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Mike O'Brien Byrne Robotics Member
Official JB Historian
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Posted: 02 July 2010 at 1:15am | IP Logged | 1
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I recall Leapfrog and Gladiator on the cover of OHOTMU, but not Matador...But then, my memory on that is rusty, too.. but I can totally visualize them on the cover - I can see them exactly. So... unless my mind is playing tricks on me...
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Stephen Churay Byrne Robotics Member

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Posted: 02 July 2010 at 1:45am | IP Logged | 2
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Wow great piece. I love the composition. I agree that this may be the first time Leap Frog ever looked menacing. But, my favorite is Stiltman. He really helps define the composition and I love the dramatic foreshortening.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
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Posted: 02 July 2010 at 3:46am | IP Logged | 3
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One of my early assignments at Marvel, as many of you may recall, was THE CHAMPIONS. In the first issue I drew, Stiltman appeared as the villain, and the writer asked for him to be battling Giant-Man (Black Goliath). A classic example of how so many writers in comics do not think VISUALLY. After all, Giant-Man was a GIANT MAN, whereas Stiltman is just a guy on "stilts". Had to work my brain overtime to find ways that it did not look like a big guy beating on a little guy! Can't say I really succeeded!
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Mikael Bergkvist Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 23 April 2005 Location: Sweden Posts: 1857
Posted: 02 July 2010 at 3:59am | IP Logged | 4
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Who invented Stiltman? I have wondered about that for years.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
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Posted: 02 July 2010 at 4:00am | IP Logged | 5
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He first appeared in DAREDEVIL 8, written by Stan, drawn by Wally Wood.A Story I Have Told Before: I was at the local news vendor in Calgary, picking up the latest comics off the rack, the week DAREDEVIL 88 came out. I wasn't a reader of DAREDEVIL, so I didn't pick up that issue along with the dozen or so others I added to my stack. But out of the corner of my eye I noticed another DAREDEVIL issue peeking from behind another comic. It looked somewhat odd, with a brownish logo and gray background -- a color combination not seen on Marvel comics in quite a long time -- so I pulled it out. It was DAREDEVIL 8. What the. . . ? Partly because it was Wally Wood art, and partly just to see what sort of reaction I'd get up at the cash register, I added it to my selection, and made my way to the front of the store. The cashier was a young woman, maybe about 18, looking bored out of her mind. She took my pile of comics without a word and began ringing them up. 20¢… 20¢… 20¢… 20¢… pause… 12¢… 20¢… 20¢… Never did find out how that copy of 8 came to be on the stands.
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Mikael Bergkvist Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 23 April 2005 Location: Sweden Posts: 1857
Posted: 02 July 2010 at 4:02am | IP Logged | 6
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Thanks. One of my lifes little mysteries solved. That's one of the things I really love about this place.
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Stephen Churay Byrne Robotics Member

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Posted: 02 July 2010 at 4:15am | IP Logged | 7
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Good story JB. 'course is it ever a bad day when you can get a hold of work done by Wallace Wood.
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Michael Penn Byrne Robotics Member

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Posted: 02 July 2010 at 4:19am | IP Logged | 8
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Love it! And I add my voice to the chorus praising Stilt Man.
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Tim Farnsworth Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 01 July 2010 Posts: 817
Posted: 02 July 2010 at 4:32am | IP Logged | 9
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Cool stuff. I've always liked the Stilt-Man in a kind of distant way, maybe because one of the early comics from my Amazing Spider-Man subscription was that Roger Stern story where he "beats" Spider-Man. That really stayed with me, and I remember getting a kick out of Stilt-Man's appearance in She-Hulk, too. Can't recall quite how it played out, but I remember JB included some small instance of battlesuit gadgetry that seemed cool to me. And I've always liked that metal hood (or whatever it is) surrounding his head. Just nice and unusual. Can't think of anyone else with a similar design.
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Michael Arndt Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 26 April 2004 Posts: 8570
Posted: 02 July 2010 at 4:36am | IP Logged | 10
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Keep coming back and checking this out. Really like the way Electro is standing and his facial expression. Also, Stiltman looks great especially the inking on him.
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Stephen Robinson Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 5833
Posted: 02 July 2010 at 5:03am | IP Logged | 11
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JB's story reminded me of something that occurred in 1987 when I was 13: my cousin had stopped at a convenience store in some out of way part of town. I made my way to the comics spinner rack. I picked up some recent comics but also noticed some SUPERMAN comics from as early as 1985. There was something very exciting about finding "older" comics (though the price was the same). It apparently was never returned to DC and somehow never purchased over the course of 2 years.
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Ed Deans Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 27 July 2007 Location: United States Posts: 763
Posted: 02 July 2010 at 5:38am | IP Logged | 12
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That would make a great cover. I'm not familiar with Matador not even from OHOTMU DE. That's a stunningly effective use of Stiltman's legs.
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