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Brad Krawchuk Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 19 June 2006 Location: Canada Posts: 5814
Posted: 26 July 2010 at 7:16am | IP Logged | 1
Al, you're such a fucking hypocrite it makes me sick!
Scott, where are Al's guns? What are they for?
What are yours for? You're the only one who buys them with the expressed purpose of using them on another human being given the right (or, in this case, I guess wrong) set of circumstances.
Al isn't a hypocrite, you're illiterate.
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Scott Daggett Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 26 February 2008 Posts: 837
Posted: 26 July 2010 at 7:26am | IP Logged | 2
Brad, you have no idea what I buy my guns for! I am an avid hunter/outdoorsman so stop implying that you know anything about me because you don't. All I ever said was that I feel that I have the right to defend myself and my home if need be. Never have I stated that I buy my firearms with the "expressed purpose" of using then on another human being! You're almost as good as Al when it comes to putting words in other people's mouths. You two should become politicians, you both would be great at it!
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Brad Krawchuk Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 19 June 2006 Location: Canada Posts: 5814
Posted: 26 July 2010 at 7:33am | IP Logged | 3
Scott - so you're going to use a hunting rifle on an intruder? What type of firearm do you have close by for "protection"?
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Scott Daggett Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 26 February 2008 Posts: 837
Posted: 26 July 2010 at 7:41am | IP Logged | 4
I own two handguns. A 9mm Glock and a .22 cal Browning Buckmark. Either one will do nicely. I also have a .35 cal Remington lever action rifle which could also work in a pinch. I also own a 12 guage pump shotgun, a 16 guage shotgun and a 22 cal. semi-auto rifle. I would prefer to use the Glock for home defense.
Edited by Scott Daggett on 26 July 2010 at 7:42am
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Geoff Gibson Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 21 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 5741
Posted: 26 July 2010 at 7:46am | IP Logged | 5
It occurs to me that the gun control debate falls within two types of discussion: the legality, meaning what is legal to own and the sensible, meaning whether its appropriate to own. Unfortunately, the two do not always neatly converge. The US Supreme Court has effectivly ruled that there is an absolute right to own guns; that some restrictions are acceptable but that they must be strictly limited. Which seems, to my mind at least, to address the first type. It is legal to own firearms. The next question, and I think, if I may read Al's mind (which funnily enough is filled with hockey stats, Tim Horton's coffee and a repetitive drone of "I have a hot girlfriend, hee hee hee") is what Al has been trying to articulate is whether ownership is sensible. Unfortunately we do not have a body of august legal minds to answer this question -- its something we each need to address ourselves. To that end I think that we must recall that having a right to do something does not mean it necessarily should be done. These are facts: handguns kill more family members than home invaders. A firearm is designed for one purpose: to kill. A gun's purpose is not to protect, its not a forcefield; its not to freighten, its not a halloween mask; its to kill. As Homer Simpson proved it makes a terrible remote control and a terrible can opener. The argument supporting the choice to own a handgun is generally, as I have heard it, based on keeping one's family safe. The studies conducted have proven that argument holds no water. In fact is one wants to keep their family safe NOT owning a firearm is the more statistically supported decision. And this is basis of Al's point. That owning a gun, and I suspect he's thinking specifically of a handgun, is a greater risk to you and yours than any potential home invader. As for his passion, well see, Al is a caring human being who actually cares for other people. I, on the other hand, am a heartless bastard who couldn't give a fuck and thinks if someone wants to risk their lives and their families on some fictious basis for security I am quite content to let it thin out the genepool of the insipid and stupid that makes up our collective cowboy culture. In short I think if you want to own a gun you have the absolute right to do so. But I'll feel no sympathy for you should you or yours be a victim of it. You made your choice.
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Brad Krawchuk Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 19 June 2006 Location: Canada Posts: 5814
Posted: 26 July 2010 at 7:51am | IP Logged | 6
Well, Scott, the 9mm Glock and the .22 Cal Browning are for killing people. They aren't to shoot ducks, or hunt pheasant, or take down a buck. They're for PEOPLE.
So, you're okay with owning something specifically made to take a human life, and you prepared to use it as such given certain circumstances. Why else would you own something like that?
It's like saying you own a piano because you need a place to set a flower vase. Or you own a car, but you don't drive it, you just keep it parked out back so you and the wife can make out in the backseat like teenagers every now and then. Maybe you own a pair of socks you use as head covers for your golf clubs, or a goldfish bowl you use for candy treats on the coffee table.
Those guns are for killing. You own them. You are prepared to use them for their expressed purpose given a home invasion. Again, why else would you own something like that?
Edited by Brad Krawchuk on 26 July 2010 at 7:58am
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Al Cook Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 21 December 2004 Posts: 12736
Posted: 26 July 2010 at 7:59am | IP Logged | 7
Scott Daggett wrote:
Al, you're such a fucking hypocrite it makes me sick! You are definitely anti-gun and yet you own guns. If you really despise us "so-called" gun-nuts then do yourself a favor, become a good example and live by your beliefs and get rid of your guns because in the wrong hands, they are just as dangerous and could become a part of the stupid fucking scenarios that you and you friends are so well at creating (accidentally shooting a neighbor). If you have so much passion and outrage about these issues, get rid of your guns! Lead by example! |
I do lead by example, Scott. I own guns in a country whose laws about guns and gun ownership have contributed to a demonstrably safer environment (in terms of gun crime and run-related accidents), not in a country whose antiquated laws and gun-loving culture have contributed to a demonstrably far more dangerous environment in the same areas. I own two hunting weapons, a rifle and a shotgun, and store them in a manner that virtually eliminates the chance of them falling into "the wrong hands" and makes it impossible for a child to have a gun-related accident. Perhaps you'd like to go back and re-read the details of how I keep my guns. Go on. It's okay. We'll wait. Done? Good. The thing that most intelligent people who can read and reason will find obvious from that is that I do not live under the dangerous paranoid illusion that the world is full of people who will come into my home to hurt me or my family. More importantly, I do not live under the far more dangerous delusion that my guns will protect me should such a situation arise. Since those gun-centric notions are not at all part of my own gun ownership, and since they are in fact the very notions that I've spoken out against repeatedly in this thread and others - along with the position that there are certain weapons that no individual should be allowed to own - I don't see in any way how I can be considered a hypocrite. Again, this smacks of something akin to a feeling of betrayal - Al owns guns but he's anit-gun! Let's ignore sense and reason and his very words and try to make the argument about him being a hypocrite! It's not working, obviously. Care to try something else?
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Al Cook Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 21 December 2004 Posts: 12736
Posted: 26 July 2010 at 8:00am | IP Logged | 8
Scott Daggett wrote:
Never have I stated that I buy my firearms with the "expressed purpose" of using then on another human being! |
Scott Daggett wrote:
I own two handguns. A 9mm Glock and a .22 cal Browning Buckmark. Either one will do nicely. I also have a .35 cal Remington lever action rifle which could also work in a pinch. I also own a 12 guage pump shotgun, a 16 guage shotgun and a 22 cal. semi-auto rifle. I would prefer to use the Glock for home defense. |
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Al Cook Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 21 December 2004 Posts: 12736
Posted: 26 July 2010 at 8:03am | IP Logged | 9
I see Brad just made my point for me. Thanks, fellow Canucklehead.
And Geoff - you're not reading my mind, so don't worry about that. You are simply reading my words and understanding them (something that the Scott Daggetts, Ted Puglises and Andy Williams of this thread seem incapable of) and then restating my position with greater clarity and succinctness than I have as yet been able to. Feel free to do this any time.
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Scott Daggett Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 26 February 2008 Posts: 837
Posted: 26 July 2010 at 8:09am | IP Logged | 10
I would agree with you Brad, handguns are made and designed for killing people. No doubt about it, can't deny it. However, not everyone who is shot dies from their wounds. It can stop an intruder/mugger without killing them. It's not some kind of death ray where everyone shot dies instantly. It's all up to the skill of the person using it. Plus, the gun alone is a deterrent. Give a perp a warning that you are armed and in most cases, that enough to scare them off.
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Scott Daggett Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 26 February 2008 Posts: 837
Posted: 26 July 2010 at 8:12am | IP Logged | 11
Care to try something else? ******************************* Nah, ya made your point.
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Geoff Gibson Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 21 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 5741
Posted: 26 July 2010 at 8:21am | IP Logged | 12
It can stop an intruder/mugger without killing them. It's not some kind of death ray where everyone shot dies instantly. It's all up to the skill of the person using it.Plus, the gun alone is a deterrent. Give a perp a warning that you are armed and in most cases, that enough to scare them off. Statitistically, there is greater chance of a self inflicted wound or a wound to a family member than any intruder. And while it may or may not be a deterrent it also looks a lot like a fun toy. Bang, bang, baby.
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