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Topic: Superman Vol. 2 #1 (1987) (Topic Closed Topic Closed) Post ReplyPost New Topic
Raj Dhami
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Posted: 09 April 2011 at 4:30am | IP Logged | 1  

I have to echo the previous comment...
"Byrne and Austin"...

Simple as that.

Cover awesome!

Internal art...exceptional!..did anyone else see that page on ebay recently?  so tempted to bid!!!!

And for me, John gave Superman more credibility.  With Superman, I can never get over the..."oh, he's going to be OK he's Superman for crying out loud!" thoughts...but in the first issue John definitely set the scene that perhaps all is not as it seems.

And to this of the reasons I struggle with conventional comic books is that everyone is seemingly indestructible and there is no sense of cause / effect - action / reaction.  Characters come and go; die and get reborn...
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Brad Brickley
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Posted: 09 April 2011 at 5:33am | IP Logged | 2  

I love Superman comics and I loved the new direction Superman went with JB on board. Superman comics were fun again. While I enjoyed Superman, his comics had become a little stale at that time. JB came in and livened them up. Real exciting time.

My only problem was I didn't like the renumbering. I know that wasn't JB's idea, but management. I enjoy the continuity of the long runs of comics. Seems to connect everything, while at the same time moving on to new stories.

It would have been nice to see Curt Swan retained on one of the books too. He would have complimented JB well.

I was crushed when JB left the Superman books! I remember reading the Return to Krypton with the Hawks and so enjoying that story and then the next month being so disappointed JB was gone!
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Tom French
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Posted: 09 April 2011 at 6:11am | IP Logged | 3  

Same for me, Brad.  In those days, probably for lack of internet, I had no idea what was going on in the industry.  I had no idea why Byrne left the books -- or even that he WAS leaving!  Suddenly, he was gone.

And in the blink of an eye, I found him on NAMOR and was like, "What happened?"

I was crushed when Byrne left Superman -- and had I been truly smart, I would've dropped the Superman line right then and avoided the whole death thing.  Sigh... hindsight...

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Dave Phelps
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Posted: 09 April 2011 at 8:09am | IP Logged | 4  

Well, at least they kept the numbering intact with Adventures of Superman. 

Anyway, I got Superman #1 because I'd been getting Man of Steel.  Got Man of Steel because #1 was the most interesting looking of the 7 comics available at the store, and once I get one, I tended to get follow-ups until I was short of money when a particular issue came out (which is why I dropped the book after Superman #6, although I kept up with Action :-) ).  It was really easy for me to gain and lose momentum in those days... 

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Robbie Parry
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Posted: 09 April 2011 at 9:18am | IP Logged | 5  

It's been really interesting hearing people's thoughts not only on the issue itself, but how they felt about it at the time.

I do think the Superman stories prior to Mr. Byrne's reboot had become a little stale, enjoyable as they were. I've said that I'd have no trouble recommending his Superman tales to strangers on the street. Well, I didn't mean that literally, but when people are asking me about tracking down older Superman tales, I encourage them to buy issues such as the ones we're talking about.

Also, I like the fact that Mr. Byrne's Superman wasn't 100% invincible. Such characters aren't always interesting. I mean, there are comic characters, usually supernatural ones, who just seem to always have the right supernatural powers and rarely appear to be hurt. How can there be tension with such characters?

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Petter Myhr Ness
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Posted: 09 April 2011 at 2:23pm | IP Logged | 6  

As Knut says, over here it was released as just another issue of SUPERMAN. I would have bought it regardless, as I had for many years before it.

That said, I was getting increasingly aware of that talent named John Byrne at this point, and I was excited about the direction he was taking Superman. JB's stories remain some of my absolute favourite Superman stories.
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Jimmy Lawrence
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Posted: 09 April 2011 at 6:15pm | IP Logged | 7  

I bought Supes Vol. 2 #1 because of John Byrne's art.  I remember seeing the Time magazine cover at the dentist's office around the time it came out but had already read enough comics to distinguish between art styles and was buying anything Byrne was drawing.
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Thomas Moudry
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Posted: 09 April 2011 at 6:27pm | IP Logged | 8  

Question for you, JB: How long before you got the offer had DC been
contemplating a Superman reboot?
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Wallace Sellars
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Posted: 09 April 2011 at 6:32pm | IP Logged | 9  

I bought it because I had purchased, read and enjoyed MAN OF STEEL. I got
it because it was by John Byrne.
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Eric Smearman
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Posted: 09 April 2011 at 7:59pm | IP Logged | 10  

I got it because I had been buying Superman comics all my life. I saw
no reason to stop just 'cause this Byrne guy was taking over.

Seriously, by this point JB was a favorite of mine due to his work on
X-MEN, FF and HULK. Being a DC guy I had already been tantalized
by the possibility of JB working on the Man of Steel by the Superman
pieces in the ART OF JOHN BYRNE book. While having reservations
about the reboot I was seriously excited by the prospect of a monthly
double dose of John Byrne writing and drawing my faorite character.

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Ron Chevrier
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Posted: 09 April 2011 at 9:43pm | IP Logged | 11  

With all due respect to Mssrs. Schwartz, Swan, and Schaffenberger, I felt that the Superman franchise was in a rut, with either gimmick stories or the mystery alien/supernatural menace of the month. Although some effort was made to bring in a fresher look with the addition of Al Williamson and Eduardo Baretto, the stories just weren't cutting it for a kid like me who was excited by Teen Titans, The Fury of Firestorm, and Legion of Superheroes, to name a few DC titles generating buzz at the time.

 I only regularly collected DC Comics Presents because every now and then Starlin or Garcia Lopez would pop up in those pages (which I dearly wished to see in the other two books.), and I usually enjoyed seeing Superman paired up with another hero.

When I heard that John Byrne was taking over Superman, I assumed (and quite rightly) that some of the dust would be shaken off the old Man of Steel story wise. I was already confident about JB's artistic abilities.
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Stephen Churay
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Posted: 09 April 2011 at 11:03pm | IP Logged | 12  

It was JB pure and simple. A friend turned me on to Alpha Flight, and
I liked what I saw there. Then I picked up his run on The Incredible
Hulk and loved it. During that time I started picking up chunks of JB's
run on Fantastic Four. Then I hear he's going to DC to write and Draw
Superman. Well, my head exploded. My favorite creator was going to
do my favorite superhero. I couldn't get to my local convenience store,
grocery store or comic shop fast enough for Man Of Steel. When
Superman #1 came out, there was no way I wasn't going to continue
reading this run on this character. It was my favorite time in my life for
collecting comics. Although I love the cover, they could have wrapped
that book in stale bread slices and I would have still bought it. I
wanted, NEEDED, to read the story inside.
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