Posted: 29 June 2010 at 8:29am | IP Logged | 9
I'll give it a try when I see it next time if you promise to try American brews while you're here in the States. I always make it a point to try regional and local brews whether I travel abroad or to another state. I find that they tell me as much about the people and vibe there as a stroll down the street would. That's how I discovered this gem 23 years ago when I spent a month in China: Delicious. Crisp. Refreshing. I buy it once or twice a year as a change of pace. I also discovered this brew 17 years ago in Austria while most people settled on drinking Bud: Took a while for my best friend and I to get used to it, but once we did we loved it. Didn't hurt that you could buy it straight from a beer machine (think soda machine) in the lobby of the hostle we were staying at! Definitely a heavy taste, but oh so good. Unfortunately, I think there's only one store in the midwest that imports it, so I haven't been able to taste this again in many a year.