Posted: 12 January 2010 at 3:34pm | IP Logged | 7
The seams on that Bat-costume remind me of an evening several years ago when Art Spiegelman came to speak at a local university as part of their Distinguished Lecture Series. The presentation itself was quite interesting and informative, and was followed by a meet and greet in a Union art gallery with champaign and miniature pastries, the gallery walls burdened with a traveling exhibit of uninspiring pop-art; derivative at best. But from the ceiling, in the center of the room, strung from a mis-shapen wire clothes hanger, was a one-piece woolen Batman costume, hand-knit from the tip of the bat-ears to the toes, complete with an old fashion butt-flap and two oversized black buttons to fasten the flap shut. I had no idea what the artist’s intention was, but my mouth dropped open the moment I saw it…how awesome would it be, I thought to myself, to own that costume. I'd wear it every day around the house, I thought, and pictured myself on the couch watching a Packer game or in the back yard grilling, with tongs in one hand and a beer in the other. But like all fanciful thoughts, not seriously entertained, it lasted less than a moment, and when I looked around the gallery at my fellow meet-and-greeters, I watched them standing before the pictures on the wall and I almost heard them thinking, have I stood in front of this picture long enough for the others to respect me? It made me sort of sick, and I started thinking again how nice it would be to pull that Bat-Costume down from its hanger and slip in through the butt-flap. Only this time I pictured myself leaping about the gallery room dressed in the woolen Bat-Costume, punching my fellow guests in the stomach and in the face; pastries flying up in the air and champaign glasses crashing to the floor. How fun, I thought. I smiled and turned to leave, thinking how nice it was that I was able to enjoy a private little joke on an artist who tried to lay a joke at my expense; at our expense. …and, to take this back to the Batman costume design at hand, I always wonder, whenever I see a comic artist redesign a superhero costume with realistic seems and such, who’s respect is he trying to earn?