Posted: 24 July 2010 at 9:06pm | IP Logged | 5
It's true. I find it very hard to be respectful of people whose opinions and ideas are abhorrent to me and their ways of communicating about them and defending them run deep into pure idiocy.
I speak bluntly and use profanity every day. That my arguments here are particularly profane reflects the degree of passion and outrage I have over this issue. People DIE, Ted. EVERY DAY. CHILDREN. Because of a culture that encourages people to love and defend their guns more than it encourages them to love and defend human life!!!!
IT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING, AND I WILL CONTINUE TO BE PROFANE ABOUT IT. If that bothers you, put me on ignore. Otherwise, I think we're all adults here. That one chooses to use profane words does not mean that ones argument and point of view deserves to be ignored. That's childish. It seriously reeks of an eight-year-old's mentality; or the mentality of a person whose position on an issue is so threatened they'll take any cheap excuse they can to figuratively stick their fingers in their ears and say "nyah nyah I can't hear you anymore." "I'm not going to listen to you because you swore."
Now, please, answer me this: how does the fact that I own guns make anything, let alone most of what I've said in this thread ridiculous?
I'm not suggesting that rifles or shotguns that are properly regulated and registered and stored and used be taken away from their owners.
I own a hunting rifle, a hunting shotgun, and an antique (family heirloom) rifle that has been rendered un-firable. These are legally owned and registered.
They are stored at a relative's house, in a double-locked steel gun cage that is anchored to a concrete wall. Their firing mechanisms are stored under lock and key in a separate location. Any ammunition for them is also stored under lock and key, separate from the guns and from their firing mechanisms.
How does the fact that I own guns under Canadian laws make anything I've said here about the need to revisit the U.S. laws render anything I've said null and void in any way?
The mere suggestion that it should stinks to me of an attitude of "he owns guns but supports gun control - he's betrayed the cause!"
Again, anyone whose cause is their guns is fucked in the head. Plain and simple. Sorry to be so profane.
No, scratch that. I'm not sorry at all. This is a profane issue.
My cause is the safety and sanctity of human life.