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Topic: The Revelation of the Pyramids - by Pooyard (Topic Closed Topic Closed) Post ReplyPost New Topic
Charles Jensen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 1:38am | IP Logged | 1  

Neil, I don't know how much of that story to take seriously but I do think there is at least some grain of truth in it.  And it has to do with the shells of those insects.  Chitin - the insect shell material is a dielectric material.

If you research electrogravitics developed by T. Townsend Brown in the 40s you will see that dielectrics is the whole thing.  dielectrics SEAL electricity out.  When you separate positive and negative polarities of electricity - that is antigravity - electrogravitics.

Now let's look at the pyramid.  In the Kings chamber you have the opening where the sarcophagus is. And above it you have another sealed empty space filled with huge granite slabs that are lined up.  These slabs are like the parts you hit on a xylophone. And the bottoms of these slabs are perfectly flat.. the tops look like they have been carved - tuned so they all resonate at the same frequency.

Now this granite that is used is tremendously piezoelectric.  This means when you strike it or it is vibrated it produces electricity!

What I believe happens is in the lower section of the pyramid you have a chemical reaction that sends something up to the upper Kings chamber. Whether it is sound or microwaves or cosmic rays I don't know.. but it is channeled and focused in the grand gallery... and goes two directions.. through the softer stone to hit the granite slabs above the kings chamber and to the lower area to hit the granite piezoelectric sarcophagus.  By doing this you hit both granite areas which creates charges in both areas.  The insect chitin also appears to be used as a sealer or to create the electric charge. By sealing these areas with opposite charges you are creating electrogravitics or antigravity. What this is I believe is a particle accelerator.  They were producing some kind of fuel in that "sarcophagus". Whether it was nuclear material or something even more exotic.  maybe it had multiple purposes.

Now after watching that first documentary.. what do you think they might have needed fuel for?

Also, notice this little video I just found,.  This person claims the bee shells are magnetic. And he shows at the end of the video what I found as well.. the Egyptians obsession with insects.. again.. insect shells are one of the only things found in the pyramid and they appeared to be used for some purpose.  Not as a some decoration or symbolism as archeologist would assume.

Also note that this Russian scientists name is Viktor Grebbenikov.

There was a Austrian scientist that was forced to work for the Nazis and was said to have developed electrogravitics for them in WWII. His name was also Viktor - Schauberger.  This is why I think the Russian Viktors antigravity tale may be disinformation.  And always remember. the best disinformation includes REAL information.

I think it is used to discredit or smear the Austrian Viktor and take people off the trail. As crazy as that sounds, it's my best guess.

Edited by Charles Jensen on 14 September 2011 at 2:01am
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Knut Robert Knutsen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 2:07am | IP Logged | 2  

"Knut, did you watch the documentary?  These are engineers and builders who don't understand how this could be done. "

I don't need to watch this specific documentary to know the arguments, this is nothing new, after all.

We may not know exactly how things were built, as some things may be achieved in different ways, but what we do know, is that when you don't care about the time it takes, the money or how many die building it, there were tools available at the time capable of doing it.

Stones can be moved with water transport, with wagon structures or rolling logs. Wheels, cranes and pulleys were invented that could pull many tons of weight. Many slaves were available to lend their strength to this.

As a for instance, when Thor Heyerdahl proposed his theories of settlement of some pacific areas by way of the Americas and the possibility of Egyptians travelling to Central America, he was told that it was impossible because the people in question lacked the technology to do that. Through his expeditions he proved otherwise.

Now, large parts of his theories have later been debunked using genetic anthropology etc. I.e: new hard facts.  That's how science works.  But what Heyerdahl demonstrated was that they had the technology needed and the idea that they didn't was just an unscientific prejudice passed off as fact.

That's the good part of actual science: even the people who are wrong can provide insight and clarity.

But what they also found with the RA experiment was that the knowledge of how to do things right is mostly passed down through workmen, and that the smallest thing can matter. For instance,  RA 1 sunk because the reed-boat builders hadn't built a boat that large before and didn't realize that a simple rope line depicted in paintings of reed ships was actually used to maintain the integrity of the structure. The only difference in the succesful RA 2 was those ropes.

It is not difficult to find engineers and builders that don't know how the pyramids were built. But if you find someone with an actual interest in ancien techniques, I'm sure they could show you with charts and models at least one plausible way it might be done.

At the very least, to take such a documentary seriously, I'd expect an examination of tools known to exist at the time, extrapolating from other ages and uses and determining "If we use pre-industrial revolution technology, how would we have done this?"

Even if we don't know exactly what was available 3-5000 years ago in Egypt, we know what was available when cathedrals were built. So by checking if those tools could build a pyramid, we can establish a frame of reference.

After that, going backwards in time by checking the tools available to other civilizations building large structures, it's possible to get even closer.

Some guys shrugging and going : "we have no idea" , have no credibility.

If they said: "we have done experiments and have determined the minimum necessary level of technology, and here is the difference between what is necessary and what we can prove that they had", then I might find them interesting.

The truth is, we have a pretty good idea how the pyramids were built, because variations and improvements of those technologies and techniques are still in use. Enormous structures with an increasing level of solidity and refinement have been built continuously since.

And the wonder of a pyramid is actually dwarved by the awesome architectural undertaking of, for instance, the 17th century English artificial Canal and waterworks system.

How did they do that?   ;-)

"listen to what he says about this insect shell materials properties and try to keep an open mind.  I will explain to you why his story may have some truth in it."

I listened for 30 seconds and it was some guy talking about using insect shells to create some form of stasis chamber. You know, finding bug shells in a dark, dusty tomb is not really a mystery. Finding an exposed tomb empty after 3000 years of grave-robbing is not a mystery.

I would be really interested in watching a film about the technology used to build the pyramids. Watching a movie with people who don't know and don't even care to find out is about as interesting as watching a bunch of guys saying they can't draw and that this means no-one can draw and somehow all painters and illustrators ever must have used photocameras and advanced editing software.

Rembrandt owned a mac for sure. How else could he have done it? Right?

I kid, but that's really how silly this seems. 

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Charles Jensen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 2:29am | IP Logged | 3  

I forgot to mention that this was the only area of the entire pyramid where insects were found in any quantity.. they covered the entire floor section where the chamber had been repaired because of some damage.  I think this may be why the shells were used there.. to help aid the dielectric sealing of the chamber to allow it to continue functioning as necessary even though it had been damaged by an explosion it appears.

Keep in mind I am trying to give you a brief introduction to these topics which require a lot of research and knowledge.

Also.. there are many details I could go into to refute what you are saying.  This engineer Christopher Dunn has examined the tools claimed to be used.  but no one has been able to use these methods to produce artifacts to the level of perfection found in the pyramids etc. The way these objects are made also doesn't make sense unless there was a utilitarian purpose. For example.. why would you make the interior of the Kings chamber to such an incredible tolerance then leave other areas rough. Doesn't make sense for a decorative tomb you used man power for so liberally. This indicates a utilitarian function. for this level of precision.  Containers that hold nuclear materials need to be made with this level of precision and smoothness to prevent then from becoming critical.

A small group has a theory that the Giza pyramid was used for nuclear material and power production.  They had a website but it is down now for some reason. I think they were on the right track.. but IMO the pyramid wasn't used as a power plant.. but to produce another type of fuel that produced antimatter.  Very similar to the process used for cold fusion.  Cold fusion is said to be done by producing small amounts of antimatter when one material is transmuted to another and becomes unstable.

Edited by Charles Jensen on 14 September 2011 at 2:45am
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Knut Robert Knutsen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 2:44am | IP Logged | 4  

"This engineer Christopher Dunn has examined the tools claimed to be used.  but no one has been able to use these methods to produce artifacts to the level of perfection found in the pyramids etc."

So if I get hold of Joe Kubert's drawing tools and am unable to produce work at his level, that proves that Kubert's art  wasn't really made with those tools but by some super secret hyper advanced tool given to him by space aliens?

I can sort of buy that. (No. Not really).

Again: what you're talking about are people looking at the pyramids and going "Duh, I don't know how they did that."

If they couldn't do that with those tools, but we can do it with modern tools, at what point does known technology (i.e. known to Chris Dunn) reach the level of sophistication where that can be done? With Athens? Rome? The magnificent ancient cities of China?

All you're really showing me is that you can make anything seem mysterious by having an "expert" go : "How did they do that?"

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Charles Jensen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 2:58am | IP Logged | 5  

"So if I get hold of Joe Kubert's drawing tools and am unable to produce work at his level, that proves that Kubert's art  wasn't really made with those tools but by some super secret hyper advanced tool given to him by space aliens?" 

Knut, there were technological achievements in the construction of the pyramids they were able to achieve we weren't able to achieve until the recent past couple hundred years - such as the alignment of the pyramids with magnetic north and other alignments.

There are many examples of this.

And we can reproduce the work of other artists.  We see this done all the time in comics.  But what if JB posted video of a mural he made on a wall of his home and it was time lapsed and he did something no one else in history ever demonstrated the ability to do?

And to your point, if someone did have incredible artistic ability that couldn't be reproduced by others we would likely study that person to understand what made them different.  How is that any different than trying to understand how the builders of the pyramids did this?  Of course it might turn out they had some incredibly novel yet conventional methods.. but it also might turn out they knew things we don't  - at least in the mainstream.

And what I am saying here is that I have found other evidence that shows this technology is being used now not just in the past.

I know someone who witnessed this technology first hand.  It's someone I trust completely. And the story they told me was actually verified by other events. This is what led me on this whole saga.

Edited by Charles Jensen on 14 September 2011 at 3:10am
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Knut Robert Knutsen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 3:27am | IP Logged | 6  

"Knut, there were technological achievements in the construction of the pyramids they were able to achieve we weren't able to achieve until the recent past couple hundred years - such as the alignment of the pyramids with magnetic north and other alignments."
So at some point in a 3000+ year history, a Pyramid roughly aligns with the direction of a migrating magnetic field that can be detected by tying a rock (a lodestone) to a string and seeing which way it points when it stops spinning?
Oooh. Spooky. We're talking Star Trek territory, now, Charles.
I'm sorry, but these are not proof of anything but the fact that your mind isn't open to a proper critical evaluation of what you've been told.
It would not be difficult at all for architects all those millenia ago to align any building with magnetic north. In fact, a lodestone, just like plumb levels and water levels, would probably find its way into a builder's tool chest once they learned how it works. It would give builders a way to create long straight lines along the depth axis. Lodestone, plumb level and water level. One tool for each dimensional axis.
And yes, those 3 tools are still useful and in use by builders.  All I can say is that if you have an engineer who is mystified by the ability of the ancients to align a building to magnetic north, I wouldn't trust him to build me a garden shed.
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Lars Johansson
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 3:37am | IP Logged | 7  

I like the pictures of the pyramids in America and Africa but the climax I didn't  get. In the 80's and 90's we saw many UFO documentaries like that with a UFO message at the end I never got the "message" from the aliens and neither did I in this case.
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Charles Jensen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 3:49am | IP Logged | 8  

Knut, I can understand your point of view.. if it was just one small element here or there I would agree with you.. but there are too many unanswered questions.  I also think this may be because you have not seen all the evidence presented. I will try to lay out this evidence if you are interested.


The claim was it was aligned to magnetic North.. and it points North within 5/100ths of a degree.. We only learned to do this recently - in the 17th century, thousands of years after the pyramids were built we couldn't come close to that level of precision they claim.

If we can find evidence to refute that it would go far to addressing your claim.  How do you propose they would do it?

I will post more as I go through the video and books more.

Edited by Charles Jensen on 14 September 2011 at 4:10am
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Knut Robert Knutsen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 4:28am | IP Logged | 9  

"but there are too many unanswered questions. "

No, there aren't really. The answers are there, you've just listened to people who ignore the answers because they don't like them.

"I also think this may be because you have not seen all the evidence presented."

I first heard about stuff like this over 30 years ago, and every time I've looked, it's failed the "smell test" within 15 minutes. There are the facts, and there is the methodology for evaluating facts, and this stuff doesn't come close to bei8ng methodologically sound.

Do you know how this claim of "advanced technology" would be proven scientifically? You try to disprove it. That's how a theory is tested. You pick at every single flaw and imperfection until whatver is left has withstood massive scrutiny.And that's not what claims like this are about.

You first have to honestly try to prove to the best of your ability that it would be possible to build the pyramids by contemporary means, and fail. So that you would know just how impossible it was and why.

So these guys just shrug and say "impossible". Not "We tried, here's video of an experiment with moving a 15 ton rock using ropes, pulleys, rolling logs, hundreds of men and a wooden crane or windlass. Wouldn't budge". Just "shrug".

We know that these techniques work (because we've seen them work fir thousands of years) , and that by extrapolation most of the building of the pyramids is easily explained. the few percent left over are architectural details or construction details that require some expertise.

"I will try to lay out this evidence if you are interested."

I'm really not. You put forth the "magnetic alignment" argument like it was some huge piece of proof of technology at a modern level or beyond being used, when it in actuality boils down to a rock on a piece of string.

I believe that you are convinced of this, but based on what you've provided so far, I don't trust your judgement as to what is or is not solid evidence.

A lodestone explains magnetic alignment, graverobbers explain the absence of a mummy or decorative elements. As for "smooth rock", masons seem to have no problems with that anywhere, using basic tools. The presence of bug shells in only one location may come down to only on place in the building having the conditions necessary to preserve them.

And for each of these there may be 3 or 4 more possible explanations, all of which would need to be identified, tested and dismissed as not only improbable but impossible in order to embrace answers that are sorely lacking in any real evidence whatsoever.  

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John Byrne
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 4:55am | IP Logged | 10  

JB, if you have any thoughts I would love to hear them.


You have. Many times.

I reject any notion of voodoo technology being employed by our ancestors, in whatever form it may take. The history of humankind is a long process of stops and starts, with progress occurring in bits and pieces, often in isolation before global communication became possible. (The single most revolutionary invention was the printing press, which made possible the easy dissemination of information over wide areas.)

What many ancient civilizations had that we "don't" was time. The Egyptians had a relatively stable civilization for thousands of years. With that kind of time, much can be accomplished that seems "impossible" today.

We don't need to invoke aliens, or voodoo technology, or any combination thereof. All we need is to acknowledge that our ancestors were just as smart as we are, and did the best they could with what they had.

Years ago I briefly dated a woman who was a firm believer in Atlantis legends. She pointed to the Pyramids, and other pyramidal structures around the world, as "proof" of Atlantis. How, she asked, could these similar structures spring up around the world at the same time, if there wasn't a common guiding intellect behind all of them? She didn't like my answer -- that "at the same time" actually represented hundreds, and even thousands of years, and that when "primitive" cultures start to build massive structures, the pyramid shape is a natural evolution of form. Without steel girders and other such supporting structure, a pyramid is the only way to construct a truly massive building beyond a certain height.

And even the Egyptians took a while to figure that out. Consider the famous "bent" pyramid.

The builders started at too steep an angle, and had to "bend" inwards in order to complete the structure. Subsequent pyramids avoided this mistake.

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William Roberge
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 5:02am | IP Logged | 11  


I've always found it somewhat insulting to Egyptian ( and Aztec) achievements to say "An alien must have helped".

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Charles Jensen
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Posted: 14 September 2011 at 5:33am | IP Logged | 12  

Knut, you make a huge mistake by ignoring this because I am not making the most compelling argument.  There is a huge difference between being a student and being a teacher.  I am still in the process of learning many many different elements of this.  I have seen the evidence presented by many different people from different disciplines and it all points the same direction and these people are unconnected.  They are verifying each other.  But again.. my strength isn't explaining things off the top of my head like this, especially this video which I just found..  I have been researching an unbelievable amount of info over the past couple years and it's truly overwhelming.. and I am not an expert on these subjects. 

"No, there aren't really. The answers are there, you've just listened to people who ignore the answers because they don't like them."

The same could just as easily be said about the skeptics.  Comemnts like this don't really get anywhere.

"I first heard about stuff like this over 30 years ago, and every time I've looked, it's failed the "smell test" within 15 minutes. There are the facts, and there is the methodology for evaluating facts, and this stuff doesn't come close to bei8ng methodologically sound."

This Christopher Dunn had done exactly that. He has tested the tools claimed to be used and they don't match worked samples they have found. Now.. that doesn't mean there aren't conventional explanations.. but the presented theories don't match the evidence.

"Do you know how this claim of "advanced technology" would be proven scientifically? You try to disprove it. That's how a theory is tested. You pick at every single flaw and imperfection until whatver is left has withstood massive scrutiny.And that's not what claims like this are about."

You have to prove the "accepted theories" as well.  It's very easy to say immense manpower and determination can do anything.. but that is really just a guess and an easy way of avoiding the inexplicable.

"We know that these techniques work (because we've seen them work fir thousands of years) , and that by extrapolation most of the building of the pyramids is easily explained. the few percent left over are architectural details or construction details that require some expertise."

But experts in these fields are refuting this.  You may claim that you can find anyone to say anything.. but again.. as I have said.. there is evidence from other areas that support the existence of these technologies. You have these 2 (or more)  seemingly separate instances that are inexplicable and they both just happen to explain each other... and they have experts seeing the same things all over...

"I'm really not. You put forth the "magnetic alignment" argument like it was some huge piece of proof of technology at a modern level or beyond being used, when it in actuality boils down to a rock on a piece of string."

I wasn't saying it's HUGE proof.. there are other things that I think are much more compelling.. but they are more complex to debate.  This is something that should be possible to prove is inaccurate if it is some biased example to support their position. I thought this was the kind of evidence you were looking for or it would be something you could prove was not real if you are knowledgeable about these techniques.

"I believe that you are convinced of this, but based on what you've provided so far, I don't trust your judgement as to what is or is not solid evidence."

Well.. like I said.. I don't blame you.  But again.. this is incredibly difficult for me to articulate.  I don't have the patience to sit down and document everything I have discovered.  I don't know how I can do that honestly.  I am trying to fund a way to relate what I have discovered without doing that. If nothing else I am just trying to get people on the road.  But if someone is completely close-minded about it it may not be possible.

All I can tell you is to check out that Christopher Dunn's site and books.  He seems to make a compelling case unless he is being dishonest.  If you have any books to refute those claims I would like to see them.. but I am as convinced as you are of the opposite.  But there is still a big mystery how this was done.

"A lodestone explains magnetic alignment,"

So why do they say this technology wasn't available for this kind of precision even in the 1700s?  Thousands of years later?  Are you familiar with the Antikythera mechanism?

"graverobbers explain the absence of a mummy or decorative elements."

Decorative elements?  No.. I don't see that.. there are heiroglyphs and sculpture all over Giza.  Why would they do so little with interior of the grandest structure ever made?  That is really the whole issue.  If you look closely at the elements of the structure internally you will quickly realize this.  This is why I suggest you read Dunn's books. Again.. this is more vast info I have already gone over but I can't just rattle everything off the top of my head why I put so much stock in it.. because I am onto new relevant and related subjects. There are many related subjects like this that support all of these elements.

This is why I say be careful about jumping to conclusions and throwing the baby out with the bath water.

"As for "smooth rock", masons seem to have no problems with that anywhere, using basic tools."

Again... this Dunn is a precision machinist. He took a precision machined tool for checking specifications to these sites and finds tolerances that are incredibly difficult to match today. And they span large distances on these artifacts. I have experience with measurement, machining and am a sculptor myself. So these topics are familiar to me.. and they pass my smell test.  Does that mean it's definitive? No.. but again.. when you add all these elements from every direction together...... They all lead the same direction.

"The presence of bug shells in only one location may come down to only on place in the building having the conditions necessary to preserve them."

Possible, true.. but this is in a area where there is no access from outside. It's at the center of the pyramid. There are no insects accessing the pyramid.  But this is also why it is so hard to explain my thought process.. because I wouldn't know anything about this if I hadn't studied electrogravitics so much. But when you know what I know about electrogravitics.. AND the internal design of the pyramid it makes perfect sense.  If I had the money to build a large enough working model I mgiht actually be able to prove it, believe it or not.

Edited by Charles Jensen on 14 September 2011 at 6:40am
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