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Topic: The Revelation of the Pyramids - by Pooyard (Topic Closed Topic Closed) Post ReplyPost New Topic
Charles Jensen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 6:19am | IP Logged | 1  

JB wrote: "You have. Many times."

That's how I knew I would love to hear your thoughts.

"I reject any notion of voodoo technology being employed by our ancestors, in whatever form it may take."

Why does it have to be "voodoo", though?  Why can't a society develop along a different course and find completely different types of technology than we have on this course? 

"What many ancient civilizations had that we "don't" was time. The Egyptians had a relatively stable civilization for thousands of years. With that kind of time, much can be accomplished that seems "impossible" today"

Do you think they built the pyramids in a longer time frame than the 20 years claimed?

Also, don't you think it is vastly under estimating their culture to think they weren't more advanced with that stability and all that time? But they also didn't have the same kinds of resources we had.. which is why I think their technology was so unique and developed in a different order than ours. Also why they may have been able to keep technology secret.

"All we need is to acknowledge that our ancestors were just as smart as we are, and did the best they could with what they had."

What if nearly all of the remnants of that more advanced civilization are gone and all that remains are the Pyramids and a couple structures... and what grew up around the pyramids was what remained and devolved? Or what was left of the original advanced civilization was not passed along in the mainstream culture?

"Without steel girders and other such supporting structure, a pyramid is the only way to construct a truly massive building beyond a certain height."

That is definitely a possibility. But that isn't the only possibility... I think there is evidence pointing to the other explanations being more plausible because of other unifying features as the documentary claims. But I can see how people would feel the way you do if they didn't have more information as I feel I have with all the other research I have done.

"And even the Egyptians took a while to figure that out. Consider the famous "bent" pyramid."

What I have been led to believe is that the bent pyramid could be a devolving culture or a culture that found the pyramids trying to replicate them.  I don't know of any evidence to show the order these structures were built.

It looks crazy to type it out but I am getting more and more convinced that this more advanced culture left Earth because of some coming disaster.  Some part of that culture may have remained and devolved. My hunch is that it was Atlantis and they were located around the Canary islands.  I also think Orion's belt, the constellation the pyramids may be mirroring with their footprint, may be where they went.  Or they might have been trying to tell us we are part of a binary system as there is in Orion's belt.

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Neil Lindholm
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 6:21am | IP Logged | 2  

VA: Building the Pyramids

Reading this, their professionals did not seem to have much difficulty in
explaining the building of the pyramids.

Looking up Christopher Dunn, I see that he is not a structural or mechanical
engineer, nor a physicist. He is a toolmaker and a machinist. The NOVA
show used archeologists and skilled stonemasons and they were satisfied
that they explained how they were built. Perhaps Mr. Dunn is just not that
good of a machinist?

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Mark Waldman
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 6:27am | IP Logged | 3  

Knut's theory is writers or documentary filmmakers are idiots for not understanding what any builder does. Yet he assumes any builder agrees with him. Same mistake he's saying the writers or filmmakers are making. He must be right because it's his opinion. Rich.
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Neil Lindholm
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 6:29am | IP Logged | 4  

As for the age of the bent pyramid, it took a few seconds to find a
chronological list of pyramids. The bent pyramid was built by Sneferu, the
founder of the 4th dynasty, and the great pyramids were built by Khufu, the
second emperor of the 4th dynasty.
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Charles Jensen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 6:34am | IP Logged | 5  

Neil, sorry to not clarify.  Christopher Dunn studied certain elements of the great pyramid and other specific relics that had craftsmanship that he felt wasn't explained by the means the archeologists presented to him.

His issue wasn't how the main structure was built but specific elements and the purpose of elements built into the pyramid.  

One example of this is the "sarcophagus" in the "King's chamber" and others in different locations.  He saw a level of precision craftsmanship there that you don't see done by accident and you would have absolutely no need for in this type of structure or in these locations within the structures.

I suggest listening to that radio interview on Youtube with him if you can.

I will try to find some written piece for those who don't have broadband.

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Craig Robinson
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 6:44am | IP Logged | 6  

Imagine if they'd done something useful with all that effort instead. Egypt could have ruled the world.


Yes, because leaving artifacts of their culture and architecture that have persisted for millennia was like, totally a waste of time and effort.  I mean, I think we can all agree that the whole Ancient Egpytian thing is just a eyesore for humanity.  All the pyramids need are chariots without wheels up on jacks in their front yards.

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Jeremiah Avery
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 7:04am | IP Logged | 7  

Someone has seen the movie "Stargate" one too many times.

Various civilizations developed independently over others to an often greater degree - paraphrasing JB - China, thousands of years ago, for example. Also, the eruption of Thera and the decline of the Minoan civilization has sometimes been considered the basis for the Atlantis mythos.

While all this would make for an amusing sci-fi story; the innovations that past engineers derived via trial and error and using deduction are far more interesting than clinging to the notion that the human race can't do a damn thing on its own without some outside force guiding it.
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Knut Robert Knutsen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 7:08am | IP Logged | 8  

"Knut's theory is writers or documentary filmmakers are idiots for not understanding what any builder does."

No. My "theory" (as you put it) is that writers and documentary filmmakers who misrepresent themselves as knowing what builders know, when they clearly don't, are idiots, con-men or unethical opportunists.

"Yet he assumes any builder agrees with him"

No, I don't. There are ways to do this beyond the ones I've mentioned, and the ones I've mentioned may not have been used at all. Anyone can say "I have no idea how the pyramids were made" without fear of being thought an idiot.

But these people aren't just saying that, they're saying that there's no way contemporary technology could have done this.

Finding only one way, whether ropes, pullies and windlasses or ramps, rolling logs and levers, is enough to debunk these notions.

And builders worth their salt will know about most of these methods because they're still in use

These guys have decided that something weird is going on, so they disregard all available evidence that the egyptian builders were actually capable of doing this in order to cling to the "theory".

It's not as if people haven't tried to find out how pyramids were built before. The difference is, other people actually found out. This is known information. 

And Mark, do you know any actual builders who'll look at the specifics of a pyramid and go "impossible"? It's all a matter of scale, of course. You ask a builder to align a house with magnetic north, you think he'll throw up his hands and go "That's Star Trek level technology, kid"? You ask him how to move a big square rock without a forklift or a crane, do you think he'll say it can't be done? Even if you offer lots of money?


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Knut Robert Knutsen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 7:31am | IP Logged | 9  

"Yes, because leaving artifacts of their culture and architecture that have persisted for millennia was like, totally a waste of time and effort. "

Please. That has nothing to do with it. They also had the technology to build canals and roads and other useful infrastructure. And built other structures far more artistically and architecturally impressive.

The Romans didn't leave less impressive artifacts of their culture because they built aqueducts, bridges, roads and an entire metropolis on a few islands in a swamp instead of a pile of rocks in the desert.

In fact, with the same amount of time and effort they could've finished building the Suez Canal 4000 years earlier. Wouldn't that have been something? It's not like they didn't spend time working on it.

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Charles Jensen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 7:38am | IP Logged | 10  

Jeremiah, I don't blame you for seeing it that way.  I may have jumped the gun writing down my conclusion before showing why I feel that way. It's is a very long story and incredibly difficult to explain without having someone travelling the same territory.

Let me just say though.. My dad witnessed a stereotypical flying saucer when He was a senior in high school. This was in northern Washington state near the Canadian border. He saw this with his best friend and told my mom about it a couple years later.

The craft he saw I later learned was the EXACT same craft 2 famous people went public and said they witnessed.  Bob Lazar and Billy Meier.

It's very difficult to explain how but the way my dad related this info to me verified that Lazar and my dad witnessed the same craft.

Now for the interesting part.. Bob Lazar went public later the same year cold fusion was discovered by Pons and Fleischmann. 

From what I have learned this wasn't an accident.  It was a disinfo campaign.  The way the alien craft power system worked turns out to be identical to the way cold fusion is theorized to work.

In the cold fusion process nickel is transmuted to copper and is unstable.. which releases antimatter which annihilates when it meets hydrogen atoms.

If you research the Hutchison effect you find that his process transmutes elements, too.  

Bob Lazar said his "alien craft" used "element 115" to produce antimatter on demand to power these craft. He said you could never make this element on Earth.

With disinformation the best disinfo mixes truth with lies.  This whole element 115 thing fits way too well with the likely purpose of the Giza pyramid from what I have seen.

To me it also explains why the people who built ti didn't build more around that location - because it was built there for that specific purpose - to produce this needed fuel.

But it could have been producing boring old plutonium.  Or maybe transmuting lead into gold? I just think these things may be connected.. it makes too much sense to me.

I could go on and on and I have just scratched the surface of these few points I have brought up.

But check out this interview with Dr. Judy Wood.. Did you know the WTC Twin Towers were built based on the design of the the Giza pyramids?  There is lot more info I could share but I should wait.

Make sure you watch all 5 parts:

Edited by Charles Jensen on 14 September 2011 at 7:46am
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Kevin Hagerman
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 7:47am | IP Logged | 11  

"Bob Lazar said his "alien craft" used "element 115" to produce antimatter on demand to power these craft. He said you could never make this element on Earth."


I read that in Cosmo Kramer's voice...

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Craig Robinson
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 7:54am | IP Logged | 12  

Please. That has nothing to do with it.


Sure it does.  You're ignoring their cultural and spiritual motivations for building them in the first place.  You're giving undue weight to the value of expanding infrastructure (so they could rule the world?) and giving no thought at all to how they greeted death. So you're either quite culturally ignorant, or possibly the worst troll in the history of the internets.  Bets?


The Romans didn't leave less impressive artifacts of their culture because they built aqueducts, bridges, roads and an entire metropolis on a few islands in a swamp instead of a pile of rocks in the desert


Yes, because clearly I was taking a shot at the Romans and making a stealthy pissing contest between the two cultures.  Way to suss that out.

Edited by Craig Robinson on 14 September 2011 at 8:03am
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