Posted: 05 January 2010 at 1:04pm | IP Logged | 3
The artwork on both is fine, bu-u-ut... The Bat-costume...>PFEH!< The black belt works, but why do artists always want to get Bruce out of his trunks? The seams give the costume a pieced-together look that seems -- wrong. The bat-insignia on the chest? In Burton's first movie, I kept hoping for a scene where Batman would raise his arms, and the symbol would flop upside-down and over backwards. Never happened, but it shoulda. What's the reason for the change in Superman's boot-tops? Did the artist think to himself, "Well, I gotta piss on something to make it 'my' version"? And why are artists always trying to brush his spit-curl off his forehead? For Christ's sake, in a head-shot or tight close-up, it's his only identifying facial feature! I doubt I'll be buying either of these...