Posted: 30 July 2010 at 6:03am | IP Logged | 2
It is the hippocracy, the judging, and the 'I can have them because I'm responsible but you can't' attitude that makes no sense to me, but I guess I just don't have the mental capacity to understand why those guys in the Australian link above should have their guns but I shouldn't.---
Well, far be it from me to pick a nit, but "home defense" and "self defense" types of guns are meant for killing people, and hunting rifles and shotguns are meant for killing deer and ducks.
See, in order for "defense" to be an argument for needing a gun, you have to have that gun handy, loaded, and someone easily accessible at a moments notice. On your person, in your purse, in your nightstand, under the pillow, beside the bed, whatever.
Al can store his guns as he laid out earlier in like 3 different places. Guns someplace, ammo someplace else, firing pins someplace else. Only when he's going hunting does he have to make the trip to put all those components together, and even then they're all under lock and key so no one can get to any one of the components easily.
A gun you need at a moments notice? Either you've gotta be really good with keys after being awoken by a strange sound in the middle of the night, and you have to really know your weapon like a freaking Marine to assemble it in the dark very quickly under pressure, or you have to keep it loaded and accessible.
Loaded and accessible is irresponsible. No matter what. I'm open to an argument that explains to me how that's safer than Al's storage, but I fear it's going to be a long time coming.
Al owns rifles to hunt bush critters. People who buy them for defense buy them to KILL PEOPLE. Can Al's be used to kill people? Sure. So can the Balrog bust on my computer desk. So can the CD's beside my computer. So could the Bug's Life Picture Frame with my little cousin's photo in it.
Are any of those things made for murdering people?
You call that hypocrisy, Ted, but I don't think you know what that word means. Hypocrisy would be saying I'm against guns that kill people and pro mining your backyard against intruders. Hypocrisy would be saying I'm against guns for home protection, but if you want to set up claymores on your porch every night, go ahead.
People should be responsible with their tools, cars, hunting rifles etc. If they aren't, or if someone is purposefully using them incorrectly, then yes, death can occur. But that's DESPITE safety features, that's DESPITE warning labels, instruction manual directions, and it's DESPITE the intended purpose of those objects to kill with them.
Someone takes an Ak-47 into McDonald's and kills 20 people? It's a tragedy, it's horrible, it's sickening, it's terrifying, it's heartbreaking, but whatever else you can say about that situation... at least the guy was using the gun PROPERLY.