Gruhlke
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 8:51pm | IP Logged | 3  

Here we go... if God didn't intervene, he must have had a hand in it. BS. 

The bigger and more troubling question should be "How could MAN let this happen?"

Gun laws continue to be slackened, and any momentum towards thinking of how to resolve a crisis like this from happening again gets tossed to the back shelf when public fervor dies down. Congress’ answer to these tragic human events; "We don't have to do anything, wait until the public gets distracted by something else."

Is stricter gun legislation the answer? I think it is in part. While gun deaths run up into a few thousand every year in the USA, in places like Canada, England and Japan, gun-related incidents are measured in dozens — and they have tougher stances on guns.
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Stephen Robinson
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 9:03pm | IP Logged | 4  

As Superman said (in an otherwise forgettable movie), "There will be peace, when the people of this world want it so badly that their governments have no choice but to give it to them."

Fight the gun rights lobby. Pour more money into gun control than the NRA pours into restricting sensible gun legislation. If as a nation have a billion to spare to see a Transformers movie, we have the money to spend on this.

If taking money from the NRA becomes anathema, if not supporting assault weapons bans costs you your seat, we will see change.

But I don't see people wanting it that badly. And that's why something is wrong at the core in this country.
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Stephen McGrath
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 9:20pm | IP Logged | 5  

Shaun, I completely respect it if you don't share my beliefs.

According to my beliefs, God has a plan for everything and everyone.  Plans I'm not meant to understand.  As he did when I lost my older brother three years ago.  I believe I'll see him again.  So, while I'm sad he's gone (ask anyone, I was a wreck when he died) I know I'll see him again.  Doesn't mean it was any easier to take when it happened.

That said, I can't say I'd feel the same way if it were MY two six year old kindegarteners among the victims.  Or if my eight and ten year old kids were forever scarred emotionally because of what happened.  As I said, the thought of these angels in God's hands is solace for ME.  No way am I deluded enough to think the parents of these children feel the same way.


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John Byrne
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 9:37pm | IP Logged | 6  

"God's plan" is such an astonishing cop-out. Such an easy way of not coming truly face to face with the horrors of the world. Twenty little angels are safe in the Lord's bosom tonight? So they won't be thinking about their parents and the rest of their families, left here on Earth to deal with this tragedy. What a great place Heaven must be. You get there and you no longer give any thought to former loved ones. Not until they join you and themselves abandon all consideration of those left behind.

What kind of mind embraces such a concept? What kind of sick thinking can wring happy pictures of little angels from a scene of blood and fear and agony, and a lifetime of grief for the survivors?

There must be a "Plan" to all this, right? Otherwise we might be forced to confront the terrible reality of it all, and maybe even do something about it. No. Easier to hide behind fantasy. Dead children. God's Plan.

I hope not. If we're really in the hands of such a monster, we are well and truly screwed.

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Joe Smith
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 9:39pm | IP Logged | 7  

Bravo, JB.
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Mike Benson
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 9:42pm | IP Logged | 8  

Hear, hear. 

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Stephen McGrath
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 10:13pm | IP Logged | 9  

Shame on me.  Should have known better.
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Stephen McGrath
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 10:21pm | IP Logged | 10  

I grew up reading your work and LOVING it JB.  I, in my feeble mind, consider you a MASTER of your craft.  Better than just about anybody.

And now because I'm laying my beliefs out there that children who suffered in death may find some peace in death...I'm sick.  

A page has been turned.  I'm truly sorry for that.  And I'm sad.

Not that you'll feel bad about that.

It's been a pleasure.
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Shaun Barry
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 10:52pm | IP Logged | 11  

Maybe it's thread drift, Stephen, and maybe it's a conversation for another time, but it just burned my ass having to listen to some people on the radio saying that what we needed to do was put our faith in the Lord and pray for the families of the deceased.  Which sounds well-and-good at first...

...but aren't we in essence being asked to pray to a God who allowed this to happen in the first place?  Or was the shooter simply doing God's bidding because He needs 20 more kids up in heaven, while their parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents, other family & friends must suffer and be haunted by this heinous day for the rest of their lives? 

Nope, not a God I want to pray to, either.  Which is why I too believe this "God's plan" stuff is a crock.  Or maybe God should explain Himself every once in awhile...?  If there's a reason 20 kindergarteners need to be shot up in cold blood, less than 2 weeks before Christmas, I think we're all entitled to hear that one.  Or, at the very least, their parents deserve a mighty convincing explanation.

Edited by Shaun Barry on 14 December 2012 at 10:58pm
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Stephen McGrath
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Posted: 14 December 2012 at 11:22pm | IP Logged | 12  

You have your way of working it out, Shaun.   I have mine.  I don't believe mine is any more a "crock" than yours.  That's why it's called a "belief".

You're right.  We need answers.  But we're not going to get them.  Never have, never will.  Whether you believe in God or not.  Just the way it works. 

I shake my fist at God for many reasons.  ALL of them infintesimal compared to this.  I shake my fist at God for allowing this horendous carnage inflicted on these small children too.  But I can't change what happened.  All I can do is use what I believe to help me understand it. 

Just like you.

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