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Topic: How Would You Have Brought Back Gwen Stacy? (Topic Closed Topic Closed) Post ReplyPost New Topic
Matt Wieringo
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Posted: 22 March 2011 at 5:31pm | IP Logged | 1  

I wasn't reading AMAZING SPIDER-MAN until after the death of Gwen so I don't have proper perspective on whether or not it specifically was a bad thing for comics. It was always just something that was. I can't deny the impact though. I've been reading the ESSENTIALS from around that time lately (sparked by the Conway interview, now that you mention it) and have enjoyed the stories. I wouldn't change the story.

As for how would I have brought her back? I wouldn't. THAT'S the problem with death in comics. Not that it happens. But that it's meaningless. It's done for effect (I still remember the impact the death of Jean Grey had on me.) but when that effect is a big yawn, something's wrong.

I think Conway's solution to the request was better than actually bringing her back, though.
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Jon Stafford
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Posted: 22 March 2011 at 5:34pm | IP Logged | 2  

I would have had Peter Parker get out of the shower and find Gwen in his bed.  It turns out that the past 38 years were all just a dream!
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Flavio Sapha
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Posted: 22 March 2011 at 8:03pm | IP Logged | 3  

Obviously, what Stan meant was "bring back Gwen as a civilian, to keep the
Betty and Veronica soap opera going".

But times had changed...

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Flavio Sapha
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Posted: 22 March 2011 at 8:03pm | IP Logged | 4  

...for the worse.
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Ted Pugliese
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Posted: 22 March 2011 at 8:42pm | IP Logged | 5  

I started collecting comics in 1982 and I had no idea who
Gwen was. I only learned about her when I mentioned that I
thought Peter should be with Betty.
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Mark Haslett
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Posted: 22 March 2011 at 8:48pm | IP Logged | 6  

Matt W: As for how would I have brought her back? I wouldn't. THAT'S the problem with death in comics. Not that it happens. But that it's meaningless. It's done for effect (I still remember the impact the death of Jean Grey had on me.) but when that effect is a big yawn, something's wrong.


Your sentiments are clear and understandable, but I disagree. I too remember a thrill of excitement about the death of Phoenix all these years later, but that's the problem. "BIG impact stories" feed that part of fandom that want everything to be realistic. Wanting "Death to last" for all too many leads to wanting the characters to age and develop past the things that make them who they are.

Sticking to the convention that nothing ever really changes and that all deaths will likely be undone keeps characters locked in an everlasting present. The impact of Gwen's death is that Spider-Man has a history that keeps marking time-- it becomes x number of years since Gwen died. Then x+1. Etc.

Conway's "solution" only made the problem bigger by drawing more and expanding circles of attention to this gigantic incident in Parker's life.

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Jon Stafford
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Posted: 22 March 2011 at 8:48pm | IP Logged | 7  

Ted, I'm in the same boat as you.  Started reading comics around the same time, and Gwen Stacy was just a whisper from the past.  And frankly, at age 9, if the character didn't have a secret identity I wasn't all that interested!
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Brad Brickley
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Posted: 22 March 2011 at 8:52pm | IP Logged | 8  

I think she should stay dead. Move on to other stories.
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Brian Kirk
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Posted: 22 March 2011 at 8:56pm | IP Logged | 9  

Zombie Gwen.
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Mike Norris
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Posted: 22 March 2011 at 9:43pm | IP Logged | 10  

Just never mention that she was dead.


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Chad Carter
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Posted: 22 March 2011 at 9:45pm | IP Logged | 11  


If I was bringing Gwen back, then the "Old Parker Luck" dictates something has to be taken away. I mean, that's the way the world works. And in Spider-Man's world, he never has a good thing happen without a bad thing happening. So that's something to keep in mind.

Considering the time in which the story was written, and the unheard-of possibility of Aunt May actually dying, well...

According to some brief research, "broken necks" aren't what cause fatality. Spinal injuries are. You can break the neck and not die, or even be paralyzed. You'll be jacked up for some time, of course.

Peter saw Gwen "die", but all he knows for sure is Norman Osborne is crowing about how dead she is. Pete is freaked out. I seem to recall that the beginning of the next issue has Pete handing Gwen's body over to the EMTs/cops? Was there an official pronouncement?

Anyway, whoever it is who takes Gwen's body is obviously not your normal EMTs. Conspiracy begins. A body was buried, but not actually Gwen's.

Avoiding cloning, which is a bizarre deviation from Spider-Man's world, you could return Gwen in a more byzantine manner, a noirish undercurrent of menace as Pete struggles to figure out who is actually haunting him. You could also use Hitchcock's VERTIGO as inspiration, with Gwen brainwashed instead with memories not her own, a life not her own, her own life having been removed from her by the Mystery Conspirators.

If you had to include the Jackal and the Spider-Man clone, this could be deftly integrated as a "red herring" for the Gwen return, as the Jackal's motivations don't include romantic longing for Gwen, but maybe a paternal love. Say, the Jackal as Professor whoever had known Gwen's family, her mother, cherished them, cherished her as a daughter of sorts. The Jackal had coincidentally chosen student Peter Parker as a "random" target, but upon cloning him and discovering Pete's secret, decides to destroy Spider-Man whom he despises anyway for Gwen's death. Coincidences like that were and should be standards of comic book story-telling.

But the Mystery Conspiracy goes on even after the Jackal and the Spider-Clone are destroyed.

I'm not sure Who is behind it all, perhaps someone not even in the Spider Rogues. Perhaps a new adversary who had been waiting to revenge themselves on Spider-Man, waiting and monitoring and scheming. Someone with the financial backing and influence to initiate such a plan. Someone full of monstrous, unending hatred for Spider-Man.

Stretch this out over a year and reveal all at some point.

But the point is, Gwen Stacy returns. And somewhere along the line, Aunt May dies.

And Mary Jane? Would you believe it: SHE IS THE DAUGHTER OF THE DEMON!!! She is PART of the conspiracy!

That's right. Mary Jane Watson's whole hippie schtick is just a sham, a mask, hiding EVIL.

Sorry to the Mary Jane fans. Gwen Stacy is Pete's true love. Maybe, because of the brainwashing, Gwen doesn't really love him back. Maybe she does go off to "find herself." Maybe she'll return when she figures it out.

Pete's left alone, no Aunt May, no Mary Jane. Just his great responsibility his companion.




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Brian Hague
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Posted: 22 March 2011 at 11:28pm | IP Logged | 12  

I'd have Peter collect and send off box-tops to get her back...


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